Chapter 825: He Wants to Run

The second lane in the south of Fukang Road, the west of the alley is Fukang Road, and the east of the alley is the “Anlong Street” known as the Bar Street.

There are many places in Jiangbei City that can be called Bar Street, and Anlong Street is just one of them.

a few minutes ago.

A GTR sports car with a Jingjiang license plate! I just came out of the parking lot in front of the night cat bar, more than 100 meters away, and drove to the vicinity of Nanerdaoxiang. Several cars parked along the road started chasing them, coming up, double-teaming back and forth.

The brakes suddenly blocked the GTR sports car!

A group of people got out of the car.

There are also hanging out and smoking nearby.

A group of young people who looked like a gangster also gathered together, and some even pulled out their sling sticks from their clothes.

This is obviously an ambush.

“Cao f*ck down!”

“Isn’t it awesome in the bar just now! Come down!”

“Play f*ck to force a car!”

A group of people cursed a young man in the car!

Crack the windshield of the gtr!

On the sidewalk more than ten meters away, there were four or five young men and women standing. They were obviously surrounded by the young man in the middle, a tall and thin young man with a punk haircut and black leather jacket.

The punk-headed young man was smoking a cigarette and squinted at the situation ahead.

This group of young people is not watching the excitement, but this group of people in traffic jams. They found someone to come over.


The gtr blasted the accelerator suddenly, and the roar of the engine was very low.

Immediately afterwards, the gtr sports car sprinted forward and hit it directly!

The people around were so scared that they all dodged, and the GTR sports car smashed into a business car obliquely in front of the road.

The business car was smashed. But it didn’t make a way out, gtr reversed and rammed forward again.

With a bang, it still didn’t break away!

Want to run!

In the gtr car, the palms of the short-haired young man holding a square blood plate were sweating.

The girl in the black dress who drove on board was also panicked.

This is Jiangbei City, not Jingjiang City. They are so awesome in Jingjiang City. They provoke a local snake in Jiangbei City. This is going to happen!

The ghost knows how to develop like this!

“He wants to run!”

“Damn it, give it to me!”

The white-haired young man screamed and gestured, and he got on the first one. He could not get close to the front and back of the car because he was easily hit. It is possible on both sides.

He went up and cracked the side windshield of the cab with a blow of a stick!

A group of people around got on. After smashing the car from both sides, the GTR sports car reversed and flicked, almost scratching people. The group of people dodged alertly, and the road was blocked. This car can’t run anyway. Naturally, no one is so stupid to block a car with their body.

Boom one by one

The roar of the engine sounded again.

This time it was a black off-road vehicle blocking the road. The people in the car double flashed the Gtr sports car while hitting the accelerator.

It seems that this car is going to be hit directly, and this distance can’t be too serious. It’s too close, but it’s likely to push the GTR sports car sideways to the wall, or overturn.

The short-haired young man in the gtr car was completely panicked. He even suspected that if he was dragged out of the car, he might be directly killed!

“Get out of the car and run over there!” The young man with short hair shouted to the girl in the black dress of the co-pilot.

The gtr sports car drove forward again and flicked its tail fiercely. Stopped.

The people around were all frightened and avoided temporarily.

The short-haired young man took off his seat belt in a hurry, pushed the door and got out of the car and ran to the nearest alley, as did the girl in the black dress. The two held their hands as they ran into the alley.

The girl in the black dress is not running fast and is wearing high heels.

The short-haired young man dragged her, leading her to run.

The high heels are all flying away!


“Fuck him!”

“Fuck him!”

A group of young people chased into the alley.

The two fast runners ran more than ten meters to catch up.

The short-haired young man directly let go of the girl’s hand. Turning around is a kick.

Kick it over!

Another came up with a baseball bat to hit him. As soon as he raised his hand, he snatched the baseball bat back and smashed it, and fell directly.

He can play very well and has practiced.

But there are too many people! As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Young people with short hair are not unheard of in gang fights.

He knew that he couldn’t beat so many people!

So, knock down the two who caught up first. The short-haired young man took two steps back and took the black dress girl’s hand and ran wildly!

“Fuck, he has practiced!”

“Fuck him! I thought he was Ye Wen! He can beat ten!”

“Hurry up! Fuck him!”

Two people ran in front, and twenty-odd people chased behind.

This alley is very short, and the short-haired young man has ran to the middle of the alley while pulling the girl in the ink skirt.


I don’t know who lost the baseball bat. It hit the back of the short-haired young man, the baseball bat crashed, and the short-haired young man was staggered. The body first lost his balance and fell directly!

“Get up! Get up!” The girl in the black dress cried anxiously.

He pulled the short-haired young man up.

With this delay, the first three or five people caught up.

“Drafting it, you are still running!” A stick hit the young man with short hair.

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