“You stinky brat!”

Seeing that Sasuke is still thinking about teasing him, Momochi Zabu kills with fierce intent! It was chopped off with a sword as fast as lightning, and without even hearing the sound of the wind, Sasuke's head was already missing!

“Sasuke! ! !”

Seeing Sasuke's head flying, Haruno Sakura and Naruto were stunned!

Haruno Sakura's tears burst out uncontrollably. After all, they were all partners of Team 7. Now seeing Sasuke beheaded by Zabuza's sword, the sadness was so huge!


Two voices, Kakashi and Momochi Zabuza said the same thing。

I saw Sasuke being chopped off and his head turned into a piece of wood with a bang!


Haruno Sakura and Naruto were shocked!

The person who has been talking next to them is actually a substitute of Sasuke? It's fine if he didn't notice it, but why did it look like this, even Kakashi and Momochi Zabuza were kept a secret?

“Are today's kiddies so difficult to deal with?”

Mochi Zabuza snorted coldly, and swung his decapitating sword towards the nearest Haruno Sakura.。

Haruno Sakura screamed and closed her eyes. The murderous aura emanating from the beheading sword alone was so shocking that she didn't dare to move. It was impossible to defend herself!

Under the intense stimulation, Naruto finally moved and stood with Haruno Sakura, preparing to defend against the enemy.。

Considering the abilities of him and Haruno Sakura, the result is obvious。

“Do you think I am a decoration?”

Kakashi shouted, the large amount of chakra accumulated before exploded at this moment! The figure appeared behind Zabuza like lightning, and without hesitation, he wiped his neck with a kunai!


Zabu's beheaded head flies up!

Turn into water drops all over the sky!

“This guy! It turned out to be a water incarnation!”

Haruno Sakura's eyes widened。

Naruto gritted his teeth and couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. He felt that Sasuke, Kakashi and Momochi Zabuza were all super powerful!

“Kakashi! Do you think I will forget? You are my biggest threat!”

Zabuza's ferocious laughter came from beneath his feet。

“not good——”

Kakashi's expression changed when he felt his legs being grabbed.。

“Water escape, water prison technique!”

Momochi Zabuza formed a quick seal, trapping Kakashi in a water prison!


Dazna was so frightened that he screamed!

Even the captain was captured by the enemy. He is hopeless!

“Naruto! When do you want the crane to end?”

Sasuke's figure appeared in front of Tazuna and Naruto and said。


“Damn it!”

Naruto was so angry that he stabbed the back of his hand with a knife! The severe pain finally eliminated his tension!

“Multiple shadow clones!”

Naruto formed a seal in anger! Hundreds of physical clones rushed towards Momochi Zabuza!


“This is true!”

Haruno Sakura and Sasuke said in surprise。

Kakashi, who was trapped in the water prison, nodded with some relief, but the scene was still grim. This kind of water prison could not be broken from the inside, and he could only rely on Sasuke and Naruto to interrupt Zabuza's spell!

Bang bang bang!

Naruto's hidden clones died in pieces in front of Momochi Zabuza's sword. It was obviously impossible to rely on Naruto to interrupt the spell.。

“Sasuke, use your fire escape! He can't withstand your fire in this state!”

Suddenly remembering Sasuke's fire escape power, Kakashi's eyes lit up and he said。

“Ha ha ha ha! This little devil's fire——”

“Damn it!”

As soon as Momochi Zabuza laughed, he instinctively sensed the fatal danger, roared in fright, and helplessly let go of his left hand that continued to cast spells!


Sasuke's Fire Go no Jutsu blew over and directly evaporated Zabuza's water cage!

“here you go! Sasuke!”

“Leave it to me next!”

Kakashi took off his blindfold and said。


Seeing Kakashi take off his blindfold, Sasuke and Momochi Zabuza exclaimed!

“How could he have the blood chakra eyes of my family! Damn it, we need to find out about this!”

Sasuke's heart was shocked。

If he wants to truly open his eyes, he still needs to develop a few followers to obtain blessings. However, Kakashi can already activate the Sharingan, and the gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.。

“Kakashi! Don't underestimate me! Water escape water dragon bullet!”

Momochi Zabuza's Wrath Seal。

“Water escape water dragon bullet!”

Kakashi is in sync!


Momochi Zabuza was shocked and furious!

“Exactly the same! Ninjutsu has been copied!”

Haruno Sakura and others were shocked。

“Water escape! waterfall——”

“Ahhhh! This is impossible!”

This time Momochi Zabuza immediately lost his mentality, because Kakashi was not only copying his ninjutsu, but he was also forming seals faster than him!

The huge water-based ninjutsu hit Momochi first and then Buza!

“it's over!”

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and said。


“Very good!”

Haruno Sakura and Naruto cheered。

Sasuke also breathed a sigh of relief, but Kakashi who used the Blood Ring Eye to copy the opponent's ninjutsu made him angry, and he once again firmly decided to establish the Lucky God Sect after arriving in the Land of Waves! The blood eye of his Uchiha family was poached and used at will by people in Konoha. It was simply a shame to the family!

“I'm not dead yet!”

Momochi Zabuza lay on the ground vomiting blood and said。


Two silver needles pierced Zabuza's neck vitals。

Sasuke and others exclaimed!

Kakashi squinted and saw a young man wearing a Kirigakure chasing ninja mask appearing in front of everyone.。

“Everyone, thank you for helping me kill Momochi Zabuza. Can you hand over his body to me and return to life?”

The masked man bowed and said。

“He...he killed Momochi Zabuza!”

Naruto was stunned, endlessly angry and self-doubt, causing Naruto to pinch his face hard.。

It’s okay if he’s not as good as Sasuke, at least Sasuke is blessed by God!

But the voice and age of the young man in front of him were clearly not much different from him! How could he kill Momochi Zabuza without anyone noticing?

“He is indeed dead。”

“Are you Kirigakure's pursuing ninja? In that case, you can dispose of the body as you please。”

Kakashi thought it over and agreed.。

“Thank you very much!”

The masked man bowed again, carrying Mochi Zabuza's body and disappeared into the jungle.。

“This guy... always feels like something is wrong.……”

Sasuke looked at the background of the masked man leaving, squinted his eyes and thought.。

But when I think about the fact that I can go to the Country of Waves to preach in the future, I don’t care about anything else!


and Tatsuna finally arrived at the village of Wave Country.。

“Villagers, do you want to see a miracle? Want to make money?”

“I can teach you a method. As long as you sincerely worship and recite the incantation, you can communicate with the gods and perform miracles! All wishes can come true!”

Uchiha Sasuke went out alone and looked at the adults and children who were sunbathing boredly and smiled.。

He even took out the little pocket money he had……

“Is it really possible?”

“Can you get money just by chanting a mantra and worshiping the gods?”

“Ahhhh we want to see a miracle!”

The adults and children, who had long been driven crazy by poverty, looked at them enthusiastically.。



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