“God! The formation is really activated! I am actually the blood of destiny!”

Looking at the glorious gate of the Kingdom of God in front of her, Hua Mulan said in surprise。

“Sister Mulan is so heroic and brave that she must be the daughter of destiny! When you arrive in the Kingdom of God, you must say hello to our God for Han Xin!”

Han Xin bowed his hands to Hua Mulan and said。

Although he is now more powerful than the Great Wall Guard Captain under the blessing of the lucky light, once Hua Mulan enters the Kingdom of God, it will be completely different. The stunningly beautiful Hua Mulan is likely to become the concubine of the Lord God. His status is far more important than his IQ!

“Does Sister Mulan want to wear this dragon crystal armor to go to the Kingdom of God?”

Wang Zhaojun, dressed as a girl singer, said in surprise。

“Of course, Dragon Hunter is my favorite set of clothes, and I also brought others。”

Hua Mulan pointed at her baggage。

Han Xin's mouth twitched when he saw the bundle that was as tall as a person!

This is simply a move! Even with the weapon and sword, can I really pass through the gate of the Kingdom of God? I always feel that I will be stuck.……

“Hee hee, Sister Mulan is too exaggerated. It is the kingdom of God, and it must have everything you need.。”

“Anyway, this is what people wear to go in.。”

Dressed in Christmas clothes, the extremely festive Diao Chan snickered.。

“Well, that's very good……”

“In this case, only three sisters will try it first?”

Han Xin looked at the other beauties watching with some regret.。

“When they can become gods and come back, it won’t be too late for our other sisters to go.。”

“After all, the sisters in Chang'an City can't all go at once, otherwise you won't be able to defend the natural disaster city by yourself.。”

Chang'e chuckled.。

“Sister Chang'e is right.。”

The frozen goddess Athena said seriously。

“So, I hope we can all successfully pass the destiny formation.。”

Hua Mulan smiled and said。

Speaking of being the first to step into the gate of the kingdom of God, the three formations of faith, purity, and destiny went smoothly!

“Sister Mulan succeeded!”

“It really works!”

“This is like reaching the sky in one step, and I can’t help but want to do it!”

“If you really want to go, you have to tell the Empress Wu Zetian. It won’t be too late in a few days.。”

“That's right, anyway, the door to the Kingdom of God is right here and you can't escape!”

Jia Luo, Sun Shangxiang, Shangguan Wan'er and others said excitedly。

“Then let’s set off, hoping we won’t be embarrassed and beaten back!”

Wang Zhaojun and Diao Chan looked at each other encouragingly and stepped into the divine gate at the same time!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Divine Kingdom Space, on the formation platform。

“What a beautiful trio of newcomers!”

“Oh my god, look at their clothes, they are so beautiful!”

“The parents are also good-looking, the Lord God is blessed!”

“The sister in the battle armor is so elegant, she must be a practitioner!”

Tu Shan Rongrong, Gao Yao, Ya Fei and others exclaimed。

“Hua Mulan, Wang Zhaojun, and Diao Chan have met several godly adults!”

After recovering from the shock, the three girls of Hua Mulan knelt down on one knee and said to Tu Shan Honghong and others.。

Hua Mulan, who has extraordinary intuition, was even more shocked when she saw the light and holy aura around Tushan Honghong! We know that Tushan Honghong must be the god-level godly woman Han Xin calls her!

“There is no need to be polite, three sisters. We are all subordinates of the Lord God, so we can treat each other as equals.。”

“Today, the Lord God and Queen Medusa have not come out of seclusion, so I will be responsible for receiving you. I am Tushan Honghong, currently at level 3 of the realm of gods.。”

“Other sisters, please introduce yourself.。”

Tu Shan Honghong narrowed his eyes and smiled.。

This time it was rare that there was no ventriloquism!

There is no other way. Using ventriloquism when meeting for the first time would be too pretentious and would leave a bad impression on others.。

In fact, after being favored by Chen Xian twice, Tushan Honghong is no longer as cold as before, not to mention that there is a really cold Tushan Yaya now!

She doesn't want Tushan Yaya to freeze herself, which is extremely detrimental to her practice, and the Lord God may not like it either. Regarding this point, she agreed with Queen Medusa's words. A beauty like Tushan Yaya can only have the most perfect moment in the arms of the Lord God, a moment that belongs to a woman.……

“I am Tushan Yaya。”

Seeing Tu Shan Honghong looking at her first, Tu Shan Yaya said with some annoyance.。

After saying that, he glanced at Hua Mulan and the others with a slightly apologetic look, then his figure rose into the air and flew towards his own Extreme Cold Palace.。

“Why is this guy so cold?。”

Nicole Robin clicked her tongue.。

“Maybe it's because her shrine is too cold. I'm shivering just by being ten miles away.。”

Gao Yao stuck out his tongue and said。

“Nonsense, obviously because of practicing the Law of Ice, Sister Yaya is still very kind! Yesterday I also dismantled the sword tactics of "Nine Heavens Divine Sword"。”

Lu Linxuan retorted。

“Forgot to introduce me, I am Lu Linxuan! She is Gao Yao, and this is sister Xun'er!”

Lu Linxuan looked at the somewhat embarrassed Hua Mulan and said with an apologetic smile.。

“cough! It doesn't matter, we new ones don't know the rules, I hope you can take care of us and give us guidance。”

Hua Mulan laughed dryly.。

I thought these women were so beautiful, what about the Lord God? I hope you’re not the five-big, three-thousand, rough, cunning, gold-seeking type.……

“Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan has met all of you sisters!”

The two daughters of Wang Zhaojun and Wang Zhaojun, who are charming and graceful, also said hello to everyone obediently.。

With a certain level of strength, they felt a mountain of pressure just standing near Gu Xun'er and others, which showed that the cultivation of the girls was far above them!

“No, please just call me Gao Yao from now on. Gao Yao is too young to be a sister!”

Gao Yao grabbed both of her ponytails and returned the favor.。

Gu Xun'er also smiled and waved, not saying much.。

“Let's go, I will take you to find your own dormitory and settle down first. After your life level is stable, I will go to see the Lord God.。”

“The three sisters are so beautiful, the Lord God will definitely like them。”

Tushan Honghong said seriously。

After saying that, the three women were covered with spiritual thoughts and walked away in the air.。

“Ahhhh! So many beautiful lakes and buildings! It’s simply a wonderland!”

Wang Zhaojun looked at the scenery of the Kingdom of God under the clouds, feeling relaxed and fascinated.。

“Just breathing the air here will make you feel completely transformed!”

Hua Mulan exclaimed。

“I really want to meet the legendary Lord God! He must be very handsome……”

Diao Chan covered her face shyly and said。

at this moment。

Tushan Yaya, who returned to her Extreme Cold Shrine, saw the stalwart man slowly showing his figure, her heart trembled and she knelt down to worship him.。

“Tushan Yaya has met the Lord God!”

Tushan Yaya greeted with a trembling voice, obviously surprised by Chen Xian's active arrival! This is the scene she wants to see but doesn't dare to……

“The power of ice is born from fire, but it does not mean that you have to cultivate your heart into ice. If I don't come, your ice law will really go astray.。”

Chen Xian laughed angrily。

He who fully understands the beauty's thoughts will be cold and charming.���Tushan Yaya picked up。

“I need to come here frequently these days to add fuel to your anger, otherwise it won’t be completely resolved.。”



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