Chapter 838: It’s really a good risk

It is certain that Lu Yingyi could not be investigated for the circumstances that he did not know beforehand.

But from his point of view, it is very difficult for him to settle this matter.

If it is serious, even his father has to come to talk about this matter.

Just talk.

It is also difficult to flatten!

The most ideal situation is to abandon Zhao Minggang and do this from the perspective of the superior.

And if the situation really gets to this point, although it will not directly harm his Lu Yingyi personally, it will be for him to manage his painstaking efforts in Jiangbei City for so many years! Cause great impact and destruction!

It might even give the Wu family, who has been staring at them, a chance to pick things up.

After listening to Lin Feihang’s words, Lu Yingyi understood that it is really a good risk!

Fortunately, my brother-in-law happened to pass by. It didn’t let the situation go to extremes by acting bravely.

And Lin Feihang’s words revealed that he knew about Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru, and that was obviously intentional to ping this thing!

Otherwise, just save the person and leave! Why wait here.

“That Master Lu?” Zhao Ziqiang’s voice suddenly sounded in the alley.

Lin Feihang raised his head and turned around to look.

Lu Yingyi also looked up.

It was Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru who came over.

It was Zhao Ziqiang who didn’t know whether he was denying the wrong person and greeted him.

“Zhao Ziqiang?” Lu Yingyi also looked at Zhao Ziqiang and greeted him.

“It’s me, it’s you, Master Lu.” Zhao Ziqiang said with a surprised look. He was surprised not only by Lu Yingyi coming, but also by the relationship between Lu Yingyi and Lin Feihang.

Just now, it seemed that Lu Yingyi called Lin Feihang…brother-in-law? !

Did you hear that right?

“Hahahaha, you watched the troubles, Young Master Zhao, Miss Cui…” Lu Yingyi burst into laughter, in a hearty and natural manner. He was now a few steps forward and said with a smile: “This is not my family. Know your own family, oh, I’m Cao! Who fights this so much, Malgobi’s!”

Lu Yingyi’s emotional transformation was extremely natural. He noticed Zhao Ziqiang’s footprints all over his body, his nose and face were swollen, as if he couldn’t control his emotions, and he cursed directly.

Zhao Minggang and Cai Xifa had already arrived, because when Lin Feihang was whispering to Lu Yingyi, they stood by.

At this moment, seeing Lu Yingyi directly “acquainted” with Zhao Ziqiang and Cui Xinru, their hearts trembled for a moment, and when Lu Yingyi was angry, their hearts trembled again!

“Why, someone else did Ms. Cui?” Lu Yingyi noticed again, and Cui Xinru also had a footprint on her body.

Cui Xin was kicked in this way. Although he was not injured, it was obviously inhumane that even girls were hitting this kind of thing!

In addition, Cui Xinru’s high-heeled shoes flew away while running, and now they are barefoot and dirty, and the condition of the soles of the feet is definitely not going to be better.

“My slot! Who cares! You are so good!” Lu Yingyi was furious, turning around and just kicking.


Zhao Minggang was kicked again and fell again!

But Zhao Minggang already knew what was going on, he even a little eager to be kicked more, he had better kick himself into the hospital, so that the “bitterness” was in place!

Lu Yingyi kicks Zhao Minggang! The people around Zhao Minggang didn’t dare to move, just look at me and I look at you.

This is not to say that Lin Feihang is better than Lu Yingyi, mainly because Lin Feihang has always been behind the scenes. Little shrimps like them can’t touch it at all.

Cai Xifa also moved at this time.

He quickly stepped into the alley and shouted: “Cai Mingyang! Cai Mingyang, come here!”

In the alley more than 20 meters away, Cai Mingyang, who was kneeling on the wall, heard his father calling himself, stood up numbly, and replied: “Dad, dad, I am here.”

“Hurry up!” Cai Xifa yelled again, and walked a few steps inside, scanning the ground.

Cai Mingyang walked over quickly and called out again: “Dad.”

“The person you called?” Cai Xi asked in a cold voice, looking very hot.

“Yes…yes…I…” Cai Mingyang was a little dazed, he felt that Dad came to save himself, and now Cai Xifa’s attitude frightened him.

“You can do it, you have learned how to bully, right? You can!” Cai Xifa took two steps to his son, and went up with a mouthful!


A loud slap!

Cai Mingyang slammed his head against the wall, fell there, and was directly beaten.

Cai Xifa picked up the baseball bat on the ground again and went up to hit it!

“You bully! Fuck! Don’t have eyes! Make trouble every day! What am I going to kill you! You wicked!” Cai Xi sent a violent beating to his son.

It’s really cruel!

Of course, you can’t run to death, hit your arms, back, or kick!

Cai Mingyang’s screams were not fake.

Lin Feihang, Lu Yingyi, Zhao Ziqiang, and Cui Xinru all turned their heads in the alley.

Zhao Minggang has risen again and stood aside.

“Fluttershy, come here.” Lin Feihang suddenly turned around and shouted at Lamborghini.

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