After a long time,

the sounds in the dark cabin finally became less and less. Gradually it calmed down.

In the void, there were noisy, fluctuating and complex sounds. There is slowness and it turns into nothingness.

Obviously, the first meeting between Lin Keer and the voice in the void in this world has ended.。

“It's over, it's finally over..."

Lin Ke'er was exhausted. She slowly stood up and stretched out her hand to pull the curtains. The warm and bright sunshine suddenly made this dim cabin become warm and bright. Looking

at Looking at the sun, looking at this light that symbolizes vitality, even though he knows that a mere star is not worth caring about, Lin Keer, who is in this body and in this world, still feels a lot better.。

“Plan for the Great Purge 830. The absolute darkness in the universe may be coming soon, and we don't know how long this delightful light can last.

Lingyun, the main god space, and the legendary god of luck. I hope you can bring me a real surprise. "

Lin Keer held a ray of light in his hand. He really held a ray of light and gently clenched his fist. He kept this light in the palm of his hand forever, warming his already cold heart. The next moment

, Lin Keer's deep and mysterious eyes suddenly became clear, everything became transparent, and it seemed that (bcej) it had returned to its usual purity.。

“Eh? ! "

Lin Ke'er exclaimed with some surprise and confusion, looking at the bright sunshine. He tilted his head and said in a daze:

“Why did it suddenly dawn? Did time fly by so fast? Why don't you seem to have any impression here? Sleepwalking? ! "

Obviously. At this moment, Lin Ke'er has returned to the innocent girl she once was, lively and innocent, full of purity and purity.。

“Wait, wait, wait, isn't it? Could it be that the fairy sister's story was a dream I had because I missed the earth and yearned for the system too much? "

However, the girl who reacted instantly became sad again and sat down on the ground. She was so happy and sad that this girl, who was not very mature in mind, was very depressed.。

“No, it's not a dream! "

Lin Ke'er suddenly opened her eyes and stood up from the ground. Apparently, the girl who had just woken up from her sleep had already noticed something strange about her body. It was filled with extraordinarily abundant power, and endless

elements and laws circulated. Amplifying the soul and spirit.

How could such a situation be just a dream? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Hahaha, it’s true! It’s true! Fairy sister, I really love you to death, haha. Lin

Keer jumped up and down with laughter, waved her white fists towards the scorching sun in the sky, and said happily:

“This world, just wait, your Empress Ke'er will soon show her power in your continent.

Hee hee, no, Sister Ling Yun is right. How can you limit your vision to this world? Set a small goal to transcend this space in a month, break the void of rules, and complete your transcendence.

Ho ho ho, the endless void, the vast sea of stars, the beautiful fairy sister, waiting for Ke'er, I will come happily。”

“It’s so noisy, damn girl’s movie, why are you arguing here so early in the morning? You are the eldest lady and you don’t want to work, but we are not. Can you be more moral? "

However, just when Lin Ke'er was jumping for joy, an inappropriate voice broke in...

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