“Sasuke and Tang San... not bad, not bad! "Naruto" and "Douluo" are both worlds with large populations, and the voices of the crowd are really wonderful!”

“Your voice is as beautiful as Yan'er!”



At this time, in the chat group, there was quite a reaction due to the newcomer joining the group!

Ouyang is not crazy: "Hahahaha! Welcome! Just say that no new people have come in for several days!”

Tushan Yaya’s stinky bitch doesn’t get paid: “Where is the honor guard, lovely newcomers, I rely on you to spread the glory of my God! Hahahahaha! I won the jpg by counting the money!”

Killing monsters with a knife: "Kurosaki Ichigo, you have enough confidence! Girls report their measurements, men read the instructions! Stand with a sword jpg!"”

They all call me Dragon Mom: "Pfft - Ichigo, you are really confident, and you dare to steal Ouyang Ke's lines! I like you very much!"”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "My sister also likes you. The last selfie you took was so handsome. How about another one tonight? Drooling jpg!"”

The man who kills monsters with a knife: "Ah! Don't seduce me, I'm afraid of snakes!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Hate! I'm a snake-human, not a snake! Angry jpg!”

Support Dumbledore:“……”

Dagu doesn’t want to be Ultraman: “Well, with my god’s blessing, I want to fight monsters when I see them now!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Asshole! Do you mean you look like a monster? You don't want to be a fool anymore, I will let my queen go to your world and trample you to death!"”

Dagu didn’t want to be Ultraman: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu——I was wrong, please let me go!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Huh! It's been so long, and you only have so many believers. If you can't exceed 1 million and build a divine gate within three days, I will let our Queen Medusa go down to the world and punish you on behalf of my god. !@大古I don’t want to be Ultraman angryjpg!”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "This trick works! Uncle Bucky likes it!"”

Dagu doesn’t want to be Ultraman: “Three days...ahhhh, sister, you are too cruel! I have to burst my liver! Tear my hair jpg!”

My boss Zhang Zifan: "Ahem, don't be too scary, the two newcomers are so scared by you that they dare not speak!”


The "Naruto" plane and the "Douluo" plane at this time。

Sasuke Uchiha and Tang San, who had just entered the school, looked at the content of the chat group with confused expressions. They had no idea what to do or say, so they could only read slowly from the instructions for joining the group.。

On the contrary, it was Dagu from the "Ultraman" plane who was anxiously spinning around in circles after being threatened by Yue Mei!

“believer! We must develop followers immediately. Queen Medusa is definitely not someone to be trifled with. We can’t wait for her to come down to the next world to take care of me on my behalf! That would make him lose face……”

“We have to show our cards, otherwise it will be impossible to realize the belief of the whole people.。”

Dagu said a little bit crazy。

So far, only Hui, Lina and others from the Victory Team have seen him use prayer and chanting spells when he was in trouble, so the Victory Team believed in the existence of gods. It's a pity that the believers are only limited to the winning team and some witnesses when they killed monsters such as Golzan!

After all calculations, the total number of believers is barely over a thousand, and this is even if those believers take the initiative to spread word of mouth for Ultraman!

Because this era is the age of science and technology, it is too difficult to break people's inherent thinking blockade and promote the teachings of an Eastern god. It is possible that they will be taken to court.。

“Dagu! Call Dagu! The lightning man Gazot in the data has appeared, and we need support here!”

Lina's call came from Dagu's communicator。

“Lightning Man Gazot? Well come。”

Dagu grinned, and decided to show off. He parked the spaceship on one side, transformed into Ultraman Tiga and flew to the destination!

At this time in Songzuo City, Dijing, who had read the information in advance, was holding a loudspeaker and trying to communicate with Lightning Man Gazot! According to the information of his predecessors, Gazot is actually an indigenous lightning person who mutated after being driven into the ionosphere by humans and previous giants. Therefore, he instinctively felt sorry for the lightning people.。

“hello! Stop destroying us, we humans are your friends! I am your friend!”

Dijing was frightened and shouted with a loudspeaker.。

Gazot, the lightning man who was wreaking havoc over there, was stunned for a moment and stopped.。


“Gazot likes it!”

“Gazot needs to eat his friends!”

Lightning Man Gazot gave Dijing a kind look and rushed over with his mouth wide open!

Dijing was shocked!

Lina and others were also confused! This lightning man's thinking is so fast!

“Nuggets run! According to the data, it is obvious that lightning people relied on devouring their own kind to survive when they were in the ionosphere. Friends, I mean food!”

In the commander's room, the captain Hui Jiamen who made the final judgment exclaimed。

“Ahhhh! Got it captain!”

“But I'm too close to him and can't outrun him!”

Digging a well and lamenting。

“Gazot! Your opponent is me!”

Dagu, who transformed into Ultraman Tiga, shouted angrily in the air。

Just this sound frightened everyone in the victory team!

“Oh my God! It's Ultraman Tiga! Ultraman Tiga has spoken! ! !”

“He can actually speak our language!”

“Contact the TPC Intelligence Bureau immediately! The communication recorder is turned on!”

Hui Jian stood up excitedly and said。

You must know that an Ultraman Tiga who can only fight monsters and an Ultraman Tiga who can talk and communicate with each other are completely different concepts!

As long as they can communicate with each other, the victory team may find the latest civilizational power from this giant of light!

“yes! team leader!”

Ye Rui, a member of the team in the command room, also said excitedly.。

“Help, Ultraman Tiga! It's great to have you here!”

Dijing looked at the savior falling from the sky and cried with joy. If he were one step too late, he would be used as food by the lightning man Gazot!


When Gazot saw Ultraman Tiga appear, he instinctively hit him with an electromagnetic light ball.。

“snort! Let me show you what light energy is!”

Dagu snorted coldly. He had stored the lucky light due to the spread of the believers, and directly found a dazzling beam of light from the Tiga crystal!

Through chatting in the group, Dagu knew that my god’s lucky light is the energy that best restrains dark life!


Lightning Man Gazot was directly penetrated by the lucky light and exploded!

The winning team cheers!

Then the scene became weird, because this time after Ultraman Tiga killed the monster, he just looked at the winning team with a smile and did not fly away again!

Suddenly being looked at by Ultraman Tiga like this, Dijing and the others suddenly felt a chill in their anus.……



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