Chapter 854 Get out!

More than half an hour passed.

Around 11:40.

Let’s have dinner!

Most of the eight dishes and one soup were made by Meng Xiaodie, who specialized in cooking. Lu Xuanying entered the kitchen industry to help out. She also had the thought of learning from Meng Xiaodie, but she didn’t say it clearly.

In addition, as “hostesses”, Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru are distinguished guests. This is their first meal at home. Lu Xuanying feels that she, the hostess, should cook at least one or two dishes by herself. .

At the same time as Lin Feihang’s house was having dinner.

Jiangbei Airport.

A private plane that took off from Xiangjiang City and experienced a ten-hour flight landed in the north area of ​​the airport in Jiangbei City.

After the private plane stopped taxiing and stopped completely, several black Jiangbei license-licensed cars, which had been waiting for a long time, drove directly into the airport runway and parked on the side of the private plane.

All the doors of the car were opened, and a dozen bodyguards in black suits pushed the door and got out of the car.

Stand by the car and wait.

They all come from the Li family.

After a few minutes.

The cabin door opened and the ladder was lowered.

A 30-year-old man with sunglasses, while adjusting the cuffs of his white shirt, hurriedly walked down the suspended ladder. Behind him, there were seven men and women, assistants or bodyguards, and got off the plane together.

Li Yunlong!

Li Yunlong, who has been hiding for many days, has emerged in Jiangbei City!

After getting off the plane, Li Yunlong walked to the relatively low-key black Audi car. The bodyguard opened the door for him, but he did not get in the car. Instead, he looked around the airport, then took out his mobile phone from his trousers pocket and dialed it. Number.

He called Lu Xuanying directly.

The villa of the champion mansion.

In the restaurant, everyone just had a meal and sat down. Lin Feihang left and right were Lu Xuanying and Meng Xiaodie, and on the opposite side were Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru.

“Come have a taste and see if it suits your appetites.” Lu Xuanying greeted her for dinner.

Started to eat.

Small talk.

Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru both praised the craftsmanship of Meng Xiaodie and Lu Xuanying, and after that, women talked about women. Men talk about men.

It was mainly Zhao Ziqiang. He kept asking Lin Feihang that his enthusiasm for fighting was really extraordinary.

It’s like a fire!

“What does Ms. Meng do?” Cui Xinru asked Meng Xiaodie.

She is now interested in Meng Xiaodie.

Before, she was interested in Lu Xuanying, went into the kitchen to chat with Lu Xuanying, and helped Lu Xuanying pick vegetables by the way, but it didn’t take long before she found that something was wrong.

Last night, she had already felt that Meng Xiaodie was not right with Lin Feihang, but she did not dare to guess randomly. After all, Lin Feihang’s girlfriend was Lu Xuanying, so she thought that Meng Xiaodie might be a “sister”.

In other words, it is Lu Xuanying’s person, her trusted confidant.

Because Meng Xiaodie has always been called Lin Feihang, Mr. Lin.

As a result, many things cannot be accurately judged.

And after Cui Xinru stayed in the kitchen not long, she felt it out that the relationship between Lu Xuanying and Meng Xiaodie was extremely “weird”

The address is very strange, calling each other Ms. Lu and Ms. Meng. But Meng Xiaodie occasionally calls her sister.

When the two spoke, the information revealed in and out of the words was also very wrong.

It felt that Lu Xuanying and Meng Xiaodie were not familiar with each other at all, and Meng Xiaodie was a little afraid of Lu Xuanying.

And Lu Xuanying even asked Meng Xiaodie where she went to play with Lin Feihang yesterday.

Cui Xinru has faintly felt what the relationship is between the two.

Naturally, I can’t believe it.

When talking to Meng Xiaodie, Cui Xinru’s eyes swept back and forth, looking at Meng Xiaodie and Lu Xuanying, back and forth.

He even said that he was a little excited.

The gossip fire in Cui Xinru’s heart is already burning!

Jingle Bell……

The phone’s ringtone suddenly rang at this time.

It’s Lu Xuanying.

Out of courtesy, everyone around the dining table stopped talking. Lu Xuanying took out her cell phone and looked at it. She frowned. It was Li Yunlong who called.

Lu Xuanying didn’t pick it up right away.

Lin Feihang glanced at Lu Xuanying’s phone screen.

Lu Xuanying glanced at Lin Feihang, exchanged her eyes with Lin Feihang, then stood up and smiled at the opposite Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru: “Sorry, let’s answer the phone.”

Lu Xuanying usually answers Li Yunlong’s calls.

Because Li Yunlong was ill, Lu Xuanying hadn’t answered him, Li Yunlong called frantically, and then changed the number when blocked, until the call to the front desk of the Lu’s group was frantically bombed.

After that, Lu Xuanying didn’t want to waste time and energy because of this kind of thing, so she would not refuse to answer Li Yunlong’s phone calls, and even took the initiative to call Li Yunlong sometimes.

Of course, every time he takes the initiative to fight, he greets Li Yunlong’s family.

Lu Xuanying got up and left the dining room, to the other side of the living room, in front of the huge French window.

“Say.” Answering the phone, Lu Xuanying looked out the window, her voice cold and crisp.

“I will go back to Jiangbei City tomorrow! When will you have time for lunch?” Li Yunlong’s voice came from the phone.

“Get out!” Lu Xuanying said coldly.

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