Chapter 858: Delayed for an hour and a half

And the reason why he chose this one. And I made sure that there was no one in this room, but it was because there was a “Please clean” sign hanging on the handle of this room.

It’s noon again.

Therefore, it can be judged that the owner who opened this room stayed in at least last night. And did not check out, it should be out for lunch now.

Standing at the door, Lin Feihang could see the living room inside the hallway, with suitcases on the wall, and used bath towels on the back of the chair spears. Lin Feihang could smell the faint fragrance of perfume.

The one who wanted to open this room was a woman who sprayed perfume in front of the hallway mirror before going out at noon.

Standing at the door and looking inward, Lin Feihang still didn’t walk inward.

Just waited at the door for a while.

Lin Feihang didn’t have the habit of messing around with strangers’ rooms, and he didn’t have that kind of curiosity.

About two minutes later.

“Come here.” While going out, Lin Feihang also picked up his mobile phone and said a few words.

Go back to the hallway.

Put away the phone.

Lin Feihang once again passed in front of Room 606 and the two bodyguards, returned to the elevator, pressed the elevator and walked in.

Swipe the card.

Go downstairs.

Lin Feihang directly left the Huashuo Hotel in Jiangbei City.

He went up this time just to determine which room Li Yunlong lived in. It is now obvious that Li Yunlong lives in the executive suite at No. 606.

According to what Lin Feihang knows, Li Yunlong lives in room 606 by himself as a bodyguard around Li Yunlong. The rooms 604 and 608 around room 606, and room 607 on the opposite side, should have been opened together!

Naturally, the bodyguards, assistants and other entourages lived.

Of course, there are other possibilities, for example, other rooms have been booked in advance by others, but there is a high probability that this will be the case.

Actually this is not important.

The important thing is that Li Yunlong lives in room 606.

After leaving Huashuo Hotel, Lin Feihang went across the street and entered a burger fast food restaurant.

Lin Feihang casually ordered something to eat and drink, and with the Hamburger Coke at the back, he walked to the window and sat down, pulled the mask down, drank Coca-Cola, and looked out the window.

From the location of Lin Feihang, it is natural to see the gate of Huashuo Hotel.

There were many cars parked in the parking lot at the gate, including a car owned by Li Yunlong and others.

Lin Feihang looked around, then retracted his gaze, took out his phone, and paid attention to the time.

It was 12:54.

The time for Li Yunlong to meet with Jiang Handong was two o’clock in the afternoon, and there was only one hour left. After deducting the time spent rushing to see Jiang Handong on the road, Li Yunlong did not have enough time!

Lin Feihang thought for a while and wanted to dial a number.

Call Handong Jiang!

It will go through immediately.

“Hey, Brother Lin, are you coming over to me now? I have already arranged it.” Jiang Handong connected the path.

“I have something to do temporarily.” Lin Feihang smiled and paused for a while and said: “This way. Jiang, you call Li Yunlong now and tell him. The meeting time is delayed for an hour and a half, and you will say you have something to do temporarily.”

“Yeah!” Jiang Handong didn’t think much, and agreed happily.

hang up the phone.

Lin Feihang drank Coke, turned his head and looked out the window.


ten minutes later.

Lin Feihang in the fast food restaurant saw Li Yunlong and more than a dozen people coming out from the front entrance of the hotel. Lin Feihang felt that they should have gone to eat.

This was facilitated by Lin Feihang.

Originally, there was not enough time to go to the restaurant to eat, because there was not enough time, so even if I was hungry, I would have to let the hotel deliver food, eat anything casually, and go to see Jiang Handong after the meal.

And Lin Feihang, through Jiang Handong, gave him plenty of time!

Watching Li Yunlong and the others get on the car, Lin Feihang also paid special attention. Among the bodyguards who followed Li Yunlong, the two bodyguards who were outside the sixth floor gate were also among them. This shows that Li Yunlong is likely to bring all the bodyguards. NS.

He came back to Jiangbei City in secret, he was very cautious, but not so cautious.

This saved Lin Feihang a lot of trouble and made this matter much simpler.

After seeing the car started, Lin Feihang put on his mask, got up and left the fast food restaurant. Soon, Lin Feihang returned to the Huashuo Hotel in Jiangbei City across the street.

Enter from the main entrance this time.

Swipe upstairs.

Lin Feihang came to the sixth floor again.

There is no one in the corridor.

Lin Feihang walked to the door of Executive Suite 606, but did not swipe his card to enter immediately. Now there are two possibilities. Either there is no one inside and Li Yunlong takes everyone away, or there is someone and Li Yunlong keeps the bodyguard.

The former is more likely.

Because Li Yunlong didn’t have the habit of keeping people in his room when he was away, besides. It is inconvenient to leave a car without leaving a car.


Out of caution. Lin Feihang still raised his hand and knocked on the door.

No one responded.

Lin Feihang swiped his card to enter the door.

This is an executive suite with a large area, one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. After entering the door, you can’t see Li Yunlong’s salute. Obviously, his subordinates arranged it and put them away.

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