“You want to capture me and give me to Sasuke? Little girl...you are so cute。”

Uchiha Itachi looked at Haruno Sakura with complicated eyes.。

“Brother Itachi, let me take care of them. It's very annoying to always block the road.。”

Inkigaki Kisame moved the broadsword on his back and said。

“No, if you attack too slowly, you will attract other Konoha soldiers.。”

“Just leave it to me。”

Facing the interception by Kakashi and others, Uchiha Itachi said very cautiously。

When you open your eyes, the Mangekyō Sharingan has already been activated!

“Ahhhh! That is——”

“The same eyes as Master Sasuke!”

Haruno Sakura backed away in fear!

She had seen the power of this kind of eyes with her own eyes when Sasuke was dealing with Momochi Zabuza and Minazuki Haku! I didn't expect Sasuke's brother to be so powerful!

“Damn it! It has been developed to this extent!”

Kakashi was the first to bear the brunt, staggering and kneeling on the ground. He was replaced by Uchiha Itachi into an infinitely terrifying illusion!


Ashima and Haruno Sakura exclaimed。

“Hey hey hey! It's useless, no one can escape Brother Itachi's Tsukuyomi illusion unless he takes the initiative to unlock it!”

“This Kakashi is dead now that he has been tricked, uh - is he? ? ?”

Seeing Kakashi being hit, he suddenly knelt on the ground and muttered words, and Kisame was stunned.。

At the same time, a ray of divine light from heaven shone on Kakashi。


Itachi Uchiha, who was performing a spell on Kakashi, suddenly vomited blood and fell back!

“Why! What kind of ninjutsu can actually break Tsukuyomi!”

Uchiha Itachi looked at Kakashi in disbelief and said。

Because in the history of ninjas, no one has ever been able to crack the Tsukuyomi, and they can only wait for the Tsukuyomi to end automatically! This is something that even the Immortal of Six Paths cannot do!

“so close! I almost lost the energy to chant the prayer mantra.。”

“Praise my God!”

“Uchiha Itachi, you didn't expect that we in Konoha are protected by gods, right?”

Kakashi gasped.。

“God...this kind of thing is just a joke!”

Uchiha Itachi narrowed his eyes and said。



Just as Uchiha Itachi and Inikaki Kisame were making a desperate escape, the distant Land of Thunder。

“Terumi Mei, you bitch, you actually united with the little guys from Konoha to attack our Kumogakure Village!”

The fourth generation Raikage Ai looked at the masters who were eyeing him around, and he jumped with anger like thunder.。

The guard Darui beside him was also covered in cold sweat!

They seriously underestimated Uchiha Sasuke's power, and all defensive methods and the village's formations were completely ineffective!

“How can you scold someone like this?”

“There's nothing wrong with the Lucky God Sect. You stubborn old man is so unreasonable and can only make you suffer a little bit.。”

After hearing the Raikage scolding him, Terumi Mei, who joined the Lucky God Cult and received blessings from the gods, said with anger on her charming face.。

“Melt and escape! The art of melting monsters!”

Terumi Mei formed the seal and shouted:。

“No, the first move is the ultimate move of Blood Succession!”

The guards of Kumogakure such as Darui and others fled in panic, while Raikage used his speed advantage to fight Terumi Mei regardless of it!

“Raikage's strength is indeed very strong。”

Minazuki Shiro looked at the astonishing shadow-level battle and secretly smacked his tongue.。

“That's right, if Terumi Mei hadn't accepted my god's blessing, she would definitely not be a match for this old guy.。”

“But now we're evenly matched。”

Uchiha Sasuke narrowed his eyes and smiled.。

At this point, he is no longer so anxious, because the quota of 1 million believers has been reached, and the blessed light of luck has made the chakra in his body extremely huge!

Sasuke is confident that even if the Sage of Six Paths is resurrected, he can still fight!

“Bai, is there still no news about the person you asked to send people to find?”

While watching the battle between Mizukage and Raikage, Sasuke asked expressionlessly.。

“There are some clues!”

“According to reports from the informants in the Kingdom of Wind, there seems to be an organization called 'Akatsuki' on the Border Mountain, and Uchiha Itachi is a member of the organization!”

“Orochimaru, who attacked Konoha before, had also been active in that organization before. They seemed to be looking to collect tailed beasts!”

Shuiwu Yuebai bowed and said。

“oh"? Uchiha Itachi is actually collecting tailed beasts everywhere? interesting……”

“In this case, as long as I collect the tailed beasts in advance, they will naturally come to me. This news is very valuable, Bai。”

Sasuke's eyes flashed red, the Mangekyō Sharingan has been activated!

“Thank you for the compliment, Master!”

Minazuki Shiro felt Sasuke's raging murderous thoughts, and his heart trembled.。

Because he knows better than anyone how terrifying Uchiha Sasuke is now!

When I went to the Kingdom of Water to preach, I subdued the Mizukage Terumi Mei with just one move!

If it weren't for the extraordinary beauty of Terumi Mei, who most likely had the physique of a destined woman, the Mizukage would be dead at this moment and would have no chance to bask in the light of the Lucky God and become the deputy leader of the Lucky God Sect!

“Who are you, youyou, come here to cause trouble for us! no! no!”

“I, Qibira, will not agree!”

Qibira, who jumped up while singing rap, pointed at the crowd and said。

“Lord Qibira is here!”

“Great, please help Raikage-sama quickly!”

The guards of Yunyin Village said in surprise。

Because they know that Qibira is as powerful as the Raikage, and he is the first person in the history of ninjas to achieve harmonious coexistence with the tailed beasts!

With the addition of Qibira, maybe we can reverse the situation of being forcibly annexed by the Lucky God Sect!

“You're welcome, it's the scent of a tailed beast。”

“Give me your tailed beast and I can forgive your bad rap noise。”

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Qibira and said seriously。


Terumi Mei, who was fighting the Raikage, couldn't help laughing when she heard this.。

Minami Yuebai and others couldn't help but laugh! Could it be that Uchiha Sasuke still makes jokes?……

“asshole! I hate being teased about my brother!”

“Lei Dun·Jue Niu Thunder Plow Hot Knife!”

The Raikage was furious and used his ninja skills to kill him.。

“Boiling Escape·Qiao Mist Technique”

Terumi Mei, as the deputy leader of the Lucky God Sect, is not to be outdone at all. Under the light of the Lucky God, her chakra is much richer than that of the Raikage. As long as she fights a war of attrition, she will win!

“You kid is not cute at all! hoho! I can only kill you!”

Qibira's face was dark, and he immediately activated the tailed beast transformation and rushed towards Uchiha Sasuke.。

Over the years, anyone who dared to make fun of his rap skills would have had a bad end!



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