Chapter 860

“Uncle Lu, I just sent a document to your private mailbox. You can take a look.” Lin Feihang said.

“File? What file. Wait a minute…” After Lu Shouchun finished speaking, the phone seemed to be far away, and Lu Shouchun could still be heard talking to other people.

“Xiao Sun, you will postpone the video conference.”

Then came the sound of walking.

Soon, there was another sound of chair moving.

“Wait for me to take a look.” Lu Shouchun said to the phone again.

Then, Lin Feihang heard the sound of typing on the keyboard.

Three minutes later.

“Where did you get it? Xiaohang! These photos and videos!!” Lu Shouchun said in surprise.

When he first read the documents sent to him by Lin Feihang, he did not understand. The electronic version of the contract on behalf of the holding shares and some photos, including photos of people seriously injured and bleeding, until he saw a vague video. He just realized who the information was about.

It was very fuzzy and very shaky.

The video shows a couple of men and women who were beaten miserably and covered in blood. They kowtow to admit their mistakes and vowed to promise something.

Then the voice of a man in the background voice warned them.

It was Li Yunlong’s voice.

Lu Shouchun only read the beginning. The file Lin Feihang sent him is very large and contains a lot of content. He just started to read it.

He hasn’t seen the content of the evidence that is really enough to be called black material, or the evidence.

But now there is no need to look back, Lu Shouchun already understands what kind of document this is.

“It’s in Li Yunlong’s laptop.” Lin Feihang said to the phone.

“It’s in his computer? How did you…how did you get it? You went to Li Yunlong?” Lu Shouchun was taken aback and then surprised, and then immediately felt wrong, and asked again: “Did you pay back last night? In Jiangbei City, you…”

“Li Yunlong has returned to Jiangbei City. The plane got off at 11:30 noon.” Lin Feihang said slowly.

“He is in Jiangbei City?!” Lu Shouchun’s voice was high. He did not receive any news. It stands to reason that when Li Yunlong arrived in Jiangbei City, his son Lu Yingyi would definitely know and tell him.

“Yes. Come here in secret! He called Xuanying to explain that the day is here, but it’s actually here today.” Lin Feihang smiled.

“11:30 noon…” Lu Shouchun muttered, his tone was wrong again, because he looked at the current time, and it was only halfway through the afternoon!

In other words, it took Li Yunlong to Jiangbei City in just over two hours!

Lin Feihang got the information in Li Yunlong’s computer?

So fast?

When Li Yunlong came to Jiangbei City, he must have brought a lot of bodyguards with him. In such a short period of time, kidnapping is too late, right? What did Lin Feihang do?

“Xiao Hang, what did you do to him?! Didn’t you say yes, can’t you let him die in Jiangbei City?” Lu Shouchun asked, at the moment he was full of bad ideas!

And if it was someone else, Lu Shouchun would not think that way, ordinary people could not touch Li Yunlong, but Lin Feihang was no ordinary person.

“The things you thought about Uncle Lu didn’t happen.” Lin Feihang smiled and said, “I didn’t meet him! He should be still eating now.”

“Then how did you get it?” Lu Shouchun asked again.

“Very complicated.” Lin Fei Channel!

Make it clear that I don’t want to explain.

Lu Shouchun is really upset, this is so scary!

In the capacity of Lu Shouchun, Li Yunlong is a junior, he is naturally not afraid of anything, but now, the plan has been rolled out, and contacts between all parties are in progress.

Under this circumstance, if Li Yunlong died suddenly, the Zhou family would have no reason for revenge, the Lu family’s chance of uniting with the Zhou family would be gone, and the plan to attack the Wu family would be greatly affected.

The entire plan will be affected, and even said, it will ruin the plan!

Don’t even think about dividing up the assets of the Li family.

Therefore, Li Yunlong cannot die now, let alone die in Jiangbei City.

“Xiao Hang, you listen to Uncle Lu’s advice, don’t do anything for the time being, Li Yunlong can’t die in Jiangbei City, you can do anything, but he can’t die!”

Lu Shouchun was a bit bitter.

He was really worried that Lin Feihang was so angry that he directly stunned Li Yunlong. He believed that Lin Feihang had this ability.

“Uncle Lu, I said no, I won’t, don’t worry.” Lin Feihang smiled.

“In this way, what happened before Xiaohang almost hurt Xuanying, and the Li family has already compensated. I will transfer all the compensation to you now, and you will calm down.”

Lu Shouchun even said “you calm down”.

“Compensation?” Lin Feihang smiled and asked, “How much?”

It is very common to ask how much money it is.

Lin Feihang also considers himself a layman!

However, seriously speaking, he personally has a very weak view of money.

He is not interested in money!

Of course, no one thinks money is “hot”, nor does Lin Feihang.

And most importantly, Lin Feihang directly asked Lu Shouchun “how much”, in fact, he wanted to make Lu Shouchun feel at ease.

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