“You stinky girl... you dare to break my soul-killing sword! I, Abarai Renji, am not done with you!”

Renji Abarai's face turned red and he cursed angrily.。

I am the vice-captain of Division 6! Is he the majestic God of Death from Soul Society? Normally, these humans are as weak as ants. Who would have expected that a little human girl would break his soul-cutting sword just after he came down from the realm and before he found the mission target?

If this matter were to be reported back to Soul Society, I, the vice-captain, would not even think about messing around, as he would be laughed to death by all the gods of death.……

Thinking of the embarrassment, Abarai Renji took half of the soul-cutting sword and read out his own explanation!

“Roar, Shebimaru! Kill this stinky woman for me!”

Half of the spirit power of the soul-cutting sword was halved. Under Renji Abarai's eyes as he vomited blood, he turned into a little snake and killed Orihime Inoue.。

Inoue Orihime was speechless!

She had seen Ichigo Kurosaki use the Soul-Zantoto Hakka and Swastika!

But I didn’t expect that this guy’s soul-cutting sword was so different. He still had half of it left.……

“Chungui, Arc Sky Slash Shield!”

Inoue Orihime shouted。

She is a hardcore member of the Lucky God Cult, and the blessing effect of the Lucky God's light is extremely powerful! Her destiny magic weapon "Shield and Shun Liuhua" has been strengthened by the divine light like never before, and its power is completely incomparable!


The piercing scream of the bone snake sounded, and the soul-cutting sword was cut into pieces by the opponent's spirit under Renji Abarai's desperate eyes!


Abarai Renji felt the same and a mouthful of blood spurted out! He knelt on the ground with extremely depressed spirit!

He actually lost!

Just after entering the lower world, he was defeated by a little human girl who was threatened and insulted by him.……

“Why is this happening? Is this a mistake? ? ?”

“who are you?”

Renji Abarai knelt helplessly on the ground, looking at Orihime Inoue and said in despair。

“My name is Inoue Orihime, I am Rukia's friend and an ashes member of the Lucky God Cult.。”

“Go back quickly. You were so cruel to me just now. If someone from our divine cult sees you, you will die.。”

Inoue Orihime said proudly。

At this moment, she worshiped the God of Luck in her heart to the extreme! Such a generous and omnipotent god is truly worthy of her lifelong service!

“Rukia's friend...a member of the Lucky Cult?”

Renji Abarai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, nodded in great pain, and disappeared into the passage leading to Soul Society.。

“Inoue! Are you okay? My scanner just detected a strong breath of death!”

Rukia in death state flew from a distance and said。

“Sister Lucia, don't worry, I've beaten that person away, and even the soul-cutting sword has been broken.。”

Inoue Orihime narrowed her eyes and said cheerfully。

“ah? Were you beaten away? ? ?”

“What did you use to defeat the opponent? What's the other person's name?”

Rukia swallowed her throat and asked in shock.。

“He seems to call himself Abarai or something, and his soul-cutting sword can turn into a bone snake。”

Orihime Inoue touched her lovely chin and recalled。

As soon as these words came out, Rukia staggered and looked at Inoue Orihime with a ghostly look!

“Renji Abarai, that's the vice-captain of Division 6! As soon as he arrived, you hit him and broke his soul-cutting sword.……”

Lucia's mouth twitched and said。

“Haha, it’s my God who bless you!”

“Sister Lucia didn't see the magical scene just now. When I was about to be chopped, the lucky light of my god gave power to the hairpin in my hair!”



Soul Society at this time, the lobby of Division 6。

“He just came back from the lower world and was defeated by Rukia? Are you, the vice-captain, giving up your position?”

Looking at Abarai who was kneeling on the ground with a dejected look on his face, Kuchiki Byakuya frowned and said coldly!

“I...I'm sorry, Captain, I couldn't see Rukia……”

Renji Abarai said with a bitter look on his face。

“Didn't see anyone? Who was responsible for your injury? Is that the leader of what religion?”

Kuchiki Byakuya said with some interest。

“……No, I was defeated by a little human girl。”

Abarai Renji closed his eyes and said with a face begging for death.。


Byakuya Kuchiki kicked Renji Abarai on the head, sending him flying a hundred meters away! The surrounding members of Division 6 shrank their necks in fear, but they were also shocked in their hearts!

Their vice-captain Renji Abarai was given to a human girl for free? If word of this damn thing spreads, the entire 6th Division will be embarrassed. No wonder Byakuya Kuchiki is so angry!

“team leader! Cough cough cough!”

“That is no ordinary little human girl, her name is Inoue Orihime, and she has a very powerful magic weapon! And she is also a member of the Lucky Cult!”

Abarai Renji coughed up blood in pain and said。

“The Lucky Cult again?”

“OK, very good!”

Kuchiki Byakuya's murderous aura was almost as real as ever. Before everyone in the hall could react, Kuchiki Byakuya could no longer be seen.。


The moment Kuchiki Byakuya appeared in Karakura Town, Rukia's detector sounded an alarm.。

“Such strong spiritual pressure, this kind of spiritual pressure is extremely rare at the captain level, it should be... my brother is here!”

Lucia's expression changed in shock.。

“Why panic? He is the one waiting for you。”

“Master Kannonji, I will leave the missionary work here to you for the time being. I will take Rukia and Inoue Orihime to meet with Byakuya Kuchiki, and then go to Soul Society to bring back the materials for building the gate to the Kingdom of God.。”

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Tang Guanyinji Road seriously。

“Oh hahahaha! Don't worry, the deputy leader is here. By the time you come back, the number of believers will have doubled!”

Guanyin Temple laughs and waves hands。

“It would be great……”

“Thank you for your hard work, Master!”

“Let's go!”

Kurosaki Ichigo and the others said goodbye happily, finding such a deputy leader was simply the most correct thing they had ever done in their lives!

“So fast, it seems you have sensed me too。”

As soon as he came out of the square in Karakura Town, Kurosaki Ichigo in his death state looked at Kuchiki Byakuya who followed him instantly and smiled.。

Rukia and Inoue Orihime, who were several times slower, arrived here one after another.。

“Are you the leader of the Lucky Cult? He actually wore a Death Tyrant costume and pretended to be the God of Death. He deserves to be punished for his crime.。”

Byakuya Kuchiki barely glanced at Rukia Kuchiki, but stared at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him.。

“elder brother! Can you listen to my explanation? Things are very complicated, if——”

Before Lucia finished speaking, Kuchiki Byakuya's figure instantly appeared in front of Lucia and struck down with a palm!


Fighting with fists!

Kuchiki Byakuya's pupils shrank! His punch was meant to teach Lucia a lesson, but unexpectedly he was stopped anyway!

“Do you know how to teleport? Who taught you this!”

Looking at Ichigo Kurosaki who appeared in front of him instantly, Byakuya Kuchiki said in a cold voice。

“With the blessing of my God, everything is possible. It’s too late for you to beg for mercy now.。”

Kurosaki Ichigo grinned.

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