Chapter 313 Experience value increased!

The black crow fell softly to the ground, his pupils dilated, and fell directly to the ground, his back completely soaked with blood.

The black crow is dead.

Even if it is as strong as the black crow, it is still not Ye Fei’s opponent today. Ye Fei is easy to deal with the black crow.

Kill the black crow easily.

Ye Fei walked to the black crow’s body and looked at the horrified eyes of the black crow when he died. He closed his eyes and then returned.

To the villa.

Ye Fei is still elegant, he is not even stained with blood on his body.

Ye Fei returned to the bedroom of the villa.

Bai Ruoxi was in it. She looked at Ye Fei and was relieved when she saw Ye Fei come back.

As long as Ye Fei comes back, it means that at least Ye Fei is safe.

Although Bai Ruoxi also knows that Ye Fei is amazing now, Bai Ruoxi can’t help but worry about Ye Fei in “Sixty or Seventy”.

“Are you okay?” Bai Ruoxi’s eyes were full of concern, as he looked at Ye Fei and asked.

Ye Fei smiled and said: “It’s okay, don’t worry.” “That’s good.” Bai Ruoxi whispered.

Ye Fei said again: “There are six assassins in this attack, five of them are elite assassins from the Violet organization, and

One is the black crow, I killed all of them. The body of the black crow is now downstairs. ”

The black crow was killed by Ye Fei.

Hearing this news, even Bai Ruoxi couldn’t help being slightly excited and surprised.

Her eyes were like water, she looked at Ye Fei and clenched her fists tightly. Bai Ruoxi knew that Ye Fei was very strong, but did not expect Ye Fei to be strong

To this extent.

Those who came to assassinate her also included the Black Crow!

And the black crow was easily killed by him.

How long is this total?

It took less than five minutes from Ye Fei’s departure to Ye Fei’s return.

Within five minutes, Ye Fei killed the Black Crow, which was incredible, which made Bai Ruoxi feel surprised and astonished.

The Black Crow is powerful, and at any rate is the core killer of the Violet Organization, Bai Ruoxi is very clear about this.

But Ye Fei is able to solve the black crow so easily. What does this show that Ye Fei’s strength has reached?

Bai Ruoxi was a little unbelievable.

But for Bai Ruoxi, this is undoubtedly good news that excites her.

Bai Ruoxi held her fist slightly with both hands, restraining her inner excitement.

The Black Crow was the murderer who killed her father himself, and Bai Ruoxi finally got his revenge!

Of course, Bai Ruoxi’s heart could not be restrained, because she had waited for this day for six years. At first she

The death of his father became an eternal shadow in Bai Ruoxi’s heart.

Bai Ruoxi even once thought that he would never catch the real murderer, and he didn’t even avenge the enemy.

With hope, but I didn’t expect that after meeting Ye Fei, things would have such a turning point. Bai Ruoxi finally helped himself

His father got revenge.

Of course, the real culprit behind the scenes is Fang Qihong, and Fang Qihong has not been arrested yet.

But the black crows are already dead, can Fang Qihong be far away?

Thinking of this, Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Fei with bright eyes, her eyes were like water, and her bright eyes focused on Ye Fei’s body.

Eyes flowed, gently hugging Ye Fei’s waist, she hugged Ye Fei tightly, as if she was afraid of letting go of Ye Fei

Ye Fei’s whole person will disappear.

Bai Ruoxi whispered in Ye Fei’s ear: “Thank you, Ye Fei, thank you so much.”

Bai Ruoxi was very happy, very happy.

Finally took a big step towards revenge in the true sense. The murderer who killed his father’s real murderer in the past finally died tonight.

If it weren’t for Ye Fei, she didn’t even know if she could get revenge, so Bai Ruoxi was extremely grateful to Ye Fei.

In addition, the two are lovers, and various emotions are intertwined. Of course, Bai Ruoxi’s cheeks are slightly red, and he even took the initiative to hug Ye Fei.

Send a sweet kiss.

Under such circumstances, Ye Fei also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and kissed Bai Ruoxi.

For a long time, he stroked Bai Ruoxi’s silky hair, smelled the fragrance of Bai Ruoxi’s hair, and said: “Okay, the black crow is already

Death, but we can’t take it lightly, we can take advantage of the victory and pursue it. ”

When Bai Ruoxi heard what Ye Fei said, she was also refreshed and nodded seriously: “Well, I also think it can deal with Fang


Fang Qihong revealed a big flaw.

After all, Fang Qihong had completely exposed himself by doing this.

Follow the black crow’s identity to check, and soon you can find out that Fang Qihong instructed.

Coupled with the collusion between Qihong and the Violet organization six years ago, the murder of Bai Ruoxi’s father, these incidents

Together, it is enough to sentence Fang Qihong.

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and said, “We can’t miss this opportunity. Fang Qihong should be waiting for the black crow tonight.

News, you prepare now, let’s go directly to Fang Qihong’s residence and block him. ”

“Good.” Bai Ruoxi nodded vigorously.

The night of Bai Ruoxi’s revenge is tonight!

Now Bai Ruoxi has seen the dawn of hope.

And this is all because of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei stroked Bai Ruoxi’s hair. He said: “I’ll go there for a while and Fang Qihong, you will follow immediately.


Ye Fei drove off from the underground garage immediately, while Bai Ruoxi called in security personnel to deal with the nearby villa

Those corpses must be reported to the Criminal Division to deal with Fang Qihong through legal means.

Ye Fei drove out, that is, at this moment, Ye Fei also heard the warning sound of the array system coming from his ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, you get 500 experience points from Bai Ruoxi, and the host experience points increase.”

Hearing the hint of experience value, Ye Fei was refreshed again.

It’s 5.7. I got 500 experience points. Ye Fei now has 3000 experience points. This is an increase in experience points.

The growth rate is quite fast.

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