“Have your pride been eaten by dogs? "

Lin Ke'er gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do about it. He actually knew that he could not shake these counselors whose minds had become corrupted. What's the point of yelling here? What's the point of

blaming everything here?

If you want to inspire them, they have been sealed away. It is not that easy to be proud for a long time.

So after scolding everything, Lin Keer was a little helpless and sighed leisurely.。

“Forget it, I actually understand that your attitude of being willing to protect yourself and unwilling to take risks will make you more and more greedy for life and afraid of death, and less and less willing to venture out.

But I am different. I live for pride and die for pride. I do not allow such variables to exist in the team I lead and in the plan I lead.

Even if the other party may be comparable to the main god's space, it is absolutely top-notch!

You can find more excuses. The usual group of hidden supreme beings can use their non-existence as an excuse. Even if this supreme god of luck does not hide his existence and appears in front of us openly, you can also look for various Excuses to cover everything up.

But excuses are just excuses after all. Hidden dangers have been laid and contradictions also exist. Ignoring everything will not make it all go away. How should we do it? You just have to figure it out~. "

A word of words made these voices in the void speechless. They were silent and reflecting.

In fact, what Lin Keer thought was different is that these voices in the starry sky also had What I am proud of is not that greed for life and fear of death.

Some people are even the leaders who survived the absolutely devastating battle.

But it was precisely because of that battle that all their All the arrogance and arrogance were shattered. They were unwilling to fight anymore and were really scared.

And maybe because of time, their pride slowly faded away, but Lin Keer's recent phone call still made them feel... Touched.

But this is not enough! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. This saying spread in the ancient earth plane is really good. Haha, what an interesting little girl.

That's all, you are the leader anyway, and we will not try to persuade you to withdraw from your attitude. There will be no more encouragement. Everything that follows will be created by you.。”

“.Hahaha, you are right. I am indeed very curious about what kind of gorgeous stage performance such a proud little girl can create in this universe. "

Please find the other party's response, whether it is true or false. Lin Ke'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, after all, his attitude has been expressed here. Being able to do all this is already a blessing.。[]


Lin Ke'er stood up, with a solemn expression, and bowed lightly towards the void:

“If it is possible (Qian Dezhao), I naturally don't want to be an enemy of such a harmless existence. They don't even want to have contact with them, and they don't even want to wait and see.

But our time is running out. We cannot allow this atmosphere to gradually develop in our group, otherwise the real sanctuary will definitely fall into this void again.

Seniors, no matter what happened before, no matter what happens now, please give Kerr a helping hand in the future. The future will be created by us.。”。

Người mua: sabmado

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