Obviously, these inappropriate voices are still the slaves living in this side courtyard.

Those slaves who were originally sent by their master to serve Miss Lin Keer began to have different intentions after repeated hints.

Later, because Lin Ke'er was not taken seriously, their so-called candidate sent to monitor was of no use and could only become the lowest remote slave, so they directed their anger towards Lin Ke'er.

Although due to the host's face and Lin Ke'er's surname, they naturally did not dare to really hit Lin Ke'er, but this group of noisy, verbal threats, and even yin and yang people suppressed them step by step. It has become a norm.

Otherwise, Lin Keer would not have completely despaired of life because of this repeated oppression, and chose to collapse and commit suicide.

But that was just the Lin Keer before. Why should Lin Keer be afraid of all this now?。

“It's really..."

Listening to the dirty words coming from around her, such noisy noises made Lin Keer's original cheerful and joyful mood suddenly disappear, and an irritable anger ignited in her heart, and she fiercely He raised his head, his eyes full of impatience:

“What a beautiful sunshine, what a beautiful world, why is it filled with you bastards? Haha, since I have the power anyway, it’s time to return the gifts you gave me. "

Lin Ke'er clenched her fists, her fingers turning white. Although she was pure and simple, she was not the kind of delicate and pretentious Madonna-like protagonist. He remembered very clearly how these people bullied

her before. Now, After finally getting the opportunity, he has grown up from his previous submissive state. He will not let these guys go easily. Being a man for

two generations, although Lin Keer's heart is full of emotional fluctuations, it is not cold and frosty. , but I will never have mercy on these guys who beat and scold children because of their own selfish desires.。

“Huh, are you always complaining about the unfairness of fate? It’s time for you to accept it and feel the pain of this world!”

Regardless of what kind of terrifying storm Lin Ke'er would cause on their continent after receiving the system and destiny bonuses, and what terrible changes it would bring to their plane.

Asking for flowers 0

Tushan Yaya here has returned to the Kingdom of God with Liu Yueqing.

After settling Liu Yueqing, Tushan Yaya hurried to the temple where Chen Xian was, wanting to tell everything she had seen and felt these days.。

“Lord God! "

Seeing Chen Xian sitting in the main hall, gently sipping tea, Tushan Yaya called out softly and walked over slowly: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I have some things to report here.…”

“Not urgent. Chen

Xian smiled slightly and asked Tu Shan Yaya to sit in front of him, then poured a cup of tea and handed it over:

“Come, have a cup of tea and calm down first. Your current lineup has practiced your own divine position. Between the past body and the present body, you need to remain completely calm during all the fusions. Remember, be careful not to be impatient, and don’t panic.。”

“Yes, Lord God。”[]

Tushan Yaya was suddenly awakened and started to do it. After she got hard, she found that her breathing was a little louder and her expression was that panicked. This was really surprising. .

Người mua: sabmado

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