
“Scatter, Senbonzakura!”

Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes were as cold as icebergs, and the soul-cutting sword began to activate.。

“elder brother……”

Rukia Kuchiki screamed. Byakuya Kuchiki was the first one to kill her by appearing in Shunpo just now. This made Rukia extremely sad and angry!

But then she thought that she was a god of death, and she had no emotions before. If she hadn't been illuminated by the god of luck, she would have been taken to Soul Society to be beheaded, and she would have secretly passed on the power of the god of death to ordinary people. In Soul Society, it is undisputed capital crime。

“Think you are the only one who can figure it out?”

“Forget that fear, timidity will lead to death, go forward and shout, Zhanyue!”

Kurosaki Ichigo grinned.。

Following Kurosaki Ichigo's thoughts, the spiritual energy of the famous Zanzantō surged and transformed into its first form!


A sword that flew through time and space broke through Kuchiki Byakuya's Sakura defense and slapped Kuchiki Byakuya on the back!

Kuchiki Byakuya spurted blood from his mouth and flew backwards for a thousand meters!

“who are you? How is it possible to have such power?”

Kuchiki Byakuya forced himself to hold up his shaky figure and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in shock. With his strength, he was seriously injured by a blow from Ichigo Kurosaki, who was just starting to release him. No one would believe this even if it were reported back to Soul Society!

Because he is Byakuya Kuchiki, Byakuya Kuchiki who has never been defeated!

“Don’t you already know that I am the leader of the Lucky God Sect and the messenger of the gods, Ichigo Kurosaki!”

“You should not be a void, an earth-bound spirit or something, otherwise you would have died long ago in front of my holy light. Now that you recognize the reality, can we talk about cooperation?”

Kurosaki Ichigo stood in the air, looking down at Kuchiki Byakuya and said。

“cooperate? You are worthy of a human wild boy!”

“Swastika! Senbonzakura Kageyan!”

Byakuya Kuchiki's murderous intent was at its peak. With his thousand-year pride, how could he allow himself to be defeated by a human boy? Only by fighting for your life can you claim the prestigious title of the Kuchiki family!

“I finally figured it out... I knew it would be like this.。”

“Ichigo, don't harm his life! My brother has a good heart!”

Rukia shouted from below.。

As soon as these words came out, Kuchiki Byakuya seemed to be stimulated. The murderous intention and madness in his pupils reached the peak, and the cherry blossom flying blade instantly touched Rukia's neck!

“Looking down on me in front of humans? You have tarnished the Kuchiki family name and need to pay for it with your life!”

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Rukia and said with a cold voice。

“I don’t know if it’s good or bad!”

“Swastika! The sky lock cuts the moon, and the crescent reaches the sky!”

Kurosaki Ichigo's state changed again, he came first and blocked Rukia, and swung out his sword!


Under the spiritual pressure far exceeding the captain level, Tensu Zangetsu's sword was as powerful as a bamboo, destroying Sakura's defense in the blink of an eye and cutting off Kuchiki Byakuya's arm!

“you! ! !”

“You hammer! He sent people to kill Inoue Orihime, and now he came to kill his own sister! You are very talented, Byakuya Kuchiki!”

Kurosaki Ichigo stepped on Kuchiki Byakuya's face with a shunpo and cursed。

Kuchiki Byakuya was stunned!

Even the pain of losing his left arm was completely gone. His eyes were red, and there was only overwhelming humiliation in his heart!

Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the 6th division, was stepped on his face by a human man and lectured him……


Byakuya Kuchiki's blood spurted out from his mouth, and he fainted.。

“Kurosaki Ichigo……”

Lucia's eyes were red, but she couldn't say anything.。

If it weren't for Ichigo Kurosaki, she would have been killed by Byakuya Kuchiki! She has no reason to blame Kurosaki Ichigo, she can only blame her misfortune。

“This guy's heart is very weak. He has given up the idea of survival. Haha, he can't stand being stepped on by this leader. What a narcissistic bastard!”

Kurosaki Ichigo felt the passage of Kuchiki Byakuya's life and grinned.。

“We can't let him die like this, he is Rukia's brother, and besides, we have to take him to Soul Society for negotiations!”

Inoue Orihime reminded anxiously。

“Um...that makes some sense。”

Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head。

“Inoue Orihime, is there any way with your ability that he can go down? If he dies, there will be no room for relaxation between us and Soul Society!”

Rukia looked at Inoue Orihime with red eyes and said。

“Yes! If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that I am now a guardian-type ability user!”

“Shunying, Xiaochang, Shuangtianguidun!”

Inoue Orihime's eyes were bright and she gave instructions.。


A curtain of light covered Kuchiki Byakuya's whole body. Kuchiki Byakuya's rapidly passing life immediately stopped, and then resumed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“That’s awesome! What kind of spell is this?”

“Inoue, you are so awesome!”

Kurosaki Ichigo and Rukia exclaimed。

“It is a time-space recovery skill. My guardian spirit has been blessed by the light of my god and has a strong power of the laws of time and space. Under this time-space light shield, he can recover even if he commits suicide.。”

Orihime Inoue made a jewelry sign of victory。

“Skills related to the laws of time and space……”

Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed his saliva。

Damn, he is a member of the chat group. The power of law, isn't that a power that only gods can touch? Orihime Inoue actually received such a terrifying blessing from the gods!

“It seems that Inoue Orihime is undoubtedly the daughter of destiny! This is very good, a reward of 10,000 years of life!”

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Inoue Orihime as if he were looking at a priceless treasure!

Such a girl of destiny must be protected……

“Thank you, Inoue!”

“Then let's set out, conquer Soul Society, and bring back the materials for the gate to the Kingdom of God!”

“I know a place that has a lot of materials for making portals!”

After hearing that Kuchiki Byakuya could not die, Rukia said happily。

“Lucky Cult trio, let’s go!”

Kurosaki Ichigo lifted his finger and used his spiritual power to lead the unconscious Byakuya Kuchiki into the Soul Society passage!



“Intrusion, intrusion alert!”

“A travel disaster has entered Soul Society, please be careful!”

“All teams gather!”

As soon as Kurosaki Ichigo and the others appeared in Soul Society, they heard a piercing siren sounding in the sky.。

“This is the celestial eye alarm in the consulting room. The auras of you and Inoue Orihime do not belong to the Soul Society. They will be discovered once you step in.。”

Lucia helplessly spread her hands and said。

“Hey, that's perfect, it saves us having to go all the way to find them.。”

Kurosaki Ichigo grinned.。

Then he began to increase his spiritual pressure unscrupulously!

boom! Boom boom boom!

Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure rose again and again!

The sky in Soul Society has been affected by its monstrous spiritual pressure all day long, turning into clouds!


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