“Ultraman Tiga! I am Megumi, the captain of the victory team. Do you have anything to say to us?”

Hui Jian came over in a spaceship and looked at Ultraman Tiga very seriously and said。

Since their victory team has been fighting monsters, almost every member has been saved by Ultraman Tiga. It can be said that everyone's trust in Tiga is unparalleled!

“Hello, Captain Hui Jian, I am Ultraman Tiga.。”

Dagu looked at Jian Hui in his giant state and smiled.。


As soon as this statement came out, Lina, Dijing and others were completely excited! This is their victory, the first real communication with the Giant of Light in history!

Everything that happened today will be recorded in history!

“Captain Hui Jian, and all members of the Victory Team, I stay to communicate with you today because of a very important matter. I need you to connect with the TPC Intelligence Bureau and major news media to release a message to the world!”

“According to the prophecy of the god behind me, the gate to hell and the strongest monster in history are coming soon. I alone can no longer protect you well, so I need you to learn to protect yourself and fight against evil with your faith in my god. the power of!”

“The god behind me is the god of luck! When you encounter danger and pain, you can chant a praise mantra that I have used before. As long as you believe sincerely, you can turn danger into good luck and protect you and the people around you!”

“Chant the mantra as follows……”

After Ultraman Tiga explained carefully, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky, regardless of the completely confused Megumi and the others.。

“Oh my God! ! ! The gates of hell and the strongest monster in history are coming?”

“There really is a god behind Ultraman Tiga helping him!”

“Is this prayer true? Captain, this matter is too big! You actually took the initiative to let us publish it on news platforms around the world?”

Dijing and others were shocked and said,。

“All the video data just now were recorded, right? It's about the end of the earth. Regardless of whether it's true or false, report it to the ATC Intelligence Agency first!”

Hui Jian said with a serious expression。

“What? Door of hell? The strongest monster?”

“cut! How could such a mythical storyline be possible! Captain Megumi, this video of Ultraman Tiga cannot be released to the global media, it will cause panic!”

“Besides, even if we want to use the power of credit, it should be Shouhie, Izanagi, Yamata no Orochi, etc. How can we believe in Eastern gods?”

“You have disbanded my Earth Defense Force, but you have to rely on Ultraman Tiga and his faith to resist the coming evil. It is simply ridiculous!”

At the meeting of the ATC Intelligence Bureau, Police Chief Asoda, who had always been at odds with Megumi, sneered.。

“You can't say that! Ultraman Tiga used the power of his faith to replenish energy and defeat the monsters. This is what all of us on the Victory Team have witnessed with our own eyes! But the ones you mentioned about the God of Shoubihui are folk tales. How can they be lumped together?”

“Besides, Ultraman Tiga just asks people who are in trouble to recite a spell, and it's not asking you to spend money to join a cult. What's so ridiculous!”

The intermediary Hui Qi said。

“Anyway, I don’t believe in those things like gods!”

Asoda snorted coldly。

“stop fighting! Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, the image data of Ultraman Tiga will be kept temporarily! It will be true later——”

Before Chief Tetsuji Yoshioka finished speaking, the guard outside the door suddenly heard a scream for help!

The expressions of all the officers changed with shock, and Hui Jian was the first to pull out his weapon and rush out of the door!

“Leaders of the stupid earthlings, we are the Rialodians, the future rulers of the earth!”

“Now I ask you to pay tribute to us Elodians, otherwise we will open the gates of hell and plunge the entire earth into endless darkness!”

The witch's voice came from an office clerk, and the huge spiritual power even made the entire office building shake!

“Riellodians! Get out of my colleague's body!”

Jian Hui was shocked and angry, raised his gun and pointed at the witch flying in the air and said。

The police chief Asoda who followed later saw such a horrific scene and was so frightened that he was at a loss and fired randomly into the air!

“Tiny and cowardly ant! You should accept the punishment of us Elode people first!”

The witch with a distorted face looked at Asoda who fired the gun and said with a smile.。


Asota was instantly enveloped by huge mental power. Asota was grabbed by the neck and lifted up like a chicken!

“Damn it! Asoda is going to be strangled to death!”

TPC Director Tetsuji Yoshioka said in panic. He was about to raise his gun and shoot, but he encountered the same treatment!


Hui Jian is anxious!

There was no way she was shooting the possessed office worker with a gun! But if we don't take action, Director Yoshioka Tetsuji and Asoda will die!

“correct! When you encounter evil! Harness the power of faith!”

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer, Jian Hui, prays for your favor. May your luck be endless and your glory be everlasting!”

After hearing Ultraman Tiga's instructions, Hui Jian faced the east decisively and chanted a prayer!


A beam of extremely dazzling light passed through endless time, space and buildings, shining on Hui Jian! Let Hui Jian's whole body be bathed in the light of luck!

“Ahhhhh! my eyes!”

The evil witch from Elodea covered her eyes in pain after seeing the light on Hui Jian!

In a moment, the witch was like ice and snow under the bright sun, screaming and dissipating into blue smoke!

“Just wait! Just wait! The door to hell is about to open, and you have to pay the price with your lives!”

The witch uttered vicious curses before disappearing, and then completely lost her life.。

Such a magical scene immediately stunned everyone around!

Especially the light on Jujian Hui has not dissipated yet, making Jujian Hui look so beautiful and noble! Like a goddess descending into the world!

“it is true! Hui Jian, you have been blessed by the gods!”

“Very good! Very good!”

“With such invincible divine light, we humans can protect ourselves even without Ultraman's help!”

“Praise my God!”

“Someone is coming! Hurry up and tell the world about the image of Ultraman Tiga that spreads your faith! The video surveillance of the scene just now is also brought up, so as to increase the credibility!”

“We earthlings have found the real god! ! !”

TPC Director Tetsuji Yoshioka said with great joy。

“I...I seemed to really see the shadow of a god in the light, so handsome and sacred.……”

Hui's face turned red and her heart beat, and her voice trembled.

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