“Lord God, what you just meant is that with our current strength, we can only be regarded as false gods in the Kamigawa Star Territory?”

After listening to the explanation of the realm of Shinto, Tu Shanhonghong was surprised.。

You must know that she is very clear about her current power. If she uses the law of space and time with all her strength, some weaker stars can be destroyed! He is billions of times more powerful than when he was the leader of the Demon Alliance in Tushan!

Who would have thought that with such strength, he could only be considered a false god in the Kamigawa Star Region?

The two empresses Shui Yunji and Boya Hancock, who had just been promoted to the status of gods yesterday, also looked at Chen Xian in surprise. If they can only be regarded as false gods with such terrifying power now, then the true gods in the Kamigawa Star Region can also be considered. terrible!

Only Dongfang Huaizhu and Queen Medusa, who often accompanied Chen Xian, smiled and said nothing. It was obvious that they had already understood clearly during the couple's bedside conversation...。

“You just have the godhead, and indeed you can only be regarded as false gods.。”

“The false gods can use the power of law, which is already fundamentally different from the innate beings. It is not difficult for you to pick the stars with one hand.。”

“But if you want to become a true god, you must advance to the level 9 pseudo-god, and then use the aura of my divine kingdom to gather the divine kingdom in your palm. Only after you have your own divine kingdom in the palm of your hand can you be considered a true god in the Kamigawa Star Territory.。”

“But you are my gods, and your godhood is marked by my kingdom of God, and you instinctively reject outside life! Therefore, even if you condense the divine kingdom in your palm, you can only select spiritual beasts with similar auras from me and enter them to slowly cultivate them.。”

Chen Xian explained seriously。

“Then we can also have our own spiritual beasts!”

“marvelous! When the time comes, I will discuss with An Yue Wutian and lend me his dragon sons and grandsons to raise!”

Boya Hancock and Shui Yunji said in surprise。

“so envious……”

“When will we become gods?”

“It has only been less than a month, and Sister Medusa has become a fourth-level pseudo-god! I'm afraid I will soon be able to gather the divine kingdom in my palm and raise my own spiritual beasts!”

Lu Linxuan, Huang Rong and others envied。

“Master, how far are you from becoming a god?”

Nalan Yanran leaned close to Yun Yun and asked softly。

“It's almost there, there's still one level left to go.。”

Yun Yun smiled and said。

“So fast! Oh my gosh, becoming a concubine is really different.……”

Nalan Yanran held her face in her hands and said, as if she had made some determination, she peeked at Chen Xian shyly.。

“Queen Medusa is right. The God Lord is the ultimate true god. His behavior and aura bring the laws of heaven. Being with him is very conducive to practice.。”

“Yanran...take your own chance.。”

Yun Yun sighed softly。

“Sister Zinu, I really want to have my own divine kingdom to raise flowers, plants and spiritual animals. I don’t know when I will wait.。”

Nongyu whispered。

“It's easy to handle. You can work hard as a personal maid for the Lord of God these days. As long as you can win over Yan Lingji, that's all.。”

Purple Girl snickered.。

“That... that's too difficult……”

Nongyu is shy。

“Lord God, after we gather the Kingdom of God in our own palm, will the spiritual beasts in the Kingdom of God be able to have faith?”

Tushan Honghong continued to ask questions in her heart。

Because she knows the benefits of the power of faith, which is almost immortality! This is a terrifying ability that she has experienced personally!

“Spiritual beasts cannot provide faith, but you are my gods. After you have the kingdom of God, you can share some of my faith.。”

“As you become stronger, my laws of the Kingdom of God will become more and more indestructible. This is a cycle of conscience.。”

“Honghong, if you still have too many questions, you can ask me privately at noon. I'm not busy recently.。”

Chen Xian smiled and said。

“Thank you Lord God!”

Tushan Honghong nodded seriously and said。

“Sister Yaya……”

Tushan Rongrong quietly pushed Tushan Yaya's arm. She thought this was definitely a good opportunity! Even the newcomer Hui is so brave, isn't she?……

Tushan Yaya pursed her lips slightly, her thoughts were complicated and difficult to understand.。

“Next, let’s talk about Shui Yunji and Ah Qi’s favorite kendo! Now that Xianbao Pavilion has my 3-star artifact, the Great Light Divine Sword, I want to experience the power of the artifact more, with "Shinto Heavenly Sword" as the general outline.……”



Just when Chen Xian rarely explained Shinto practice to the girls in detail,。

In the chat group, the sound of new people joining the group sounded again!

“Stop calling me "Ethical Lord" and join the chat group!

Stop calling me Ethics King: "What's going on! What's going on? Why does a chat window appear in my perfectly fine brain? Is it a mental hallucination caused by electric shock? Help!……”

They all call me Dragon Mom: "Hey! The new guy is very energetic, it seems like the modern world! @Tushanayaya stinky bitches don't get paid!”

Tushan Yaya’s stinky bitch won’t pay her wages: “Got it! @Don’t call me Ethics Jun anymore, what’s your name? Are you a boy or a girl? Do you have any money at home?!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Bai Yue, you are so embarrassing, asking people if they have money for what they do! You despise the jpg!"”

Stop calling me Ethics Lord: "Hello, seniors! My name is An Yirunya, and I love comic exhibitions! I am currently studying in Class B of Toyosaki Academy, Year 2. Please give me your advice!”

Ouyang Bufeng: "Oh! It turns out that the top student in Class 2b... is not bad, not bad. The young man knows the rules much better than the two half-dead newcomers in front of him! Shake the fan jpg!”

My boss Zhang Zifan: "He vomited blood and died jpg!"”

Dagu didn’t want to be Ultraman: “Pfft—that’s not good!”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "Hahahahahaha! Hello, top student in Class 2B, I am Uncle Bucky, a murderous great pirate!”

Stop calling me Ethics King:“……Trembling, please let me go!”

The one who kills monsters with a knife: "Don't be afraid, I am Kurosaki Ichigo from Class 2a! Quickly read the instructions for joining the group, and join me on the road to eternal life!”


“Can this really happen?”

“Can you gain longevity by developing followers? I will have endless life to enjoy comic conventions...ahhh! This is a myth that only appears in my notebook!”

“God finally opened his eyes! Praise my God!”

Looking at the video in the group file, An Yilun also jumped up in the car and shouted excitedly! He is addicted to two-dimensional creation, and his brain's acceptance rate for such things is as high as 100%!

“Mr. Ethics, why are you so crazy? It scared me!”

The exquisite and beautiful girl Kasumigaoka Shiu who was writing, gritted her teeth and said angrily。

“Ha ha ha ha! Don’t call me Ethics King from now on! Please call me the messenger of God!”

An Yilun also laughed and said。

For him, who has vowed to work in the comics industry for the rest of his life, there is no more romantic life than this!

He just doesn’t know how much longevity these beauties in the carriage can buy him...

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