“God? Which captain is this pressure from?”

“Fool! It's the reiatsu of the travel disaster, they are over there!”

“A powerful enemy is invading! I'm afraid only the captains can handle it!”

At the entrance to the Soul Society, a group of palace guards looked pale and said!

“It is impossible for such a powerful character to appear in the human world. Maybe he is like those Daxu, only having spiritual pressure but no strength! Watch me be the first to chop him to death!”

Madarame Ikkaku, the third adjutant of the 11th Division, grinned.。

“Huh! Kuchiki Rukia! you traitor……”

“Holy shit! Is that Byakuya Kuchiki? ? ?”

Madarame Ikkaku said in shock。

The many death guards who appeared behind him also stared wide-eyed!

Byakuya Kuchiki, who is famous in the Soul Society, the number one genius of the Kuchiki family who claims to have never been defeated, was actually caught by a traveling accident? This kind of thing is simply the biggest joke in the world!

“My brother is fine. The leader and I just brought him to discuss something with the royal court! Get out of the way Madarame, you can't participate in this situation.。”

Lucia said angrily。

“Damn it! You were no match for me before, Rukia Kuchiki!”

Madarame Ikkaku was furious!

“Split it open, Kitomaru!”

“Just crack it open for me, Lucia said so clearly, don’t you have good ears?”

Before Madarame Ikkaku's initial solution was completed, Kurosaki Ichigo arrived in front of Madarame Ikkaku in an instant and kicked the opponent's bald head!



The terrifying force directly flew Madarame Ikkaku hundreds of meters away, hitting the cliff and causing a bloody head!

Madarame Ikkaku held his head and howled. He tried several times and couldn't stand up again. The soul-cutting sword was also kicked to pieces. The whole appearance

A miserable mess……

At such a scene, the death guards around him gasped!

That's the third seat of the 11th Division. He's a powerful being second only to the vice-captain. He's ten times more powerful than these guards, okay?

“A corner! Are you OK!”

“You bastards, how dare you be so arrogant when you break into my Soul Society!”

“Croon, gray cat!”

Rangiku Matsumoto came over very quickly and started to understand her before he even arrived!

“Sister is here!”

“That's the beautiful vice-captain of the 10th Division!”

“This time I feel better after all these travel disasters!”

The guards who were originally a little scared cheered up and said。

“Come on, this woman’s bust is even more exaggerated than Inoue Orihime’s.。”

Kurosaki Ichigo's mouth twitched and said。

I seriously doubt that the opponent's desperate running will lead to premature sagging?

“Matsumoto Rangiku, don't be ridiculous, we are not here to cause trouble!”

Rukia was afraid that Ichigo Kurosaki would strike too hard, so she drew her sword first and faced Rangiku Matsumoto!

“Lucia, why don't you admit your guilt? I don't have a friend like you!”

Matsumoto Rangiku said angrily, Hajime's soul-cutting sword turned into quicksand, surrounding Rukia!

“Let's dance, Xiu Baixue!”

Lucia knew that persuasion on this matter was of no use, so she acted decisively, and Hajime, the most beautiful soul-cutting sword in the Soul Society, appeared in front of everyone! The snow-white blade and the silk wrapped around Lucia's body definitely have the charm of an ice goddess!


Rukia swung her sword across, and then used her first move, Tsukibai, to directly freeze Matsumoto Rangiku in place!

Fortunately, Rukia had no intention of killing anyone. Otherwise, with a thought, the icicle would explode, and the Matsumoto Rangiku inside would have died in an instant!

“I'm sorry, Sister Matsumoto. With God's blessing, you are no match for me now.。”

Looking at the frightened and stunned deputy captain of the 10th Division in the icicle, Rukia said apologetically.。

“Sister Lucia is so awesome!”

“You look so beautiful dressed up like this!”

Inoue Orihime looked at Rukia who was dressed in snow-white satin, holding her face in her hands and saying in envy。

“Um... Isn't my soul-cutting sword just for looks? Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand!”

Lucia said angrily。


“Hey, you see, this is the benefit of believing in my God. You guys seem to be people who have pursuits. How about joining my Lucky God Sect together?”

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the frightened Death Guards around him and smiled.。

“Go to hell you!”

“Human beings dare to ask us, the God of Death, to believe in others? This is an insult, an insult to our noble souls!”

“Let's kill them together! Rescue Sister Matsumoto!”

More than a dozen guards around came to attack them angrily.。

“It's a waste of time。”

Kurosaki Ichigo sighed and disappeared from the spot!

boom! Bang bang bang!

In an instant, with more than a dozen kicks in a row, the guards who had rushed up had been kicked far away, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead!

“Human children, if you dare to hurt my deputy team, you and Rukia will not be able to take a step forward alive!”

A short man with white hair came from the sky。

“Hitsugaya Toshiro! Captain of the 10th Division, the youngest genius in Soul Society!”

Rukia explained to Kurosaki Ichigo。

“oh? Dare you call me a kid? You are a child, right? You can be the captain at such a young age?”

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Toshiro with interest.。

“Damn it!”

Toshiro hated it when people talked about his height, so he looked at Kurosaki Ichigo's neck with a knife in anger!


“Even if you don’t have Shijie, you’re here to die.。”

Easily holding Toshiro's soul-cutting sword, Kurosaki Ichigo said contemptuously。

“So strong! What is your identity? What do you want to do when you break into Soul Society?”

Toshiro's face was extremely solemn and he said。

“I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You can't make the decision.。”

Kurosaki Ichigo kicked Toshiro thousands of meters away with a lightning kick!

“Master! Your strength is truly admirable!”

“It has been many years since humans have been able to enter Soul Society!”

“Did you defeat Kuchiki Byakuya? Incredible! But that’s it!”

Three figures with astonishing spiritual pressure appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and said calmly.。

“Captain Kyoraku Shunsui of Division 8!”

“Captain of the 13th Division, Jushiro Ukitake!”

“Division 7 captain Komamura left formation!”

Lucia said with a solemn expression. The presence of three captains at one time put her under a lot of pressure.。

She is not like Kurosaki Ichigo, who possesses invincible potential power. Unless blessed by the gods, Rukia would not even be qualified to stand in front of the captain and speak!

“The three of you seem to be in the same boat, is your talk useful?”

Kurosaki Ichigo grinned and pointed the knife at the three of them.。

He has fully understood the principles of dealing with Soul Society, that is, there is no use in talking nonsense. Only by directly beating to death and maiming can one have the possibility of preaching.。


“I will let you taste the price of arrogance!”

“Roar, damn it!”

The half-orcs' Komamura left formation has the most explosive temper, so he immediately started to solve it!

“Roar your sister and go! Our God is in urgent need of believers and has no time to listen to you!”

Kurosaki Ichigo, who had completely lost his patience, activated his flash and punched Komamura Zuozhen on the head!

The burly half-orc captain Komamura Zuozhen staggered for a moment, his eyes turned white and he fainted!

Lucia is speechless!

Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō opened their mouths wide!

The scene was completely silent!


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