“Look, Master Guanyin Temple seems to have caught something!”

“Ahhh, is it an evil spirit? Why can’t we see anything?”

“Of course I can’t see it anymore, because only Master Guanyin Temple is the channeler from hell, and all kinds of incredible things happened in his previous programs!”

“ah? His wand flew up, the master was so powerful!”

The show was filled with roars from the audience and roars from the earthbound spirits!

“Let me make you a Buddha immediately, evil ghost! A few ancient ways xxxxxx!”

Over there, Tang Guanyin Temple chanted a series of incantations that no one could understand, and at the same time used his meager spiritual power to hit the heart of the Earthbound Spirit!

This is how he used to deal with weak monsters.……


The Earthbound Spirit was stimulated, roared and changed its shape, and its terrifying body slowly took shape under the moonlight!

It's a pity that the roar of the Earthbound Spirit cannot be heard by ordinary people, but Kurosaki Ichigo and others were shocked!

“This idiot master turns out to be a half-baked esper with spiritual power! He turned the earthbound spirit into a void!”

Rukia cursed.。

“Then... isn't that just right?。”

Inoue Orihime held her hands and said timidly。

“Yes, this has really helped us a lot, as we don't even have to persuade the earthbound spirit to act!”

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes were cold, he patted himself with the Soul Fist Glove, and turned into the form of a god of death.。


The monster that emerged from the abandoned hospital and was stimulated by Tang Guanyin Temple and turned into a virtual monster roared! With a slap, the Guanyin Temple flew away in front of me!

“Ahhhhh! The master was shot away by the evil spirit!”

“Come on, Master!”

“We kids are all watching you!”

“Don't lose to evil!”

The audience in the audience howled excitedly as they watched the supernatural phenomena that kept appearing.。

“it does not matter! I, Guanyin Temple, can definitely defeat the devil! Although this demon looks bigger! But with your support I won’t lose!”

Master Guanyin Temple got up from the ground and forced an unyielding smile.。

But I felt secretly bitter in my heart. The resentment of the monster in front of me was much stronger than what I had encountered before. I might die here today!

“Leave it to me, I'll kill it for you and save your life, but you also have to do me a favor!”

Kurosaki Ichigo's death figure stood in front of the monster and said。

The audience in the audience can't see Kurosaki Ichigo in this form, but Kannonji can!

“boy! What are you talking about? That's a man-eating monster. Don't get close to it!”

Guanyinji exclaimed。

Then the next scene made him shut up completely. The monster who was so powerful just now shivered in fear and squatted on the ground after Ichigo Kurosaki showed his spiritual pressure!

Guanyin Temple! ! !

“Oh my god, you can really handle this monster! You saved my life, what do you want me to do?”

Tang Guanyin Temple swallowed his saliva and said。

A person with super abilities who can suppress such a terrifying monster with just his momentum. The opponent's strength is definitely beyond imagination. Guanyinji still has this bit of vision!

“It's very simple, join my Lucky God Cult, and my god will give you the power to truly deal with such monsters, and even longevity! think about it?”

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Guanyin Temple and smiled.。

The other party is a public figure with millions of fans, and the ratings of the show are extremely high. It is the best choice to develop him into the deputy leader of the Lucky God Sect!

“Join a sect? Can you gain strength and longevity?”

“How could such a good thing happen! Are you lying to me?”

Guanyin Temple’s eyes clearly didn’t believe it!

At this time, he was far away from the audience, and no one could hear the conversation between the two. He had time to think and make choices!

“Don’t believe it? How about you recite a spell with me, and after reciting the spell, regardless of whether you can get blessings from the gods or not, I will help you kill this void for free.”

Kurosaki Ichigo narrowed his eyes and said。

“Um...this seems to be a business where you only make money but don't lose money!”

Guanyin Temple considered for a moment and nodded seriously.。

“Then look carefully, there must be no mistakes in posture and incantation, otherwise it will be disrespectful to my God!”

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings……”

“this! Is it really possible? ? ?”

Seeing the beam of light coming from the sky and shining on Kurosaki Ichigo's head, Kannonji's eyes were filled with unconcealable enthusiasm!

Even ordinary people can see this kind of celestial phenomena. With this trick, the audiences and fans will trust him even more crazily!

So Guanyin Temple made the choice without hesitation!

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer Tang Guanyin Temple……”

With the chanting of Tang Guanyin Temple, the magical beam of hope and luck dispersed the dark clouds hanging over his head!

Even the monster that had just wounded him was turned into ashes by the afterglow of the divine light!

Tang Guanyin Temple was completely stunned!

He was so excited that he burst into tears. He had actually been blessed by the gods!

“Praise my God!”

Tang Guanyin Temple took the initiative to kowtow to the east。

“Great, Guanyin Temple, you will be the deputy leader of our Lucky God Religion from now on, the true messenger of the gods!”

“From now on, everyone will be of the same mind!”

When Ichigo Kurosaki saw Don Kannonji entering the religion, he excitedly made a victory sign to Rukia and Inoue Orihime in the distance!


“Master is so awesome! Can actually summon light!”

“Master Guanyin Temple, you are indeed the messenger of God!”

“Did you kill the monster?”

“You are indeed the chosen one!”

The audience in the audience, a hundred meters away, screamed with excitement when they saw their respected spiritual master causing such an astonishing celestial phenomenon!

“Oh hahahaha!”

“Yes, I am the true messenger of God!”

“Follow me and believe in the gods. I will teach you a secret to protect yourself when encountering monsters! You must read it out sincerely!”

As the deputy leader, Guanyinji stood on the high platform and laughed loudly.。



“Not bad. In just a short period of time, the number of fans in the "God of Death" plane has skyrocketed from a few thousand to 900,000?”

Feeling the increasing power of faith in the Kingdom of God in his palm, Chen Xian stood up and stretched.。

“Lord God, aren't you going to sleep?……”

Lu Linxuan hid under the quilt and asked shyly。

Last night, she wanted to ask some questions about cultivation, but she was glanced at by Chen Xian's scorching eyes. She couldn't hold back her girlish heart, so she boldly took the initiative.。

“I won't sleep anymore, but I can give you some extra lessons, Lin Xuan.。”

The number of believers continues to surge, and Chen Xian is in a good mood。



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