“Hello everyone, the Lord God is still resting. If you step through the Divine Gate Formation, you are the God of the Lord God just like me, so don’t be polite.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu helped Inoue Orihime, Rukia and Shifengin Yoruichi up with gentle spiritual thoughts and said。

“This power is so mysterious!”

“Thanks to Sister Shenming for your advice!”

“Then you're really welcome!”

Inoue Orihime and the others said in surprise, it turned out that the goddesses of the Kingdom of God were so good-tempered, which made them relieved!

Especially Shifouin Yoruichi, she was not good at communicating. She had been living alone in the Urahara store as a cat for so long, and she couldn't speak well. If I hadn't been too curious about the Gate of God built by Kurosaki Ichigo, I wouldn't have tried to step in. Unexpectedly, I actually followed Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia!

“Their names are very unique! Hancock, are you from your world?”

Shui Yunji, who had just arrived, stared at the three of them with interest for a while and said。

“No, I don’t know the Ai family. Maybe it’s a world with similar civilizations.。”

Boya Hancock stretched his waist and said。

With a snake-like waist and devilish curves, Rukia Kuchiki blushed and her heart skipped a beat!

“The goddesses here are so beautiful! How tall are your figures?……”

Kuchiki Rukia glanced at her unprominent measurements with an inferiority complex, and secretly lamented:。

Inoue Orihime was so frightened that she didn't dare to raise her head. Only the advanced Yoruichi Shifengin looked at the women around him curiously and secretly marveled.。

Yoruichi discovered that the magnetic aura of any woman present was far superior to hers!

The fairy in blue skirt who just talked to her exuded a thrilling and sacred aura. She was definitely a legendary god!

There is also the woman in red who has been standing silently in the distance. She has snow-white fox ears. She is also too beautiful to be true!

“Sister, the aura of Sifengyuan Yoruichi is very interesting. It looks like a cat and a human, but it is still in a spiritual state. It is very interesting.。”

Tushan Yaya squinted at Si Fengyuan Ye Yi and asked in ventriloquism。

“What you perceive is correct, it is a spiritual state, and the soul is very powerful. As for the cat's breath, it should be caused by practicing some transformation spells, not by our demon clan.。”

Tushan Honghong also responded with ventriloquism。

The corners of Huang Rong and Cheng Yaojia's mouths twitched.。

You can't learn such a powerful conversation method even if you beat them to death!

After Tu Shan Honghong revealed her soul in one glance, Sifengyuan Ye Yi's face changed slightly, and she quickly bowed her head to Tu Shan Honghong and apologized.。

Just now, she was too familiar with herself, and she even looked at the girls in front of the gods.。

“Yoruichi, your soul aura must be nearly a thousand years old. It is strangely tight. No wonder you are so stable and experienced.。”

“Let me introduce you three!”

“This is Tushan Honghong, who is in the same divine realm as me. Next to me is Tushan’s sister, Tushan Yaya, who has just arrived in the Kingdom of God.。”

“She is Shui Yunji, and she was the empress of Huanyinfang in the Daqin world before. This is the pirate empress Boya Hancock... Each sister has an extraordinary origin, and they know how to get along with each other over time.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu introduced with a smile。

Sifengyuan Yeyi listened to Dongfang Huaizhu's introduction, and cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead! There are so many big shots, either the queen or the empress, which puts a lot of pressure on her who likes to be free and loose!

Rukia Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue also became more and more panicked as they listened. In terms of identity and background, they seemed to be the weakest!

This is still the case without seeing the Lord God!

“Why are you so nervous again? I just praised Yoruichi for your stability.。”

“Well, let me take you to find a place to live first, and then Yoruichi, you and Lucia use the aura of the Kingdom of God to upgrade your realm to the level of innate creatures as soon as possible, so that you can have a brand new innate body, which will be of great benefit to your future practice.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu chuckled.。

“ah? Is it really possible to reshape the innate physical body?”

Yoruichi exclaimed.。

She and Rukia are souls of the Shinigami! I dream of having a physical body again and becoming a real woman! Otherwise, ordinary people wouldn't be able to see them when they go down to the next world, because they are only in a spiritual state!

“Of course, this is the divine kingdom of the Lord God, the only limit place! It takes one night to settle, and you should be able to reshape your physical body and enter the realm of innate beings.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu nodded seriously and said。

“Thank you sister Huaizhu for your advice!”

Yoruichi Shihoin and Rukia Kuchiki fell in surprise!

For them, there is no better news than this!

“Very good! Yoruichi-nee, Rukia-nee! You can become human again!”

Inoue Orihime jumped happily。



Just when Orihime Inoue and Rukia Kuchiki were happily following Dongfang Huaizhu to choose their own divine palace.。

Chen Xian, who had just finished a round of fighting and was taking a break, covered the limp Queen Medusa with a golden silk quilt. He walked to the side hall in a happy mood, eating fruit and reading the news.。

As long as you subscribe to the news newspapers in the Kamigawa Star Territory, you can get the news newspapers you want at your fingertips no matter where in time and space you are!

At this time, the headlines on all the major news are the news that "the 7th level ultimate true god defies heaven and kills the lower god"!

In addition, there is a hot discussion about "Spend a lot of money to get a beautiful woman! A second-grade artifact is exchanged for the beautiful school belle Lin Xuanya to fall in love! Is it worth it?"

The newspapers in the Kamigawa Star Territory are full of news, and the comments below made Chen Xian laugh! Gay men say it's worth it, thinking that a beauty like Feng Lin Xuanya can't even be exchanged for a third-grade artifact! Most of the female gods say it's not worth it, because they can pay for a handsome guy like Chen Xian for free.……

“Lord God!”

“Yan Lingji, Song Yan, have met the Lord God。”

Just when Chen Xian was looking amused, Yan Lingji pulled Song Yan in who was about to cry with embarrassment and smiled sweetly to say hello.。

“Why are you here?。”

Chen Xian looked at the two beautiful women from Tianxiang Country and said with a smile.。

The one who has been with him the most these days is Yan Lingji. Being with the naturally charming Yan Lingji is simply an emperor-level enjoyment.。

“Don't you see Sister Song Yan wandering at the door? She must be exhausted looking at Medusa, so she took Sister Song Yan to say hello to you.。”

“I left it here for you. I have to leave now. I’ll stay with you another day.。”

Yan Lingji blew a kiss to Chen Xian from afar, and fled with a slight smile.。

“Sister Yan Lingji, don’t leave!”

“I haven't thought about it yet, ah——”

Song Yan covered her face in shame!

However, before he had time to say something that refused to go back on his words, he was already exclaimed and was carried into a side hall of the palace by the man.……



In the early morning, the fighting was raging。

Two rising tones suddenly sounded in Chen Xian's chat group。

“My name should still be Uchiha Sasuke" Join the chat group!

“"Tang San who doesn't want to travel back in time" joins the chat group!


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