“One 1-star artifact and 10 9-star fairy treasures, just enough to meet the minimum requirements for advancing to the 8th level of Divine Kingdom Spirituality.。”

“If you want to advance to level 9, you have to continue robbing families and homes.。”

Chen Xian stood in front of his Xianbao Pavilion and said with satisfaction。

This 1-star artifact was redeemed by Chen Xian using the points lost by Xuanwu, Pei Li and others. The 2-star artifact cloak was given to Feng Lin Xuanya. If it is considered the 2-star artifact given to Su Xue the day before yesterday, this pick-up girl The cost is not high!

However, with Chen Xian's current terrifying strength, artifacts below 3 stars are only of average use to him. It would be more appropriate to send them out to protect his woman.。

As for the female gods in China who can be resurrected infinitely, it is difficult to identify the owner of the 9-star immortal treasure. I will slowly add more in the future.。

“The flavor of the law of wind and fire……”

“Does Lord God have any confidante who is proficient in the laws of wind and fire? When can we meet him?。”

Queen Medusa walked over, leaned beside Chen Xian, sniffed and said。

“You have a good sense of smell, you can smell it all。”

“Her name is Feng Lin Xuanya, she is proficient in the laws of wind and fire, and her current level is one level behind me. You will see them when you have the ability to travel proudly in the Divine River Star Territory.。”

Chen Xian hugged Medusa's snake-like waist and said。

He has always been calm about his women, and he also cultivates the great freedom of mind. Everything is only for himself, and he does not deceive or hide anything.。

So when Feng Lin Xuanya was briefly entangled with the outside world just now, Feng Lin Xuanya also knew about Su Xue's existence. However, Feng Linxuanya was obviously prepared for it. With Chen Xian’s excellence, how could there be no other woman?。

Godly women like them don't care about these things once they decide that they are Taoists.。

Queen Medusa naturally doesn't care even more。

“Feng Linxuanya? I'm only one level lower than you... What a terrifying cultivation level. It seems that I have to work harder. Otherwise, if we meet by chance in the future, I'm afraid I'll be bullied to death.。”

Medusa said in surprise。

“You have billions of times the lucky light of the Kingdom of God, and your cultivation will be much faster than the outside world. There is no need to worry about this matter.。”

“However, I suggest that you go to the Sutra Pavilion to look for scriptures on the laws of the water system, and practice together with the fire system. When you are compatible with the laws of water and fire, you can go to the Xianbao Pavilion and try to let the Qingyu Ring recognize its owner!”

“I can tell you secretly that although the Qingyu Ring seems to be just a 9-star fairy treasure, it is actually cultivated by nature and has the ability to evolve itself. If you can make it recognize you as its master, the benefits will be limitless。”

Chen Xian hugged Queen Medusa and pampered her.。

“real? ! Thank you, Lord God, for the tip!”

“You know that the Lord God loves others the most!”

“Sir, let's go back to the God King's Palace. Medusa wants to serve her well.……”

Queen Medusa's beautiful eyes were filled with shame, she leaned into the man's arms and said。

“So kidney good……”

Chen Xian was moved and his eyes were on fire.。

When I was with Feng Lin Xuanya just now, I originally wanted to win over him completely. Unexpectedly, before I could take off her clothes in the hotel, Feng Lin Xuanya received an urgent call from the family and ran away with a blushing face.。

Now there is nothing more beautiful than having a beautiful lady like Queen Medusa taking the initiative to accompany her.……




“Oh my god, it's Queen Medusa's voice.。”

Garment Pavilion near the God King's Palace。

Song Yan, who was choosing new clothes, covered her ears in shame and said。

“Hee hee, even though Sister Medusa is so powerful, she is begging for mercy. The Lord God is really scary.。”

“Song Yan, please think carefully. When the time comes that you can't stand it anymore, I won't save you.。”

Gao Yao snickered.。

A woman likes her appearance, so she and Song Yan came here to choose clothes, thinking that they would have a chance to meet the Lord God one night.。

Ever since Gu Xun'er became the concubine in the morning, triggering a discussion about the "Benefits of the Concubine" among the gods' sisters in the Kingdom of God, even Tu Shan Yaya, who was as heartbroken as an iceberg, couldn't help but be moved, let alone Song Yan. With Gao Yao。

Now the God Lord Chen Xian and Queen Medusa are in the palace. When Song Yan thinks about the scene she is about to face, she is so embarrassed that she spins around in circles.……

“Gao Yao, why don't you go and pay your respects to the Lord God tonight?”

“Then... can you come back and teach me?”

Song Yan covered her face and spoke in a low voice.。

“Ahhhh! Sister Song Yan, I am 3 years younger than you. How dare you say such things... How could you let a weak and pitiful little girl like me be bullied first!”

Gao Yao stamped his feet.。

After going through the "Discussion on the Benefits of Concubine God", Gao Yao knew that being with the Lord God as soon as possible would not only speed up the cultivation of the realm, but also be contaminated with the aura of the ultimate heaven, making herself more beautiful and incomparable!

With such incredible benefits, Gao Yao finally made up his mind to serve the God Lord.……

But I dare not let her take the lead!

“Well, how about we wait a little longer? Let me do this when my cultivation level is higher!”

Song Yan said shyly。

“Sister Song Yan... what does this kind of thing have to do with realm?。”

“No matter how high your realm is, you still have to lie down.……”

Gao Yao covered her face and said。


The little medical fairy who passed by this place couldn't help but laugh out loud.。

“Ahem, sorry, sisters, I didn’t hear anything, you continue!”

Seeing Song Yan and Gao Yao looking over, the little medical fairy blushed and waved her hands quickly!

“Don't go!”

“Sister, little medical fairy, you are someone who has been here before. Please share your experience!”

Song Yan and Gao Yao's eyes lit up, they ran over and grabbed the little medical fairy's sleeves and said。

“I...I'm just here to make soy sauce, please let me go, please!”

The little medical fairy covered her face and said。

She thought to herself that after all, she was a well-known fairy doctor in Doupo Continent, but she was reduced to imparting her bedside experience to others. She was simply drunk!

Just as the three women were arguing and refusing, the bell for the entry of God rang!


“Great, there are new sisters entering the Kingdom of God, I will go and greet them first!”

The little medical fairy who found an excuse quickly teleported away!

“Ahhhh, the little medical fairy has escaped!”

“Let’s talk about this kind of thing later. The Lord God and Queen Medusa are still busy... Let’s go and inform Sister Huaizhu about this.。”

Gao Yao and Song Yan pursed their lips.。

As soon as the two of them arrived at the reception formation platform, they saw three beams of legendary divine light piercing the void and coming down!

Dongfang Huaizhu and Tushan Honghong, two god-level women, obviously sensed it early and were waiting here in advance.。

The divine light dissipated, and three uniquely dressed women appeared in front of the girls!

“We have really arrived in the Kingdom of God! Kurosaki Ichigo didn't lie to us!”

“What a beautiful divine country, what a beautiful divine sister!”

“Inoue Orihime! Kuchiki Rukia! Yoichi in Sifengyuan! I have met the divine sister!”

After seeing the scene in front of them, Inoue and Orihime, who had passed the Divine Gate Formation, knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads in panic.。

Before, Kurosaki Ichigo only summoned a holy beast with such power. Wouldn't the divine woman in front of him be even more terrifying? You absolutely have to be pious.……



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