You know, let alone Tushan Yaya's current terrifying strength, even before entering the Kingdom of God, with his strength, he would not be out of breath after running such a distance.

No matter how nervous I am, I will not let my emotions become troublesome and panic, let alone show it on the outside, so flustered, so eager.

Obviously, regardless of Tu Shan Yaya's previous experience, both Liu Yueqing and Ling Yun had a calm attitude when faced with "440", and they were able to cope with it with ease.

But in fact, he was under great pressure. When facing Liu Yueqing, he needed to maintain the mystery and majesty of the Kingdom of God, and maintain this sense of overlooking from above, in order to completely convince the other party.

Not to mention when facing Ling Yun, that guy is in an absolutely supreme state no matter how you say it. Economically and personally, he may even reach the level of the Lord God.

Therefore, even an emotional clone is enough to make Tushan Yaya feel tremendous pressure, and he cannot hide or avoid it. Although he can take a step back and share the pressure with the sisters, this also reveals his cowardice. .

Tushan Yaya could never allow outsiders to have a bad opinion of the Kingdom of God because of himself. Therefore, although he was extremely nervous and the pressure in his heart was inflated, he still persisted and showed himself Emotional stability and attitude ease.

However, after returning to the Kingdom of God, and returning to this home that currently belongs to her, Tushan Yaya completely relaxed.

Because here, with the blessing of the Lord God and the gathering power of the entire Divine Valley, Tushan Yaya is not afraid of threats from anyone, let alone Ling Yun. Even if the entire main city space comes over, he will not have any fear.

This is not because of issues such as the power of the Kingdom of God, but because here, Tushan Yaya has companions, family, and his beloved Lord God, so he will not have any fear or tension.

But what followed, after the most tense emotions relaxed, was this panic and fatigue. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Maybe Tushan Yaya hadn't noticed the panic and fatigue just now, all because she was eager to tell the story about Ling Yun and the Lord God. The space and the supreme news told the Lord God that everything had been covered up...

But now, after being awakened by the Lord God, Tushan Yayatan sat in her seat. Tiredness swept over her body, impacting her tired body and tired soul. She couldn't even maintain a stable sitting posture and could only soften. He slumped softly in his seat.

The beauty is like mud, soft and boneless, delicate and delicious. The scattered hair is accompanied by traces of sweat, or sticks tightly to the forehead, or condenses and hovers, falling on the smooth shoulders, black and The pure white symmetry has no hint of embarrassment, but instead has a particularly seductive feeling.

A pair of clean and plump jade feet, with dots of white jade-like toes, sometimes curled up and sometimes stretched out due to tension and fatigue, naughty and interesting, hanging in the air and constantly swaying, as if by the magic of the God of Love. , constantly stirring up the lover's heart.

This seemingly ungraceful and rude sitting posture, which was obviously very embarrassing, was forcibly changed by Tushan Yaya into this attractive appearance, which seemed to deliberately express the beauty of her body.。。[]

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