
“you! ! !”

The divine kingdom in his palm was destroyed by Chen Xian before he could even hold on for half a breath. Xuanwu's mind was severely damaged and he spurted divine blood from his mouth!

“What are you? Don't pretend to be dead. You can't get out of this arena without being beaten to death.。”

Chen Xian put away the Kingdom of God in his palm, and the figure appeared in front of Xuanwu, bang bang bang!

The violent fist smashed Xuanwu, who was about to resist, to a bloody pulp, but he still had no intention of stopping, because the lower god's recovery ability was very strong, and he had to keep hammering until he hit his head.。

In such a scene, the audience was completely silent!

“How can this be……”

Listening to the screams of the soul of Master Xuanwu in the field, Lin Hongye and others turned pale and were completely stunned!

That is Supreme Student Xuanwu!

He's a genuine fifth-level lower god, isn't he? ! ! To be crushed like this by a first grader who has no divine status?

“Chen Xian has the ability to crush lower gods……”

Zhao Ye, Meng Zifei and others looked more and more confused, and they couldn't believe their eyes!

Su Xue and Feng Lin stood smiling with bright eyes and bright teeth!

This is the man they chose, the invincible legend!


“You can defeat Xuanwu so easily without using the Great Light Divine Sword.……”

“We were wrong, so wrong! He is the only chosen one in this universe, the limit of eternity。”

Jiang Hongyu, the 7th-level junior seminarian in the audience, his body was shaken violently, he closed his eyes and lamented.。

She knows that from now on, her era has passed, and the glory of all supreme students will also become history! With Chen Xian here, any student supreme will become a joke!

“But...but I still can't accept such a thing!”

“His divine aura has reached level 7? Didn’t it say that it was still level 5 some time ago? The difficulty of each promotion of the Ultimate True God is ten thousand times more difficult than that of the ordinary True God! Why is he so relaxed and simple!”

Hong Xinghe collapsed and smiled bitterly。

“What to do...Xuanwu lost! I lent him the bets on those 9-star fairy treasures!”

Lin Hongye and others collapsed even more!


2 minutes later, the lower level 5 god Xuanwu, his soul exploded, and the duel ended!

The arena formation automatically started the protection program, and the laws of time and space of the Supreme God slowly restored the sluggish Xuanwu.。

But Xuanwu was obviously numb from the beating, and he lay motionless on the ring with a dull expression!

“In this arena, Chen Xian wins and gets all the arena gambling funds.。”

The adjudicator announced with a wry smile.。

He knew that after this scene, the entire Shenhe Star Territory would be boiling, and Shendu Academy would no longer be able to cover up Chen Xian's edge!

This is completely inconsistent with the original intention of the old principal and others!

“He has the strength to kill the next god!”

“Haha... That's ridiculous. You shouldn't have made a bet with him as early as the day before yesterday!”

The impoverished Fire God Pei Li in the corner said in despair and bitterness。

Rong Feifei, who originally wanted to see Chen Xian pay the price, could not hide her regret, staring at Chen Xian in a daze with her delicate face!

She couldn't help but wonder why Chen Xian appeared next to her? In your own class? Why did I end up at odds with such a being who was destined to dominate the universe?……

If he had known that Chen Xian was so defiant, maybe he would have taken the initiative? In that case, it wouldn't be Su Xue and Feng Lin Xuanya standing next to Chen Xian, but himself?

“etc! wrong!”

“Chen Xian has the power to kill lower gods, so Zhang Lai of the Chen family, Chen Jianchao, and Viper Zi of the Blood Moon God Sect who died some time ago... might have been killed by him!”

Rong Feifei suddenly turned pale when she thought of that terrifying possibility!

“That's right! That's right!”

“Hahaha, this kid is in trouble! With his strength exposed like this, the Chen family and the Blood Moon God Sect can no longer allow him to grow!”

“Rong Feifei, should we share this news?——”

Fire God Pei Li smiled ferociously.。

“Are you stupid? There are so many reporters here, why are you meddling in their own business? As stupid as a pig!”

Rong Feifei snorted coldly.。

Pei Li looked ugly, secretly hating Rong Feifei!

I said in my heart that if it hadn’t been for you the day before yesterday, I wouldn’t have lost all my net worth and those points!

Thinking of his hatred, Pei Li looked at Rong Feifei's back and gradually glowed with evil red light! A bold plan takes shape in my mind……

“Xuanwu, the style of your ancestral cloak is really good. The 2-star artifact can also strengthen the law of wind and fire. Such a beautiful artifact is suitable for women to use.。”

“Just give it to my great beauty。”

Under countless jealous eyes, Chen Xian put the 2-star artifact cloak on Feng Lin Xuanya and said。

Such a scene!

The women in the audience all screamed, their envy was unspeakable!

Su Xue rubbed her forehead, and was also drunk by Chen Xian's habit of giving away artifacts casually!

That is a supreme artifact that can revitalize a first-class family, okay? I was impressed by Chen Xian's generous and bold methods. I was inexplicably moved and dedicated myself.……

As a result, Feng Linxuanya confessed her love to Chen Xian today and got another one.……

“Really give it to me? This is a 2-star artifact!”

Feng Linxuanya's charming and unparalleled face exuded joy and happiness.。

Even though she is the eldest lady of Feng Lin World, she is still unable to possess a divine weapon due to her low status! If Chen Xian gives her this 2-star artifact, her status in the family will be unparalleled!

“It's rare for you to be so brave and serious about confessing your love. As a man, you can still put your own woman at a disadvantage.。”

Looking at the dignified and beautiful Feng Linxuanya, Chen Xian smiled with satisfaction and said。

With such a valuable gift, Feng Lin Xuanya neither got carried away with excitement, nor did she coyly decline to refuse. With such a mind and demeanor, she can be called a phoenix among women!

“your woman……”

“Yes, Hyuna is your woman。”

Hearing Chen Xian's straightforward words, Feng Lin Xuanya looked mesmerized. She kissed Chen Xian on the cheek and said seriously in front of countless eyes.。


Xuanwu over there was hit so hard!

Unable to hold on any longer, my heart rhythm was unbalanced and I fainted!

The crowd was even more noisy!

Countless male gods were heartbroken!

“I really gave you... a 2-star artifact!”

“Woohoo, I don’t even have a 2-star fairy treasure yet!”

“Junior Brother Chen Xian! Do you still lack a woman?……”

The female student in the audience blushed and said:。

“How could this be? I can confess my feelings too! ! !”

“Concubine, you are also a fool, let me move faster, let you take the initiative again and again! it's good now? Feng Linxuanya can let go of her identity!”

“Otherwise, that artifact cloak will be yours!”

Song Yu blushed and stamped her feet.。

“I...I'm really shy……”

Concubine Meng covered her face and said.

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