“It really works, hahahaha! I have been blessed by my god with a thousand years of life! And my spiritual power is much stronger than before!”

Guanyin Temple looked at the light surrounding him and said excitedly。

“Because you have indeed done an outstanding job. In a short period of time, the number of believers has exceeded 900,000, which is a great contribution!”

Kurosaki Ichigo grinned and praised。

But he felt very happy, because as the first source promoter, the longevity he received was nine times that of Guanyin Temple.……

“The deputy leader is great!”

“If this continues, we will soon be able to build the Gate of the Kingdom of God!”

Rukia and Inoue Orihime praised generously.。

They are Chen Xian's true believers and the backbone of the Lucky God Sect. It is definitely a great merit to be able to let the Lucky God's light help more ordinary people!

As for whether you can ascend to the Kingdom of God after the gate to the Kingdom of God is built, it depends on destiny.。

“Ichigo, I am the greatest luck to have met you! What I did in the past was deception and abduction, and it was wrong.。”

“And I still hurt a lot of earthbound spirits. I must atone for this and repent to my God!”

Guanyin Temple's eyes were red, and he knelt on the ground and worshiped, facing the east.。


The sound of formation transmission came from the distant sky。

A short-haired man wearing a Death costume emerged from the space passage!

“grim Reaper? Another god of death?”

Kurosaki Ichigo said with bright eyes。

In addition to the human world, he also has the ambition to develop followers in the circle of death! According to the rules of the chat group, everyone in the world must develop into a follower of the Lucky God Religion to be considered complete.。

Lucia frowned. She didn't recognize this short-haired Shinigami.。

“Oh my, what a coincidence! As soon as I came out, I met the rumored little princess of the Kuchiki family. Let me introduce myself. My name is Saito Ekichiro, and I was ordered to capture you. Your time in the human world has greatly exceeded the mission limit, do you understand, my little princess?”

Saito Ekichiro took off his bamboo hat and symbolically bowed to Rukia Kuchiki.。

It seems polite, but the smile in the other person's eyes is extremely unlucky。

“Ekichiro Saito? I don’t know you. Go back. It’s not your turn to take care of my affairs.。”

Lucia snorted coldly.。

She knows the captain and vice-captain of Soul Society Gotei 13, and the other party is obviously not one of them, so Rukia has no intention of talking to such a little person.。

What's more, the other party's contemptuous eyes and attitude of always criticizing her made Lucia very angry!

“Did you hear that? Lucia said it doesn’t matter, you can go! Ugly looking boy!”

Tang Guanyinji stood in front of Lucia, pinched her waist and shouted。

As the deputy leader of the Lucky Cult, he must protect key members like Rukia and Inoue Orihime!

Seeing Tang Guanyinji's actions, Kurosaki Ichigo nodded with great satisfaction. Now, with the blessings and rewards of 900,000 believers, his strength has soared to the point where even he himself is afraid, and he can also summon The sacred beast of the divine kingdom!

It can be said that all the Shinigami in Soul Society combined cannot threaten him. Such terrifying force naturally greatly improved Kurosaki Ichigo's courage and courage.。

“What! You old boy, who are you calling an ugly boy? You know how old I am, but if you don’t give me some clues, you’d think I have a good temper!”

Saito Ekichiro got angry after being scolded by Kannonji, so he took out his fighting spirit sword directly from its sheath and looked at Kannonji with one strike!

“roll! Don't waste time, let your boss come over and talk things over!”

When Kurosaki Ichigo saw the opponent drawing his sword, he narrowed his eyes and appeared in front of Saito Ekichiro, kicking him a hundred meters away.。


“you! Your speed!”

Saito Eikichiro, who was rolling and spurting blood, stared at Kurosaki Ichigo with his eyes wide open and couldn't believe it. He was kicked away without even seeing his shadow? ? ?

Even his deputy team can't do this kind of speed and strength!

“The gap is so big that I can't see it.。”

Rukia shook her head and said。

“Kurosaki Ichigo is so awesome!”

Inoue Orihime, who was watching the battle from a distance, was shocked and said that the Kurosaki Ichigo ten days ago was far from this powerful. This shows what kind of terrifying rewards Kurosaki Ichigo has received in the past few days.。

“You...just wait for me! The royal court of Soul Society will not tolerate madmen like you!”


Saito Eikichiro struggled through the portal and rolled into it。

“Oh hahahaha, the Soul Society Royal Court is still the leader of our Lucky God Religion!”

Guanyin Temple laughed exaggeratedly and said, having found a god as his backer, he is much more confident in deception than before.。

“I hope someone can speak with weight next time, otherwise the back and forth can’t be explained clearly, which will delay our time in developing believers.。”

Kurosaki Ichigo touched his chin and said。

“Maybe I should go back and tell my family about the current situation, but with my brother’s bad temper, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.……”

Rukia smiled bitterly.。

She knew the virtues of Byakuya Kuchiki. Unless he died, he would never believe in others, even gods.。

And that guy is not only terrifying in strength, but also extremely controlling. Once he finds out that he believes in religion, he will definitely have to fight to the death to achieve an end.……

“Then don't go back, just let them come to us。”

“I really want to know, which is the so-called Death God in Soul Society, or our True God?。”

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled evilly.。



“What? As a secret agent Kidou, you were kicked back by a human? That guy asked me to find someone who could talk?”

“Interesting, so interesting!”

“Renji Abarai, go and bring Rukia back, and chop off the heads of those other people who don’t know what it means.。”

Byakuya Kuchiki, captain of Soul Society Division 6, squinted at the intelligence officer below and said。

“Well done! But it doesn't matter if I accidentally beat Rukia half to death, right? After all, my strength has grown so fast recently that I can’t control it.。”

Vice-captain Renji Abarai walked up and grinned.。

“Just what I wanted. Even if you accidentally kill them all, it doesn't matter.。”

Byakuya looked at Abarai with cold eyes.。


Just when Kurosaki Ichigo and others were running around to break through the one million believers mark, the heavenly bell for advancement rang out again in Chen Xian's Palm God!

“Finally reached level 7 ultimate true god!”

“The area of the Kingdom of God has soared to 200 million square kilometers, and there are 418 true god-level holy beasts! There are 31 seventh-grade holy beasts... Such a terrifying extreme divine kingdom, I'm afraid even the middle gods will be frightened when they see it.。”

“It's time to go out and take a look。”

Chen Xian narrowed his eyes and said。

“Congratulations to the Lord God for your incredible creation and immeasurable divine power!”

Behind her, Tu Shan Yaya, Gu Xun'er and many other beautiful beauties bowed down to congratulate her with joy on their faces!

The Kingdom of God has been promoted again, the aura has skyrocketed, and their cultivation speed will be much faster!

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