Chapter 855: Li Yunlong is out

“Don’t be like this, if you don’t want to see me, I can also go to your company to see you. After all, I have pursued you before. Can’t you be a couple and can’t be a friend?” Li Yunlong said with a smile.

“Come on, let’s see if I will beat you out.” Lu Xuanying said directly.

This sentence is not just a verbal intimidation, she dare!

If Li Yunlong dared to go to her company, she really dared to smoke Li Yunlong.

“Xuanying, don’t do this, but I want to apologize to you face to face, you must give me a chance, right?” Li Yunlong said.

“Are you going to die!” Lu Xuanying said, and she hung up after she finished speaking, too lazy to listen.

Back to the restaurant.

Lu Xuanying seemed like nothing happened. In fact, to her, nothing happened, but Li Yunlong was annoying again.

After sitting down, Lu Xuanying picked up the chopsticks, put a rib for Lin Feihang, put it in Lin Feihang’s bowl, then tilted her head and whispered to Lin Feihang, “Li Yunlong will be back to Jiangbei City tomorrow.”

Lin Feihang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Li Yunlong should have arrived in Jiangbei City today. He has made an appointment with Jiang Handong for the meeting time and place in the afternoon.

And if Li Yunlong has something to do, and he really can’t come today, he will definitely notify Jiang Handong in advance, because he wants Jiang Handong and will not release Jiang Handong pigeons.

But Jiang Handong did not call to say that the plan has changed.

So Li Yunlong is lying!

He would still return to Jiangbei City today, but deliberately told Lu Xuanying that tomorrow, it was not just a joke. Normally, when he told Lu Xuanying, Lin Feihang would know, and Lu Yingyi would know, and there must be special arrangements for him.

Li Yunlong is a phone call, and will postpone all the arrangements for him until tomorrow.

He can be very calm!

It can also give Lu Xuanying a “surprise”!

After all, Jiangbei City is a mixture of fish and dragons. There are forests and the Lv family. The Li family is weak. Li Yunlong is still very cautious.

Lin Feihang thought! Suddenly tilted her head, and whispered to Lu Xuanying: “Is there any background sound in the phone just now on the call?”

Lu Xuanying frowned and looked at Lin Feihang. She didn’t know what Lin Feihang asked about, but she thought about it for a while, and then whispered in a low voice: “A lot of wind.”

Lin Feihang nodded, smiled and did not ask any more.

Li Yunlong has arrived in Jiangbei City!

And now at the airport!

Lin Feihang inferred that because it was already noon, he was going to see Jiang Handong in the afternoon, and he would definitely arrive a few hours in advance. The airport was far away from the main city, and it would take time to prepare calmly.

Therefore, at this point in time, Li Yunlong had either already arrived in Jiangbei City before or was approaching on the plane, and it was impossible that he hadn’t set off yet.

And Li Yunlong suddenly called Lu Xuanying and said that from tomorrow to psychologically speaking, this kind of call should be made at a special time.

To deceive Lu Xuanying, there is also a psychology similar to “evil taste”.

It is very windy and the airport is outside, very empty! So it’s windy!

Li Yunlong should have made this call as soon as he got off the plane.

It’s just inference, but it will be so in a high probability.

Lin Feihang glanced at the watch time, and then continued to eat!

After eating this meal for more than half an hour, several people ate and drank enough.

“I’m going out to do something.” Lin Feihang said to Lu Xuanying as everyone walked out of the dining room and was about to go to the living room to sit and chat for a while.

Then Lin Feihang looked at Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru and said, “I go out, and it may be late in the evening to come back. Xuanying has to go to the office in the afternoon, Xiaodie is at home, if you have anything, talk to Xiaodie.”

Just out of courtesy, Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru are guests after all.

After a few minutes.

The black Rolls-Royce drove out of the complex, onto the main road, and went straight to the Nancheng District.

Lin Feihang is going to find Li Yunlong!



In the Rolls-Royce car, while driving, Lin Feihang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Called the “double agent” Pan Yuanlong who had been completely dealt with before Lin Feihang.

The call to Pan Yuanlong went through quickly

“Hey, Mr. Lin.” Pan Yuanlong answered quickly, with a somewhat respectful tone.

“What car did Li Yunlong’s people use yesterday, and I haven’t returned it yet. You send the license plate number to my phone.” Lin Feihang said directly, and hung up after speaking.

Lin Feihang believed that Pan Yuanlong understood what he meant.

When Li Yunlong returned to Jiangbei City, he must use a car.

When he got off the plane, someone would pick him up, and the person to pick him up should be from the Li family and Li Yunlong’s confidant. Lin Feihang knew Li Yunlong and knew Li Yunlong’s habits.

Li Yunlong is very cautious, especially when there is a rival like him, so the car will definitely not be Li’s car, it is impossible to buy a new car, it must be arranged through the relationship.

And as long as the car is used through the relationship, whether he is directly looking for Pan Yuanlong or not, Pan Yuanlong can know that Li Yunlong’s contacts in Jiangbei City, they are mutual contacts with each other.

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