Chapter 839 It really is that kind of relationship!

Lu Yingyi instantly narrowed his eyes, glanced at Lin Feihang, and then looked at Lamborghini’s car.


Is it so intimate?

The Lamborghini door opened, and Meng Xiaodie got out of the car. She wore a short skirt with a particularly visible buttocks. Anyone who saw it would shine.

Of course, at this time, no one is in the mood to see beautiful women.

Lu Yingyi is watching Meng Xiaodie, is he still guessing? What is the relationship between this girl and Lin Feihang?

It shouldn’t be that kind of relationship, right?

Lu Yingyi is a man himself, and he has a lot of women. He knows men too well. In Lu Yingyi’s opinion, no man would dislike a woman like Meng Xiaodie.

But in his heart, he hoped that Meng Xiaodie and Lin Feihang were not in that kind of relationship, and hoped that his guess was wrong!


He feels that he will be difficult!

Lu Yingyi won’t let his old sister be wronged, but he also doesn’t want to go to war with Lin Feihang now!

Lu Yingyi was a little afraid of Lin Feihang.

Now Lu Yingyi’s “recognition” of Lin Feihang is not only because Lin Feihang is his brother-in-law, but also because of many things, including Lu Shouchun’s current attitude towards Lin Feihang.

And some of the information that Lu Shouchun revealed when he ordered his son Lu Yingyi alone.

Meng Xiaodie got off the car, feeling a little nervous, surrounded by people, Zhao Minggang’s people, Cai Xifa’s people, and Lu Yingyi’s people.

She didn’t know anyone, and this battle gave Meng Xiaodie a lot of psychological pressure.

Meng Xiaodie controlled his emotions and walked to Lin Feihang’s side.

“Mr. Lin.” Meng Xiaodie pursed her mouth and said to Lin Fei Channel.

When Meng Xiaodie called “Mr. Lin”, Lu Yingyi was a little relieved. This name is not a normal name for lovers.

“Are there any tissues?” Lin Feihang asked Meng Xiaodie with a smile.

“Yes…some.” Meng Xiaodie agreed. He quickly found a pack of paper from his handbag and handed it to Lin Feihang.

“Wipe first.” Lin Feihang gestured to Zhao Ziqiang after receiving the tissue.

“Thank you brother.”

“Big brother, I’ll come.”

Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru both spoke. It was Cui Xinru who took the paper, opened it, and wiped the blood on Zhao Ziqiang’s face!

Although there were no life-threatening or severe injuries, Zhao Ziqiang had been knocked down several times before, with blood on his forehead and bleeding from his nose.

It was mainly nosebleeds, the blood flow, although the bleeding has now been stopped, but the face and the clothes are all covered with blood.

“Who, go get Ms. Cui’s shoes, they should be at the other end of the alley? And Ms. Cui’s bag, in the GTR car at the other end of the alley.” Lin Feihang turned his head again and gestured.

I don’t know who I was talking to.

“Okay Mr. Lin.” One of Lu Yingyi’s bodyguards agreed, and ran quickly into the alley.

Seven or eight meters in the alley, Cai Xifa was still beating his son Cai Mingyang.

The bodyguard ran past, without even looking at them.

Just a few seconds after the bodyguard ran over.

“Ah! Legs! Dad! My legs! Ah!” Cai Mingyang suddenly let out a scream, his voice was extremely high, extremely scary.

He hugged his deformed left leg and rolled on the ground, and the screams of the people were troubled.

Cai Xifa actually broke his son’s leg!

Naturally, it is a bitter trick.

He was really cruel.

However, he naturally wouldn’t really beat his son to be disabled, as long as it was not a joint fracture, he would not leave a disability, and he could be cured.

If I don’t interrupt my son’s leg now, then it may be a disaster!

The main reason was that the cry was too terrible, and both Meng Xiaodie and Cui Xinru were taken aback.

Girls are naturally less courageous.

Cui Xinru held Zhao Ziqiang’s hand tightly.

Meng Xiaodie subconsciously hid to Lin Feihang’s side, a little frightened, and pulled Lin Feihang’s arm.

“It’s okay.” Lin Feihang glanced at Meng Xiaodie and said in a low voice to appease. With that said, Lin Feihang also hugged Meng Xiaodie’s waist and patted twice.

Lu Yingyi noticed! The pupils shrank sharply.

Zhao Minggang saw it too! His face changed drastically!

He was afraid of Lin Feihang because Lin Feihang was Lu Yingyi’s brother-in-law and the highest underground leader.

He didn’t know other things about Lin Feihang. He also knew that Lu Yingyi really treated Lin Feihang as her brother-in-law, and was very skillful in calling each other brother-in-law.

The key to all this is that Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying are boyfriends and girlfriends!

Therefore, once Lin Feihang has other women, it must be caused by Lu Xuanying’s temper, and if Lin Feihang and Lu Xuanying are separated, then Lu Yingyi does not need to do this to Lin Feihang.

But isn’t the two in love now?

Zhao Minggang was shocked!

Doesn’t this carry some people?

Lu Yingyi did the same. After the pupils contracted violently, a lot of fire rose in his heart.

The situation he least wanted to see appeared, this girl and her brother-in-law Lin Feihang, it really was that kind of relationship!

Lin Feihang dared to apologize to his old sister.

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