“Sure enough, do we still have to rely on Sasuke in the end?”

“Naruto, you can't become Hokage like this.。”

Kakashi's figure appeared behind Naruto, feeling a little disappointed and touching Naruto's mind.。

“Kakashi-sensei! Great you're not dead!”

Haruno Sakura said in surprise。

“as I expected。”

Sasuke rolled his eyes.。

If he hadn't received the blessing of divine light yesterday, his chakra had greatly increased, and his Sharingan showed signs of awakening, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to discover the person hiding in the water traces.。

You can find it yourself, and Kakashi, as a jounin, is no exception.。

The frightened Dazuna over there also let out a long sigh of relief. If the ninja team members died because of his secret, he would also feel uneasy.。


Naruto lowered his head in shame, Kakashi's words deeply hurt his self-esteem!

“Mr. Dazuna, it’s time to talk about your situation. The situation in front of you doesn’t seem to be a C-level mission.。”

Ignoring Naruto, Kakashi looked at Tazuna and said。

“Yeah yeah!”

“Mr. Dazuna, you are going too far. This is our team's first mission, and we are actually faced with such a terrifying ninja assassination!”

“This is definitely over the limit! I suggest giving up the mission immediately and returning the same way!”

Haruno Sakura clenched her fists and said。

“Sakura is right. If you can't give a reasonable explanation, we can only go back the way we came.。”

“Originally, the C-level mission was only set up to deal with Jianghu gangs and bandits, but the other party has already dispatched two chunin. This is already an A-level or even S-level mission.。”

“It's beyond the scope of the mission. It's not a breach of contract if we give up the escort mission now.。”

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and said。

Sasuke was speechless watching this scene. For him, no mission was important. What he needed most was to find a place where he could easily preach!

And it is definitely easier to preach to civilians than to ninjas! So even if Kakashi gives up the mission, he will find an opportunity to go to the country of Waves. The poorer the place, the easier it is to preach.。

In addition, he should also pay attention to the destined beauty. Maybe some beautiful girl can buy him ten thousand years of life!


“sorry! I'm so sorry, I lied to you!”

“I knew from the beginning that this mission was very dangerous. I kept drinking and pretending to be drunk on the road because I was afraid that you would see through me when we were communicating. I was so despicable.。”

“I know this is my fault, please listen to my explanation! If you don't care about me now, I will definitely die!”

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Tazuna bowed 90 degrees to Kakashi and others with red eyes.。

Following Dazuna's statement, Kakashi and others were speechless!

No one expected that the country of Waves was so poor. If even the princes and princes had no money, it would be impossible for Tatsuna, a bridge-building expert, to pay the employer for an A-level mission.。

What makes Kakashi even more troubled is that Dazuna's enemy, or rather the enemy of the Kingdom of Waves, turns out to be Cardo, a super rich seafarer who is full of crimes!

Such a person is very terrifying in terms of human and financial resources. If he cannot handle it well, he will put Konoha into trouble.。

“So you just have to cheat?”

“Did you know that this might kill Konoha's escort ninja?。”

Kakashi hummed.。

The fate of the country of Waves is fate, isn't it the fate of Konoha's ninjas? But what he said was so sensational, it felt like he couldn't refuse.……

“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry to you.。”

“But I really can’t die, at least I can’t die before this bridge is built. This is our country’s only hope of getting rid of the monopoly of sea power!”

“If I die, my grandchildren, granddaughters, and the entire country of Waves will draw circles around Konoha and curse you!”

Dazna said with tears in her eyes.。

As soon as these words came out, Kakashi, Sasuke and others staggered, with black lines on their faces.……


“After passing this small river, you will reach the border of Wave Country!”

Dazna looked at the foggy scene ahead and said excitedly.。

Through his own strength and poor performance, he finally persuaded Kakashi and others to continue escorting. As for the commission, they can only promise to increase it when the country of waves becomes rich.。

“It’s great that we’re almost there, I’ve been so nervous all the way!”

Haruno Sakura breathed a sigh of relief and said。

Ever since she knew the seriousness of the matter, she, like Naruto and Sasuke, dared not relax at all times.。

“No wonder the twin ghosts failed. It turned out to be Kakashi, the cloned ninja from Konoha Village.。”

A cold and chilling voice came from the mist。

Before he finished speaking, a sharp sound broke through the air!


“Sasuke protects Tazuna!”

Kakashi shouted。

Haruno Sakura and Naruto screamed and fell to the ground!

Sasuke held a kunai in his hand and was on alert!

With his current strength, he is still no match for the jounin. There are too few believers and the blessing is not strong enough. The jounin facing him can only protect himself at best.。


As soon as everyone finished dodging, a huge machete passed through Naruto's position and struck a big tree.。

A slender and muscular figure appeared on the sword, looking at everyone with cold eyes.。

“Oh my God! What a terrible murderous aura! Kakashi-sensei, is he also a jonin?”

Haruno Sakura trembled。

Naruto Uzumaki, who originally thought he was ready, found that he was still trembling with fear.。

“That man's name is Zabuza Momochi. He was hailed as a ghost by the ninja world many years ago. He once assassinated the Mizukage of the Land of Mist. After he failed to escape and became a traitorous ninja, he did many bad things and was listed on the reward lists of various countries.。”

“This guy is very good at the 'silent killing technique' and the water escape series of ninjutsu. You and Naruto can't deal with this guy, just hide away。”

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and said。

“As expected of a well-known Jonin from a great country, your Konoha intelligence system is very powerful.。”

“Now that you know what I am capable of, then suffer death!”

Mochi Zabuza sneered.。

Buzz! The mist surges!

Momochi Zabuza and his sword had disappeared from the same spot, and when they reappeared, they were blazing with fire, fighting with Kakashi's kunai!


The friction between the kunai and the decapitating sword was extremely harsh! Kakashi only lasted two seconds before he was blown away by the terrifying force of the sword!

“Go to hell, old man!”

Momochi Zabuza obviously didn't expect to kill Kakashi with one move, his target was Tatsuna!


With one strike, Zabuza was stunned and looked at Uchiha Sasuke in astonishment!

It turned out that Uchiha Sasuke seemed to have anticipated where he would chop in advance and pulled Tazuna away in advance!

“Kid! Your eyes...are very useful?”

Momochi Zabuza stared at Sasuke and said in a cold voice。

“Fortunately, God bless。”

Sasuke sneered in response.

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