Chapter 853 Apprenticeship

“I can apprentice a teacher, I can pay the tuition, eldest brother, please take the time to teach me.”

Zhao Ziqiang approached Lin Feihang’s side and said with a grin: “We are about the same age. If you can practice like that, can I?”

“And I have the foundation, I have practiced since I was a child, it belongs to the boy skill.”

Lin Feihang was a little speechless, because Zhao Ziqiang’s emotions became more and more excited, and his speaking rate was getting faster and faster. There was a state in which he was afraid that Lin Feihang would disagree, so he said everything he wanted to say first.

Zhao Ziqiang is really urgent.

After seeing Lin Feihang’s peerless master in the alley last night, he has already started to think about this matter.

Yesterday, he was still thinking before going to bed.

When I woke up this morning, I was thinking when I was smoking by the bedside!

Even in his sleep last night, he was dreaming.

The dream was because he was mentally stimulating and almost had a big event before. He was rescued by Lin Feihang. When Lin Feihang rescued him, the style of being a “peerless master” appeared in his dreams.

Learning kung fu from an expert is a form two idea that many men had in their childhood and adolescence.

They are all fantasizing that on the way to school, they meet an old beggar, and the old beggar directly asks you to maintain world peace!

But it won’t happen when it gets older.

Zhao Ziqiang is different, he is not a second-second, he really loves fighting!

Lin Feihang sat on the sofa, Zhao Ziqiang stood aside, even said with gestures, and said a lot in one breath, and finally said: “Big brother, I’m serious, I will do whatever you ask me to practice!”

Finished. Zhao Ziqiang looked at Lin Feihang eagerly.

Lin Feihang smiled and looked up and down Zhao Ziqiang, as if looking at whether Zhao Ziqiang could learn how to behave well.

“Big brother, my body is very good!” Zhao Ziqiang immediately made another strong gesture of himself, and then said: “Yesterday, big brother, you also saw it, they beat me like that, I am fine, and my body is very strong!”

Just want to prove that you can. Just want to learn.

“You can take care of the injury first.” Lin Feihang thought for a while and smiled: “You can’t practice now. Let’s talk about it when the injury is almost done!”

Lin Feihang neither refused nor agreed.

Catch him!

“Big brother, I can, I’m really fine.” Zhao Ziqiang immediately said again.

“In your current state, I want to try your skills. How do you think you can show?” Lin Feihang asked with a smile.

Zhao Ziqiang was speechless all at once.

He can’t move at all right now, it hurts wherever he moves, and he can’t perform violent movements at all.

Lin Feihang wants to test his skills, he naturally wants to perform well, but now he can’t do it.

“Then…in a few days…” Zhao Ziqiang thought and said again.

“I’ll talk about it in a few days.” Lin Feihang interrupted.

At this moment, there was movement on the second floor upstairs. Soon, Lu Xuanying, who was wearing a capable lady’s suit and had long black hair, walked down the stairs.

She is going to the company this afternoon, so this person is for work.

“Miss Lu.” Zhao Ziqiang turned his head and saw Lu Xuanying come down and greeted him.

“How do you feel?” Lu Xuanying looked at Zhao Ziqiang with a slight smile and asked, “Are there any discomforts? You have to say if you are uncomfortable, I can call the doctor over, don’t be embarrassed.”

“My okay Miss Lu, I’m okay.” Zhao Ziqiang said immediately, he didn’t want Lin Feihang on the side to feel that there was something wrong with his body.

Lu Xuanying went to the living room and chatted with Zhao Ziqiang. After hearing the movement in the kitchen, she went to the kitchen.

Lin Feihang and Zhao Ziqiang continued to chat in the living room.

“Apprentice to learn art” had already been said, but Zhao Ziqiang and Lin Feihang talked about the topic of kung fu fighting.

He asked people how to practice and how to practice.

Lin Feihang also briefly talked to him.

Unconsciously at eleven o’clock.

Cui Xin came downstairs.

She seems to be in good condition. She didn’t have any injuries. Today, she washed and changed clothes and put on makeup. From the outside, she couldn’t tell what she had experienced last night.

Lin Feihang and Zhao Ziqiang both greeted Cui Xinru, and then continued the conversation.

Cui Xin came here without interrupting the communication between the two of them about fighting.

She sat in the living room for a while, listened to the conversation between Lin Feihang and Zhao Ziqiang, and then went to the kitchen, not to help with cooking. As a young lady, she didn’t know how to cook. She just went to see and talk to Lu Xuanying. say something.

Cui Xinru is quite curious about Lu Xuanying. She has long heard of the names of Lu’s parents and granddaughters, and she can be called a maverick woman!

Lu Xuanying’s act of firing a gun last night shocked her even more.

Just curious and want to understand.

And a girl from a big family like Cui Xinru also understands that there is more contact and closeness with a woman like Lu Xuanying. There are only good things and no harm!

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