“Chen Xian, are you out of seclusion? Ahhhh, why did you get out of seclusion so quickly? It's very dangerous outside now!”

Seeing Chen Xian appearing in the activity area of Class 9, Song Yu exclaimed。

“Chen Xian? The man who escaped unscathed from the attacks of two lower gods!”

“A fifth-grade true god who tricked two lower gods to death at once!”

“Come and watch, the super dark horse of our Shendu College has appeared!”

“The ultimate god is out of seclusion!”

“I heard that the third-year supreme student Xuan Wu has declared a challenge to him!”

“Ah, ah, hurry up, senior sister! We must get a first-hand personal interview. Whether Chen Xian can agree depends on your charm, senior sister!”


Following Song Yu's undisguised exclamation in panic, nearby students and news paparazzi squatting near Class 9 swarmed in. All kinds of teleporting figures kept flashing and quickly filled the activity area!

“Um, what's going on?”

“The man who survived the attacks of two lower gods... When did I get such a title?。”

Chen Xian's mouth twitched and said。

He obviously killed two lower gods, so why did he spread the rumors and escape smoothly?

“Chen Xian! Ahem, before you went into seclusion, you were tricked by your sinister Chen family elders into going to the Wild God Canyon for an appointment. You were ambushed by the other party and a god from the Blood Moon God Cult, with the intention of killing people and seizing the treasure!”

“You resisted bravely for more than ten minutes and waited for me and Director An Yongsheng to come to the rescue. We joined forces to kill the opponent and obtained the thrones of two lower gods! That's the way it is, right?”

Su Xuebing's beautiful figure in a blue dress appeared beside Chen Xian, and then she winked at Chen Xian while explaining.。


Seeing such a rare and interesting expression from the class teacher, Chen Xian scratched his head and said。

He didn't expect that Su Xue and An Yongsheng would be shouldered by such a big blame. It seemed that they still wanted to hide their strength, or maybe the situation was more serious than he imagined.。


“Let's go, the principal said, let me take you to see him after you get out of seclusion。”

“Song Yu, go ahead and do what you are supposed to do. The big exam at the end of the year is coming soon. Don’t waste the training resources Chen Xian gave you.。”

Seeing Chen Xian compromise, Su Xue breathed a long sigh of relief and said。


“Chen Xian comes back to find us!”

Song Yuhe, who had just arrived, said with a smile, Concubine Meng。

“Well, even Song Yu has been promoted to the level of true god. I’m so happy and congratulated.。”

Chen Xian smiled and said。

“Isn't it thanks to your super thigh that you have brought us so many resources? If we don't advance, it will be a big shame for you, a big shot!”

Song Yu's cheeks turned red and she said。


“I asked you to stay in seclusion for a while longer. Why did you come out so soon?。”

“The Chen family and the lower gods of the Blood Moon God Sect were killed, and even the god's position was taken away by you. They have come to negotiate several times now. The ancestor of the Chen family came personally once and said that as long as you are willing to return to the family genealogy, Everything is easy to say. If you refuse, I'm afraid there will be another bloody storm。”

“The response from the Blood Moon God Sect was very dull, but the more so, the worse the situation became. The Blood Moon God Sect’s background was only higher than that of Shendu College! I hope the other party’s leader-level master doesn’t notice you!”

Walking on the road with Chen Xian, Su Xue set up a soundproof formation and frowned.。

“Haha, why are you more nervous than me? How can the other party’s great god do something in the safe zone of the official supreme god?。”

Chen Xian walked leisurely with his head resting on his hands.。

Now he already has a huge faith in 12 worlds, and the number of believers is skyrocketing every day! The terrifying power of faith fills the entire Kingdom of God in the Palm. If faith continues, the Kingdom of God will not be destroyed, and Chen Xian will not die.。

Coupled with Chen Xian's journey to the ultimate true god, even the upper gods already have the power to fight, and Chen Xian has become a truly immortal god!

But Su Xue and others don’t know this.。

“You have a big heart! If Director An Yongsheng and I had not shouldered the responsibility of killing each other, the entire Kamigawa Star Territory would have exploded! At that time, I’m afraid you’ll have to hide in your own divine kingdom’s time and space to practice alone.。”

Su Xue rolled her eyes at Chen Xian angrily and said。

Because she and An Yongsheng voluntarily admitted that they had jointly killed Chen Jianchao and the Blood Moon God Cult killer Viper Zi, taking the main wrath of the two forces, which made it very dangerous for her to go out now.。

“Hehe, I am not practicing alone. My country is beautiful... and there are many beautiful creatures in the country.。”

“However, Teacher Su Xue, I accept your support for taking the blame. I will thank you after graduation.。”

Chen Xian smiled mischievously.。

“Thank me after graduation...you bastard. Sure enough, the higher the level, the less honest people become!”

Su Xue trembled and glared at Chen Xian in shame and anger.。

Because she suddenly remembered a joke a colleague made to her, saying that Chen Xian could fall in love with her after graduation.……

“Um, how come this look is similar to the look in Lu Linxuan’s eyes last night? I didn’t sleep with you either.。”

Being glared at by Su Xue's seductive eyes, Chen Xian's heart was filled with thoughts:。

“Chen Xian, are you out of seclusion? Can those who practice cultivation in God’s country return it?……”

As soon as the two of them entered the principal's office, the old principal Kang Dingshu looked at Chen Xian and immediately became embarrassed!

I'm afraid Chen Xian didn't expect that this office in an independent time and space is actually the old principal's 5-star artifact "House of Creation"! The moment Chen Xian stepped into the office, Chen Xian's hidden divine aura was already sensed by the old principal of the 7th grade high god!

“You kid, your cultivation is going so smoothly!”

“It seems that these cultivation resources prepared for you can be saved。”

Kang Dingshu walked up to Chen Xian and looked him up and down.。

“No, this is my exclusive fund as promised! Principal, please don't bully the small ones by bullying them.!”

Chen Xian snatched the Najie from the old principal's hand and said happily。

“You dare to steal my things, no wonder you dare to kill even the lower gods!”

Kang Dingshu smiled and cursed with complicated eyes.。

“Um...Old principal, have you seen Chen Xian's state? Could it be that today...he advanced again?”

Su Xue blinked and keenly captured the strange atmosphere.。

“You'd better stop asking, otherwise you'll be shocked and have no intention of practicing.。”

Kang Dingshu glanced at Su Xue and said。

Su Xue...

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