“Damn it! This is a great ninjutsu that can only be used by jounin!”

Faced with this terrifying fire escape that could threaten his life, Kakashi's heart beat wildly and he retreated as fast as he could!

However, the temperature of the Great Fire Technique, even without direct contact with the flames, still set Kakashi's clothes on fire.。

“Damn it!”

Kakashi was so angry that he spurted out a stream of water escape from his mouth, extinguishing the flames on his body.。

However, when he was so distracted, he stepped on a log and stumbled!


The rope of the bell, which was already burnt and weak, now shook violently and fell, landing right at Sasuke's feet.。

“Thank you, Kakashi-sensei。”

Sasuke picked up the bell with his index finger and squinted with a smile.。

“Ahhhh! This is so lucky!”

“Why did it fall to your feet?”

Naruto and Haruno Sakura collapsed and their jaws dropped.。

“Of course, my God has the final say in matters like luck.……”

Holding the bell tightly in his hand, Uchiha Sasuke said with burning eyes.。

From this moment on, he will never doubt the existence of the true God again! Moreover, Uchiha Sasuke also has a crazy development plan!

“All the information in the chat group is true. My God, Hongen, has endless power! As long as I develop followers, I can receive blessings from God continuously, for up to a month! I will have the power of revenge……”

Uchiha Sasuke's heart was filled with uncontrollable enthusiasm!

“……Okay, tell me what just happened, and I'll let you three pass.。”

“Such a thing as praying to the gods? Is it really that effective?”

Recalling the scene where Uchiha Sasuke was resurrected on the spot with full blood and demons, Kakashi asked very seriously。

He also needs that kind of life-saving and counter-killing method.……



The name is still Uchiha Sasuke: "Thanks to my God for blessing! Praise to my God! @LuckyGodUchihaSasuke I'm sorry for doubting you before! Now I have developed all the Kakashi group into believers, this is just Begin! I will soon have the whole world proclaiming your faith!”

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Haha! Welcome newcomers to join the Lucky God Cult!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Zhang Zifan, do you know how to speak? Is this a trap? This is a source of blessing! You idiot! You despise jpg!"”

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Uh... I'm sorry! Zifan never went to school, please sister Yuemei, don't let your queen come here to beat me! Dog head save your life jpg!"”

Dagu doesn't want to be Ultraman: "Sister Yuemei can't let him go! He must be forced to work hard to preach! Under the threat of your queen, Dagu has completed the mission and is working hard to find the daughter of destiny! Ultraman's May I serve my God forever!”

Ouyang is not crazy: "Ahem! You newcomers are indeed very energetic. I'm very pleased! I don't know what state those girls Huang Rong and Cheng Yaojia are in. I hope they won't bully me when they come back! Shivering jpg。”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "Ah hahahaha, our group is not just having fun! Little guy @Tang San who doesn't want to travel through time again, the next step is up to you!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "@Tang San who doesn’t want to travel through time again, join the faith. Look at Sasuke, the person who came with you has made more progress than you.。”

I, Song Ming, ultimately want the whole world: "@ Tang San who doesn’t want to travel again, we didn’t lie to you, there’s no point in lying to you, right? Just give it a try boldly。”

Xie En, a primitive survivalist: "Come on newcomers, my God is with you! @ Tang San who doesn’t want to travel again”


“Is this... possible?……”

《Douluo" plane, Tang San looked at the group of guys putting pressure on him in the chat group, cold sweat broke out on his forehead。

He has been reborn until now, and he is still less than 10 years old! I have just joined Notting College with great difficulty. If I go directly to the street and preach the God of Luck or something, I am afraid I will be beaten to death!

“By the way, I'll try to see if it's true or not first. If it's true, I'll start slowly developing followers and looking for the destiny girl from now on! If it's fake, just treat it as an entertainment spanking group!”

Tang San's immature face showed a calm expression that only adults can have.。

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer Tang San……”

The chanting of the incantation had just ended when the divine light of luck came as promised and shone on Tang San through the hall!

The power of warmth, blessing, and luck filled Tang San's body!

“Ahhhhh! it is true!”

“My dual martial soul aura has been enhanced so much, it’s great!”

“Praise my God! From now on Tang San is your loyal believer! I will definitely preach the doctrine specifically for you and look for the destined beauties! Lots and lots of beauties!”

Tang San clenched his fist happily and said。

In my previous life, I was tricked by the Tang Sect. In this life, I must reach the top of the world with the blessing of the gods!



Endless time and space, Chen Xian’s divine kingdom of creation。

“I’m so tired. If I regain my strength later, I’ll wash up and go to the East China Sea Bishui Palace. I’ll explain Shinto practice to everyone there.。”

Chen Xian clicked on Jian Hui's lips and left the Candlelight Palace with satisfaction.。

Hui in the middle covers her face……


“Lord God!”

“I have met the Lord God!”

“Good morning, Lord God!”

“The Lord God is in such good spirits. It seems that Sister Hui is serving you well.。”

In Daofa Square of Donghai Bishui Palace。

As soon as Chen Xian appeared, Zi Yan, Gao Yao, Ya Fei and others laughed and bowed.。

Seeing Chen Xian appear alone, Lina blushed even more and her heart skipped a beat, not daring to look into Chen Xian's eyes.。

She entered the Kingdom of God with Hui Jian, but she didn't expect to see her so soon.……

“You slept comfortably, but it seems that the Divine Palace of Lord God still lacks a maid to take care of your daily life in the morning and evening. Until there is no suitable candidate, Huaizhu can serve you。”

Dongfang Huaizhu appeared beside Chen Xian. While adjusting Chen Xian's collar, he introduced himself with a smile.。

The girls were surprised and admired Dongfang Huaizhu for being so considerate!

“Huaizhu is interested, there is no rush in this matter。”

Chen Xian looked at the considerate Dongfang Huaizhu, his eyes full of love and compassion.。

“Sister Huaizhu is still thoughtful. This matter is important and will wait until you finish your sermon. I will have a meeting with them to discuss candidates.。”

Queen Medusa said with bright eyes。

“It can't be a fixed candidate. People also want to serve the Lord God at all times, so scheduling is best.。”

Yan Lingji's enchanting body came close to Chen Xian and said seriously。

“Do you, a monster like you, still need to schedule a shift? How could there be a day without you?。”

Empress Boya Hancock rubbed her forehead and said。

The surrounding women snickered for a while, and the scene was filled with bright moonlight and beautiful starry sky!

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