Chapter 840 What is this special?

I’m sorry and I’m sorry, can you carry someone on your back?

What do you want me to do?

Lu Yingyi’s thoughts at this moment are very slight! In fact, he has always been very open to men playing with women. He even knew that his father had other women when he was young, and his mother knew that he just opened one eye and closed one. Only eye.

Lu Yingyi is very clear about the difference between affection and play.

but! ,

Even if you play, can you hide a little bit? Can you stop being so blatant? Don’t let yourself know, don’t let your old sister know!

If you don’t know, you’ll be all right?

It’s very hot!

Lu Yingyi felt that Lin Feihang didn’t care about being known by him!

Just so blatantly in front of his “brother-in-law”! Unclear with other women!

Then this matter must be causing trouble, and Lu Yingyi must be telling his old sister!

“Brother-in-law! This young lady…” Lu Yingyi suddenly asked, biting the word “brother-in-law” extremely hard, and glanced at Meng Xiaodie’s eyes very badly.

There are still so many people here, and the trouble has not been solved yet, so naturally he won’t turn his face with Lin Feihang directly. What if there is a misunderstanding?

It’s not good to be seen by outsiders when it makes a noise?

In fact, Lu Yingyi’s current psychology has something to do with his fear of Lin Feihang.

Otherwise, with Lu Yingyi’s past temperament, regardless of his misunderstanding, he would just curse and just ask!

“Huh?” Lin Feihang smiled and looked at Lu Yingyi.

He knew what Lu Yingyi was thinking.

Even at this time, he asked Meng Xiaodie to get off the car on purpose.

Lin Feihang wanted to clarify this matter earlier. After saving it, Lu Yingyi encountered other things and misunderstood, and something happened.

“Meng Xiaodie.” Lin Feihang introduced Lu Yingyi, and then introduced Meng Xiaodie: “Xiaodie, this is Lu Yingyi, Xuanying’s own brother.”

“Hello, Mr. Lu.” Meng Xiaodie nodded to Lu Yingyi and said hello.

I know that it is Lu Xuanying’s younger brother, but I don’t know what it is. In Jiangbei City, Meng Xiaodie feels less pressured.

In addition, Meng Xiaodie did not know that Lu Yingyi did not know that Lin Feihang had other women.

See Lin Feihang’s very natural introduction. She thought she knew everything, and there was nothing to be stressful.

Lu Yingyi frowned slightly, this girl, don’t you care about being a mistress?

Not afraid of yourself?

He didn’t know that Meng Xiaodie belonged to the fearless of those who didn’t know!

“By the way, Mr. Lin.” Meng Xiaodie seemed to remember something, and looked towards Lin Fei. “I called Miss Lu just now. After a while, maybe ten minutes later, Miss Lu called me again, she asked Got my address. It seems to be coming.”

“Come here?” Lin Feihang looked at Meng Xiaodie, then smiled: “She can’t rest well, why come here?”

“I don’t know, I told her about the situation here, and she just…” Meng Xiaodie said in an inexplicable tone.

Lu Yingyi was dumbfounded by listening.

Saying “Miss Lu”, Lu Yingyi subconsciously thinks of her old sister Lu Xuanying, but if it is her old sister, does her old sister know this girl named Meng Xiaodie? !

She knows the existence of this junior? ! Still talking on the phone? !


Can’t figure it out!

What the hell is this? !

“That, miss? Miss Lu you mean…”

Lu Yingyi asked directly.

“Huh?” Meng Xiaodie looked at Lu Yingyi and said: “Mr. Lu, it’s your sister!”

Meng Xiaodie feels that Lu Yingyi is rather strange at this moment. Does his sister still have to ask?

Lu Yingyi is still dumbfounded!

Lu Yingyi looked at Meng Xiaodie for several seconds, and then healed suddenly, saying: “I’ll make a call and ask when my sister will arrive.”

After speaking, he also looked at Lin Feihang, then walked to the side after speaking.

Call up!

Of course, Lu Yingyi didn’t want to ask Lu Xuanying when she would arrive, but to ask what’s the special situation? !

Walking to the side of the road not far away, Lu Yingyi dialed Lu Xuanying’s number. The phone was connected soon.

“Hey, sister.” Lu Yingyi spoke first, and at the same time she turned her head and glanced subconsciously. Then he walked a few steps to the side, and said, “Sister, when will you arrive?”

“Almost.” Lu Xuanying said coldly.

There is tire noise in the background sound of the mobile phone. Lu Xuanying’s cars are all luxury cars, and they have good sound insulation. The tire noise can be heard, indicating that the speed of the car is too fast!

“Are you here?” Lu Xuanying asked her brother again: “Did you see your brother-in-law? Is he injured?”

Lu Xuanying knew her past, she knew that Lin Feihang was not injured, otherwise Meng Xiaodie would have said it.

She is influencing Lu Yingyi’s mentality and expressing that she cares about Lin Feihang!

“No, how could they be my brother-in-law’s opponent.” Lu Yingyi lowered her voice and paused and said: “Sister, don’t be angry, this time it is Zhao Minggang who hasn’t taken care of his men. Those little bastards don’t know brother-in-law. I will. Pack them up.”

“Nothing else happened, right?” Lu Xuanying asked again.

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