Chapter 859

Standing at the entrance, Lin Feihang took out the shoe cover from his pocket and put it on the shoe, then took out the white glove from the pocket and put it on.

Start looking!

Lin Feihang went directly to the bedroom and opened the closet. There were already hung suits and shirts inside, which were obviously taken out of the line and hung in.

Li Yunlong is very delicate, and he doesn’t need to do these things himself, his subordinates will do it well.

Lin Feihang opened another door of the clothes board.

Several suitcases and silver metal boxes are all inside.

Lin Feihang took out the metal box first, carried it, it was very heavy, took the metal box to the side of the cabinet, placed the metal box, Lin Feihang thought for a moment, and then directly turned the knob to enter the password!

Lin Feihang knows all the passwords of Li Yunlong, unless he has changed it in the past few days, he can’t be wrong!

After adjusting the password, Lin Feihang pressed both hands at the same time.



The password is correct and the lock is successfully unlocked!

Lin Feihang opened the metal box and then smiled.

Some things were neatly placed in the metal box, including Li Yunlong’s imitation of the May Fourth Movement, some special documents and valuables, but these only took up a small part of the space.

The one that occupies the most space is a laptop!

This is Li Yunlong’s personal computer!

What Lin Feihang is looking for is a laptop!

It contains not only Li Yunlong’s business information, but also some very private and terrifying information that is enough to send him to prison!

This laptop of Li Yunlong.

Lin Feihang’s introduction in the original novel is clear, and he is very clear about what is in it.

However, it is clear, but the author of the original novel about Li Yunlong’s commercial information is boring, and he will not write the entire commercial knowledge.

This is very likely to be scolded by readers as the number of words!

What’s more, he can write such comprehensive business materials, so what kind of novels does he have, is it not good to apply for a company as a secretary?

In addition, during this period, Li Yunlong’s laptop must have some new business information and operation records.

These are very valuable to Lin Feihang!

Not to mention, what are the shameful criminal evidences.

Lin Feihang took out the laptop.

Turn on.

Enter the power-on password directly.

Enter the computer “desktop”.

Then, Lin Feihang went directly to the drawer under the cabinet and found the mobile phone charger directly. This is Li Yunlong’s mobile phone charger.

The reason why it is in the drawer of the hotel bedroom is naturally that Li Yunlong’s people put it in according to Li Yunlong’s habit when he arranged Li Yunlong’s salute.

The charging interface of the charger is universal.

Lin Feihang directly unplugged the charging head.

One end of the data cable is connected to the computer by USB, and the other end is connected to Lin Feihang’s own mobile phone.

Lin Feihang’s mobile phone has 256g of memory.

At present, about 160g can be used, which is not enough at all. What Lin Feihang wants is only some commercial materials and illicit evidence.

Starting to transfer data to his mobile phone, some specific folders and compressed packages require passwords, and Lin Feihang knows these passwords!

More than ten minutes later.

Lin Feihang checked and transmitted all the information he wanted, and after some operations, he used hacking techniques to clear all his operation records from the bottom.

Shut down.

Put the charger data cable back.

After some sorting, Lin Feihang paused before closing the metal box. He looked at Li Yunlong’s imitation May Fourth in the box, then picked up the imitation May Fourth and checked it.

five minutes later.

Lin Feihang walked out of Room 606, standing on the carpet at the door before leaving the room, Lin Feihang did not forget to take off his shoe covers and gloves, and pushed the doorknob with his sleeve.

No traces will be left!

Lin Feihang is professional.

Get it done.

Going downstairs to leave the hotel, Lin Feihang walked through the alley and quickly returned to the car.

Drive to the company first!

Half an hour later, Lin Feihang drove a Rolls Royce to the Lin Group.

Lin Feihang entered his office.

Lin Feihang turned on the computer and imported all the data in the phone into his computer, and then began to look through it carefully.

The reason for sorting out is because these things are meaningless to Lin Feihang personally.

He already knows what he has in his memory, whether there is a real thing or not, it makes no difference.

These file data are only meaningful or valuable when they are in the hands of others!

Different content for different people.

So it needs to be sorted out.

After finishing everything, Lin Feihang opened the mailbox, typed in an email account directly, and sent a compressed package.

After that, Lin Feihang picked up the phone and dialed a number.


After about six or seven seconds, the call was connected.

“Xiao Hang, emergency?”

It was Lu Shouchun, he knew that Lin Feihang would not take the initiative to call him easily, so he asked if it was an emergency.

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