Chapter 312 Flying flowers and picking leaves can kill anyone!

That’s right, when Ye Fei killed the five Violet Group’s killers like chopping melons and vegetables, the black crow stood up.

Realizing that something was wrong, he turned around and ran away, turned around and left!

Seeing the black crow turned around and ran away, Ye Fei felt that the black crow’s breath was getting weaker in a blink of an eye.

Ye Fei’s mouth curled up, his expression was faint, but he didn’t panic at all.

The black crow wants to run?

Want to escape from the hands of his master of transformation~?

Foolish dreams.

Ye Fei’s figure moved, and in a blink of an eye, he also appeared out of the window like a ghost.

In the courtyard of the villa.

Ye Fei landed steadily, only to see a figure rushing out in front of him, it was the black crow!

The black crow ran so fast, this scene fell in Ye Fei’s eyes, Ye Fei squinted, and there was a deep coldness in his eyes.




Ye Fei laughed softly, stomping forward quickly.

In a blink of an eye, Ye was almost in front of the black crow, less than meters away from the black crow.

The black crow was so scared that the souls of the dead at this time, a cold behind him, seemed to have noticed something, and turned around abruptly.

At this moment, the figure of Tao appeared in front of him, it was Ye Fei.

Ye Fei appeared almost silently. When the black crow noticed it, he suddenly got a cold sweat, and the black crow showed his face

The color of horror, he said in amazement: “You

Black Crow is a native of Dongying, but he can speak Chinese, but his tone is difficult and his voice is a bit sharp and weird.

You are human

The black crow stared at Ye Fei nervously, his expression was quite shocked, and there was a deep sense of fear in his eyes.

Seeing the expression of the black crow, Ye Fei smiled lightly: “Is it a man or a ghost? I didn’t expect you to speak Chinese well. But

The rubbish should stay in the rubbish heap, and the East Tower will not wait, come to my Xuanhuang to die.

While Ye Fei spoke, his figure moved again, letting out his inner strength!

For a time, the surrounding breath seems to have been dragged, and the entire space becomes extremely dignified,-stocks are like mountains

The coercion struck.

This terrifying coercion made people feel amazed, even a little trembling.

The black crow felt this huge breath, he even felt that his whole person was’locked’ by Ye Fei, he

It is difficult to move the figure, even with a single step.

The black crow was even more frightened.

Ye Fei can do this?

This person in front of you

Only after he really comes into contact with Ye Fei, can he understand the horror of the man in front of him, and understand that Ye Fei has

How terrible.

This kind of pressure like a mountain, even the black crow has never felt it.

Even the leaders of the Violet Organization are a bit inferior to the man in front of them!

The Black Crow is already one of the core killers of the Violet Organization.

He prides himself that even a master with great internal strength can fight with all his strength and kill him.

But when facing Ye Fei, he did feel a strong pressure and aura, which made it even hard for the black crow


The black crow’s voice is difficult: “You turned out to be a realm master!”

The black crow bites the tip of the tongue. This is an ancient killer secret. By biting the tip of the tongue, the body can be stimulated.

Physical potential.

After the black crow bit the tip of his tongue, he really stimulated the potential in his body. He turned and fled immediately without hesitation!

That’s right, the Black Crow didn’t have the slightest desire to fight Ye Fei in his heart, but turned around and ran!

Knowing that Ye Fei is the Master of Transformation, when facing Ye Fei, the black crow has no luck in his heart, and he doesn’t even think about it.

Want to fight against Ye Fei’s mind.

The difference between Huajing Grandmaster and ordinary warrior is the difference between Tianyuan.

The black crow turned his head and ran, tapping his toes. The speed is so fast in the dark that ordinary people can’t even notice it.

Ye Fei squinted to see the black crow trying to escape. He sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: “Do you think you can escape?”

As soon as Ye Fei’s voice fell, he saw Ye Fei’s inner strength exuding, and his inner strength burst out like explosives.

In fact, when you reach a master of internal power, you can release your internal power.

For example, Fu Hongyu, who played against Ye Fei, can do this

Ask for flowers

But Ye Fei’s internal energy is not like Fu Hongyu’s, it just flows internal energy on the surface of the body and skin, but

Can stimulate the inner strength!

Therefore, Ye Fei can do the flying flowers picking leaves, all can kill!

In an instant, Ye Fei has acted.

Ye Fei turned around and moved, he picked a leaf from the garden of the villa next to him, and then flicked his fingers slightly.

Just seeing the moment, it made a loud sound of piercing the eardrum.


Accompanied by this sound, the leaves in Ye Fei’s hands are even more lightly flicked, which will cut through the air, just like

Stabbed the black crow like a knife!

The black crow screamed, screamed, staggered

Immediately after that, I saw the black crow vomiting blood, and the eyes were full of shock. The blood was vomiting and the stool was soft.

Fell to the ground.

The black crow can’t handle Ye Fei’s trick at all!

I only saw this leaf in the back of the black crow, and the back of the black crow was blood flowing, and it was completely covered by this leaf.

The leaves made a blood hole.

Facing Ye Fei’s amazing move, the black crow didn’t have the slightest strength to resist. He fell limp on the ground, eyes

The middle is full of despair.

The black crow slowly turned his head, he looked at Ye Fei, his eyes were full of horror and despair, and he opened his mouth and said: “It turned out to be the Grand Master.

I died unjustly in front of me. ”

“As long as you know.”

Ye Fei’s expression was indifferent, extremely relaxed, as if he hadn’t killed a person alone, as if he had trampled on an ant.


This is the realm of the martial arts master, flying flowers and picking leaves can kill people!

And Ye Fei has used this ability to the extreme.


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