“Sasuke, today's team entrance examination depends entirely on you, that guy Naruto is unreliable!”

Early the next morning, Haruno Sakura saw little stars in her eyes after seeing Sasuke appear.。

“Ahhhh! Haruno Sakura, you look down on me so much!”

Naruto heard Haruno Sakura's words from a distance and became extremely angry.。

“You were ranked last in the graduation exam. Do you still want me to praise you?。”

Haruno Sakura crossed her arms and said。


Suffering another psychic attack, Naruto instantly lost half his height and ranked last in the graduation exam. This will definitely be a pain for him forever!

“Stop arguing, I'm not in the mood to joke around with you。”

“Let me make it clear in advance that this assessment is very important to me. I won’t be polite if anyone holds you back.。”

Uchiha Sasuke snorted coldly.。

“Um... No, no, I will never hold Sasuke back.。”

Haruno Sakura laughed dryly.。

“What a stinker! Sasuke, you don't have any real skills besides being cool verbally!”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled evilly.。

You know, the day before yesterday, he used multiple shadow clones to sneak attack Sasuke successfully!

“I have no real ability……”

“Maybe, but it's enough for you!”

Sasuke snorted coldly.。

He was indeed accidentally attacked by Naruto the day before yesterday and was tied up accidentally.。

But it's different now!

Through reading and analysis, he has figured out the role of the Ten Thousand Realms chat group, and even knows about the existence of that terrifying god!

If the video information in the group file is true, then Uchiha Sasuke will surely bathe in the divine light and become the top ninja in the world!

In order to succeed in revenge, let alone believe in an upright true god, even if it is an evil god, Uchiha Sasuke will not hesitate!

“Oops, I heard the three of you arguing when I first came here. If you look like this, there is a high chance that you will fail the assessment to join the team.。”

Kakashi jumped up to a high platform, squinted at the three of them and said。


“I listened to you but didn’t eat breakfast in the morning!”

Haruno Sakura quickly said hello。

“Very good, come with me!”

“Today's team joining trial is very simple. No matter what method you three use, as long as you grab the bell in my hand, you will pass.。”

“If you can't get it before sunset, you'll never want to become a ninja in this life.。”

“Did I make it clear enough?”

Kakashi pointed to the bell on his waist, stared at the three of them with one eye and said。

Sasuke and the three of them! ! !

“I didn’t expect that becoming a ninja requires such a difficult test. You are a jounin!”

Haruno Sakura swallowed and said。

“Will you never become a ninja if you fail?”

Sasuke squinted his eyes, a cold light surging in his pupils.。

If it's this difficult, you might have to use the "chanting spell" introduced in the Taoist group.……

“Ha ha! I'll get it anyway! Let’s take a look!”

Uzumaki Naruto rushed forward with his shuriken in hand。

“Fool! How reckless!”

Sasuke cursed, this is a trial for three people, Naruto has no sense of teamwork at all!

Haruno Sakura clenched her fists nervously, not knowing where to start helping!

“Brash boy!”

“One move from me will kill Konoha for a thousand years!”

After Kakashi took a few moves from Naruto, he impatiently used his ultimate Taijutsu move!


Naruto, who was hit by a move, screamed hysterically!

Sasuke and Haruno Sakura facepalm!

“One big and one small, none of them are serious!”

Haruno Sakura's mouth twitched and said。


While Kakashi's moves didn't change, Sasuke threw his shuriken, and he followed with a flying kick!

“Good physical skills。”

Kakashi's eyes lit up, he dodged the shuriken, and began to fight Sasuke with a more serious attitude.。

“Sasuke is so handsome!”

“Ahhhh, how can I help?”

Haruno Sakura stamped her feet anxiously。

“He actually used only one hand to deal with me! Fire Release·Fire Dragon Bullet!”

Sasuke's face was cold, he distanced himself and used the fire escape technique that his family is good at!

“No way, this level of fire escape! As expected of a child of that family!”

Seeing the overwhelming flames sweeping over the sky, Kakashi doubled his speed and jumped to a tree far away!

“Oh my God! He actually forced Kakashi-sensei back!”

Haruno Sakura was shocked!

Then she remembered something, blushed and threw the kunai in her hand. After watching it for so long, she still hasn’t made a move.。

“Too slow, Sakura。”


When Kakashi saw Haruno Sakura attacking, he struck first and kicked her away.。

“good chance!”

“Multiple shadow clones!”

Naruto, who had been stabbed into the river before, saw Kakashi approaching the water and finally used his best forbidden technique!

“They are all entities that can fight!”

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, because of the existence of the Kyuubi, Naruto's chakra amount was indeed a bug!

“Go together!”

Seeing Naruto's shadow clone entangled Kakashi, Sasuke's eyes lit up and he rushed over again。


“Water escape, the water of the waterfall!”

Kakashi snorted and finally used a large-scale ninja technique for the first time!

Haruno Sakura and Sasuke were unable to resist such a terrifying force, and they screamed and were overwhelmed by the impact!

“Is this your teamwork?”

“You three little losers, you are not qualified to be a ninja.。”

Looking at the three Sasukes lying on the ground unable to resist, Kakashi said seriously。


“Sure enough, you still can’t rely on your teammates, you have to rely on God!”

Sasuke's eyes are cold。

The figure who must take revenge flashed in his mind, making Sasuke let go of all illusions and youthful arrogance!

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer Uchiha Sasuke prays for your favor.……”

Sasuke struggled and knelt down on one knee, facing the east and chanting a spell.。

Kakashi, Naruto and Haruno Sakura? ? ?

“Pfft hahaha! Sasuke is actually worshiping God, it's a bit late now!”

Naruto laughed heartily。

Just when Kakashi and Haruno Sakura were about to burst out laughing, the dark clouds in the sky were pierced by a dazzling beam of light, shining spectacularly on Uchiha Sasuke.。

Such a magical scene made Naruto, who was laughing, dumbfounded!

“What kind of ninjutsu is this? Prayer technique? ? ?”

Kakashi's eyes widened. He found that Sasuke's aura was getting stronger at an extremely fast speed, and the injuries he had just received were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“Can it still be like this? ?”

Haruno Sakura held her face in her hands and exclaimed in disbelief。

“Of course! This is the benefit of having faith!”

“Kakashi again!”

“Fire escape! The art of great fire!”

With the blessing of the lucky god's light, Sasuke, whose chakra surged rapidly, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and formed the seal again!


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