“Divine prayer technique? Kakashi, why are you inventing boring ninjutsu like Naruto!”

Hearing Kakashi mention the prayer spell incident, Sarutobi Hiruzen glared at Kakashi angrily and said。

“Um...Although it's a bit unbelievable, it is really possible in times of crisis.……”

“stop! I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you, so hurry up and complete this D-level mission!”

Before Kakashi could finish speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed at the task list and said directly with a cold face.。

“……Well, D-level missions are very suitable for training newcomers.。”

Kakashi said helplessly。

“This stubborn old man will die sooner or later because of his stubbornness.。”

Uchiha Sasuke on the side seemed to have expected such a result. How could Sarutobi Hiruzen, known as the god of ninjutsu, believe in others? Even Kakashi actually only used the god's chanting spell as a life-saving straw. Yes。

“We still have to be like those in the group, separate from Konoha and establish a Lucky God Sect!”

“When the time comes, just don't come crying and begging me like this old stubborn Sarutobi Hiruzen!”

Uchiha Sasuke snorted in his heart.。

“ah? They only gave us D-level missions. Old man, you just look down on people as before! I, Naruto Uzumaki, have grown up and am no longer the kind of brat who only knows how to play pranks, okay?”

Naruto sat on the ground and shook his fist in protest.。

The corners of Haruno Sakura and Sasuke's lips twitched. They actually acted shamelessly in front of the Third Hokage. Only Uzumaki Naruto could do this!

“Have you really grown up... Well, since you say so, let me give you a C-level escort mission!”

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto sitting on the ground, Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated for a moment and smiled.。

“ha? Can it still be like this?”

Haruno Sakura was shocked!

Kakashi also scratched his head。

“The Third Hokage's attitude towards Naruto is different. Does Naruto have any secrets?”

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and said。


“Who should we escort? Is it that prince, minister or Her Royal Highness the Princess?”

Naruto jumped up excitedly and said。

“Don't worry, Naruto, let me introduce it to you. Please come in, Mr. Tatsuna.。”

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.。

“Ah, is this the ninja team that is going to escort me? The shortest guy who looks super stupid is also a ninja? I always feel like it’s not very reliable.。”

Dazna walked over while drinking wine.。

“kindness? The shortest and stupidest? Who are you talking about?”

Naruto asked doubtfully。

Sasuke and Haruno Sakura approached him in unison and looked down at him.。

“Bastard drunkard! I kill you! Don't stop me!”

Naruto reacted and went completely crazy.。


“Mr. Tatsuna is from the Land of Waves, right? Mr. Kakashi, is there a ninja village in the Land of Waves?”

A group of four people were walking on the road, Haruno Sakura asked curiously。

“On this continent, the main ninja villages that have ninja villages are the Konoha Ninja Village of the Country of Fire, the Kirigakure Ninja Village of the Water Country, the Kumogakure Ninja Village of the Land of Thunder, the Sunagakure Ninja Village of the Wind Country, and the Iwagakure Ninja Village of the Earth Country. Village, this is the strongest ninja of the five countries。”

“Other small island countries, such as the Land of Waves, do not have the strength and conditions to establish ninja villages.。”

Kakashi explained。

“The Country of Waves is indeed small and too poor.……”

“So, that bridge must be repaired!”

A trace of sadness flashed in Dazna's eyes, who was still drinking.。

“Haha, don't worry, with me, Naruto Uzumaki, I can easily escort you to your destination!”

Naruto patted his chest and said。

“Of course you can say that if there is no ninja duel in a C-level mission.。”

Haruno Sakura pinched her waist and said in disdain。

“No ninja showdown? Maybe。”

Kakashi glanced at the two pools of water in front of him, narrowed his eyes and chuckled.。

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, and looked at the water stains in front of him thoughtfully.。

“Do it!”

The moment Naruto stepped on the puddle of water, two black figures appeared from the water, and instantly attacked Kakashi with a serrated sickle, crushing Kakashi's whole body!

At such a scene, Tazuna and Haruno Sakura were stunned, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them!

“The teacher was killed? Kakashi-sensei was killed!”

Haruno Sakura holds her head and screams。

Naruto's head was pounding!

Kakashi-sensei, a Jonin, was killed right now? Didn’t I say that there are no ninja duels in C-level missions? Kakashi is dead, what should I do?

“Women are trouble!”

“Haruno Sakura, protect your employer, Naruto come with me!”

Sasuke said with a dark face。

It's really abnormal for Kakashi to be killed so easily as a jounin! So it's very possible that he took the opportunity to hide and train the team.。

“ah? good!”

Haruno Sakura responded with chattering teeth. She was ready to recite the life-saving spell at any time.……

“A few brats! Your captain is dead, yet you still dare to resist!”

“We'll make you feel real pain before you die!”

Two insidious voices came from the fog, and the picture gradually became clear.。

Two masked men dressed in black and hunched over appeared in front of Sasuke and the others. The weapons in their hands were two scythes, still dripping with blood, Kakashi's blood!

Such a terrifying scene made Naruto, who was facing actual combat for the first time, uncontrollably take a few steps back and his legs began to swing. If Sasuke hadn't been watching, Naruto would have collapsed on the ground.。

“Cheer up Naruto! The more you are afraid of death, the faster you will die!”

Seeing Naruto's unsatisfactory look, Sasuke scolded angrily, and then used Konoha's fluid technique to attack the two sickle men without hesitation.。

“I still can’t control my legs!”

Naruto felt so wronged that he wanted to cry。

He really didn't understand why Sasuke could still be so agile when facing such a terrifying killer for the first time.

“Fire escape - the art of great fire!”

Blocked by the two scythe killers and unable to get close, Sasuke inhaled and used his best fire escape seal.。

“This level of fire escape! How can this be!”


Two men with scythes who were completely careless were beaten up by Sasuke and burned to ashes while screaming.。

“Sasuke, kill them all by yourself.……”

“This is amazing!”

Haruno Sakura held her face in envy and said。

Naruto swallowed, slumped on the ground and bowed his head silently!

“Just the development of about 10 villagers' believers in Konoha Village has this kind of power. In the Kingdom of Waves ahead, we must win all the villagers' beliefs for our god.。”

“Everything else comes later! It doesn't matter even if you rebel against the village!”

Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

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