Chapter 311 The horror of the master of transformation!

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

In the bedroom.

Ye Fei instantly saw two assassins from the Violet organization rushing, both of them were holding murder weapon daggers in their hands, pointing at

Bai Ruoxi rushed.

But when they saw Bai Ruoxi’s clothes intact and sitting by the bed waiting for them to arrive, they were obviously taken aback.

When they saw Bai Ruoxi’s small waist and a calm look beside Bai Ruoxi Ye Fei, their eyes showed even more-

Si was shocked and horrified, knowing that she had been fooled this time.


One of the assassins yelled, speaking in Dongying language, as if he wanted to remind his companions.

But the killer reminded it too late, too late.

I only saw Ye Fei’s figure move. He was just a little bit on his toes, and his figure was like a ghost, in this dark night.

Ye Fei seemed to descend like a king in the dark night.

Ye Fei’s figure stomped swiftly, arrived in front of the killer, and then patted that lightly!

Ye Fei seems to move very softly, but in fact it is extremely heavy.

This palm seemed to be slapped softly on the assassin’s body, the assassin didn’t even have time to make a scream, only

Hearing a crisp sound, the killer was like a puddle of ooze, and 227 people fell down and disappeared.


Soon after, Ye Fei acted again.

Another assassin also screamed and rushed towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is like chopping melons and vegetables, he grabbed his wrist easily and slammed it.

The killer’s hand was broken.

Then Ye Fei flew another kick, and the killer flew out heavily and hit the wall with a loud noise.


Ye Fei lifted the weight lightly, strolled in the courtyard, and solved the two killers with great ease.

The two killers fell to the ground and died.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ruoxi, who should have been screaming in surprise, was extremely calm, staring at her man with her eyes, lightly comfortable

In a sigh of relief.

Just now, Ye Fei’s series of actions were like moving clouds and flowing water, and it easily solved the two killers.

It’s almost like shooting a martial arts movie.

No, it’s not like shooting a martial arts movie.

Because usually in martial arts movies, both sides have back and forth, but only Ye Fei is easy to kill, right


A strange feeling rose in Bai Ruoxi’s heart, and the eyes of Ye Fei showed a deep joy and appreciation.

This is the man she likes.

Bai Ruoxi was surprised by Ye”fei’s terrifying skill. After all, Bai Ruoxi was not from the martial arts world, she had seen

Ye Fei fought against the members of the Violet Killer organization, but at that time Ye Fei’s strength was not yet the master of the realm.

Bai Ruoxi doesn’t know that Ye Fei has become the master of the realm of transformation. He just feels that Ye Fei’s strength seems to be complete compared to the last time.

It’s not like one-dimensional.

Ye Fei’s movements are fluent and smooth, and can even be described as elegant.

After dealing with the two killers, he was still at ease and at ease, as if he had pinched two ants to death.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei acted again.

Next, two more killers rushed into the room.

The two assassins were also armed with murder weapons, and even one of them was still holding a gun.

Seeing Ye Fei, the killer raised his hand the first time he wanted to pull the trigger and fired at Ye Fei!

The killer was very decisive and wanted to shoot Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei moves faster.

Although once the killer’s gun is fired, it can pose a threat to Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s actions are one step faster, directly

One kick flew out and kicked the assassin’s chest.

In an instant, a blood line burst out, and the killer also fell softly to the ground.

After that, Ye Fei used his catcher again, and then killed another killer with ease.

Although guns are very powerful, they are very threatening.

But once you reach the level of a master of transformation, you can even (becc) prevent the opponent from shooting at short distances!

Of course, the sniper rifle is another matter, but the master of transformation has a strong ability to perceive danger. Generally speaking,

The sniper rifle is even hard to do, which is why the Great Master of Transformation is so special and powerful.

It’s also true that Xuanhuang State’s martial arts realm masters are so scarce, and the military of Xuanhuang’s military is also capable of opposing the realm masters.

Have such preferential treatment.

Only the last two killers are left.

The two killers also included the black crow, which is Ye Fei’s main target this time.

Ye Fei didn’t panic, strolling in the courtyard, looking towards the court.

The remaining elite assassin of the Violet Organization was already weakened by Ye Fei’s fright.

Because this elite killer has never experienced such a scene before him. The man in front of him is simply a demon.

Then easily killed four of them.

Those are the four masters of inner strength, all of them are the elites in the violet organization, but in front of the man in front of them

But almost everyone can’t stop him-move

Monsters, demons!

The killer was almost in a mental breakdown.

In fact, as a member of the Violet Killer organization, his psychology is very strong. But he has never seen such

In this weird scene, he never thought it would be what it is today.

The man in front of him could easily kill them in seconds!

Ye Fei took a step forward and saw the assassin of the Violet Organization. He did not hesitate to pinch the opponent’s neck.

The shot was as fast as lightning.

Just listen to a crisp sound.

The assassin’s neck crooked and he died straight away.

So far, Ye Fei has easily solved five killers.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Fei’s mouth. He let out his energy and breathed out, like a big net.

Ye Fei is searching for the location of the only remaining killer, the “Black Crow”.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei noticed the breath of the black crow.

What surprised Ye Fei was that the black crow was actually running!

That’s right, the black crow is running away!

Just after Ye Fei easily solved the killers of the Violet Organization, the Black Crow immediately noticed something wrong and stood up.

Run away!

Ye Fei’s mouth curled up and wanted to run? How could it be possible to escape the palm of the master of transformation.

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