“There really is a miracle! My injured arm is healed! Praise God!”

“There is light coming down from the sky!”

“God's blessing... This feeling is so happy……”

In the pier square of the Country of Waves, more and more people joined the crowd of people worshiping!

Because the divine light shines everywhere, the effect is right in front of you, it’s hard to believe it or not!


With the rapid increase of believers, a beam of divine light that was ten thousand times more dazzling shone on Uchiha Sasuke's head. The chakra energy in Sasuke's body surged sharply, and anything that hindered the improvement of his realm disappeared!

“2000 years of longevity! 3 chances to summon my sacred beast!”

“And this chakra is like the vast ocean……”

“my eyes! Completely different!”

Uchiha Sasuke just closed his eyes for a while in pain. When he opened his eyes again, the Mangekyo Sharingan had already taken shape and he directly entered the second stage of the Sharingan!

Such terrifying eyes scared the surrounding villagers who saw this scene!

“Do not be afraid! This is the power my God gave me to protect everyone.……”

“From now on, we will establish the Lucky God Sect, spread the teachings for our god, and attract believers from all over the world!”

Uchiha Sasuke smiled.。

The evil and powerful aura of the Myriad Flower Blood Wheel Eye automatically convinces those who see it!

“yes! Meet the leader of the Lucky Cult!”

As if possessed by a demon, all the villagers kowtowed to Uchiha Sasuke.。

“Get up! We are all believers in my God, and from now on we only need to kneel down and worship my God!”

Sasuke grinned.。

“My God! You gave me the power of revenge and the chance of eternal life! Sasuke will be your eternal spreader of faith!”

“Believer Uchiha Sasuke, thank you for my great grace!”

Uchiha Sasuke, who was completely reborn, bowed to the east with utmost sincerity.。

“Sasuke, what are you doing!”


“your eyes!”

Haruno Sakura, who ran out to look for Sasuke, froze on the spot when she saw Uchiha Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan!

“Sakura, believe in the gods with me and spread the teachings for my gods.。”

“These eyes are the power of my God’s blessing! When we grow to millions of believers for our God, maybe you will be blessed to go to the Kingdom of God and serve God.。”

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Haruno Sakura and smiled.。


Being stared at by Uchiha Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan, Haruno Sakura nodded in horror, as if her body did not dare to disobey Uchiha Sasuke's order!

“Great, now you are also a member of the Lucky Cult。”

“I hope you can follow Kakashi and the others back to Konoha to develop followers for our god, while I will stay and spread the belief in our god throughout the entire continent starting from this country of waves!”

Uchiha Sasuke said with great excitement。

Now that he has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, he already has the "Amaterasu" that comes with his bloodline.”、“Susanoo”、“Add earth life”、“The ability to read "monthly"!

This is only the development of 20,000 believers!

If it grows to 1 million, or even 10 million……

“Maybe, I will become the god of this world。”

Sasuke clenched his fists and said。



a few days later。

“Brother Naruto! Sasuke-nii performed divine magic at the dock plaza! The light shining down from the world can also cure people's diseases, but it's miraculous. Tens of thousands of people in our Kingdom of Waves already believe in it!”

At Tazuna's house, Tazuna's grandson Inari ran to Uzumaki Naruto and Kakashi and said。

“ha? Tens of thousands of people? Sasuke actually came for real!”

Uzumaki Naruto said in shock。

“Really, it’s just that I believe in gods, but I’m actually promoting my faith in such a big way……”

Kakashi immediately understood what happened。

You must know that he originally wanted to introduce the belief in that god to the Third Hokage.。

However, ninjas generally resist this kind of belief in gods! Because most ninjas believe in one god, the god of ninjutsu, the ancestor of the Six Paths!

So when he was in Konoha Hokage's office, Kakashi just mentioned it but was rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen.。

It's just that Kakashi didn't expect Sasuke to be so persistent。

“Is it possible that there are great benefits in it? Otherwise, with Sasuke's temperament, he would be unlikely to do such embarrassing things.。”

Kakashi touched his chin and said。

“Ah - help!”

Dazna's daughter's cry for help came from outside the house!

Kakashi was stunned, and the figure had already rushed out, and Naruto and Tatsuna also quickly followed!

“Hahaha! Old man, Lord Cardo is right, you are indeed back!”

The two ronin with scarred faces looked at Tazuna who was chasing him and said:。

“The person you want to arrest is me, let my daughter go!”

Dazna said anxiously。

“give it to me。”

Kakashi's figure flashed and appeared behind the two ronin, knocking them unconscious.。

“Thank you so much! I'll take my daughter back first!”

Old man Dazna said gratefully。

“Kakashi-sensei, you should leave this kind of stuff to me!”

Watching Tazuna go back, Naruto raised his fist in protest and said。

In the past few days, Sasuke has been spreading some kind of divine religion throughout the Land of Waves, but he is not as depraved as Sasuke, and he is training very hard in his physical skills! Now he can use chakra to climb to high trees and do handstands without falling. He considers himself to be much stronger than Sasuke!

Kakashi praised him a lot for this!

“By the time you show up, our enemy has already arrived。”

“Momochi Zabuza, come out, I knew there was something fishy about what happened that day。”

Kakashi turned his head and looked at the mist road in the distance。

“What! Momochi Zabuza is not dead yet——”

Naruto's face turned pale!

“Haha, it’s Hatake Kakaka as expected, you guessed it。”

“It's a pity that I won't make the same mistake again this time。”

“Bai gave me a suggestion. If I want to deal with your Blood Chakra Eye, I need to cover my own eyes. Then you won't be able to copy my ninjutsu anymore, right?”

“Water Escape, Mist Technique!”

As Zabuza's voice came out, the entire bridge within a radius of ten miles was submerged in thick fog! Naruto and Kakashi's vision was severely obstructed, and they couldn't even see their own hands clearly!

“Naruto, be careful!”


Before Kakashi could finish his words, Zabuza's beheading sword appeared and slashed at him!

“I'm holding him back! Naruto, go find Sasuke and Sakura!”

Kakashi shouted。

“yes! Kakashi-sensei!”

Naruto swallowed, not daring to stay and talk.。

“Hahahahaha! Is that kid with nice eyes called Sasuke? What a pity, he is dead now, right? No one of the same age can survive in front of Bai's blood inheritance limit!”

Momochi Zabuzakai smiled and said。

“Really... I always feel that what you should be worried about is your Bai Cai。”

Kakashi sneered.。

ps: Does Haruno Sakura want to go to the Kingdom of God to serve the Lord God? Asking for advice...

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