Chapter 824: Li Yunlong is really smart

This restaurant is very large, it is a large independent room, and the dining table is a long table of western food. Jiang Handong and Lin Feihang are not sitting next to each other.

In this quiet situation, except for Jiang Handong, everyone else could only hear a little sound faintly.

“Meet me?” Jiang Handong muttered, but his line of sight was on Lin Feihang. This sentence was for Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang nodded to Jiang Handong.

“Let’s do it. Tomorrow afternoon, when are you specific, you decide!” Jiang Handong seemed to have figured it out and said to the phone.

“Tomorrow after two o’clock in the afternoon, you can decide the time and place, boss Jiang, pay attention to confidentiality.” Li Yunlong said.

“Then…” Jiang Handong thought, and told Li Yunlong the exact time and meeting place.

After saying a few more words, he hung up.

I have to admit that Li Yunlong has a lot of things.

It can be judged that he was carrying the phone to Jiang Tianyou and calling Jiang Handong at this time on purpose!

Let Jiang Handong know. He called both brothers and revealed that he is not familiar with Jiang Tianyou

Will give Jiang Handong a feeling that whoever helps him Li Yunlong, he stands in line to help whoever.

This gave Jiang Handong an expectation. It also gave Jiang Handong psychological pressure.

If he didn’t win over Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong would go to help his elder brother!

If Jiang Handong is a smart man. You should know what to do.

In addition, there is another advantage of Li Yunlong’s doing this, that is, to prevent Jiang Handong from whispering to Lu Xuanying!

Now that it comes to Jiang Handong’s family affairs, Jiang Handong will not tell Lu Xuanying in advance about the details of the secret meeting with Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong really has a brain!


After holding up the phone, Jiang Handong looked at Lin Feihang.

“Let’s eat first.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“Eat and eat.” Jiang Handong also smiled and greeted Liang Jingru again: “Smelly treasure, pass me the wine, I…”

On the table are a few bottles of 200-year-old Romane Conti.

Open wine.

Have a meal.

Small talk.

Lin Feihang didn’t take the initiative to ask about Li Yunlong. Jiang Handong knew that Lin Feihang didn’t want to talk about these things at the dinner table, so he didn’t take the initiative to say it, and talked about some other things.

What Jiang Handong didn’t know was that Lin Feihang had actually known that Li Yunlong would call him at night.

Lin Feihang even knew in advance the specific content of the conversation between the two!

No need to ask, all know!

Because it has been written in the book!

The difference is that in that version of the plot, Jiang Handong didn’t make an appointment with Li Yunlong to meet the time and place, so he didn’t want to see Li Yunlong. Very annoying!

But an appointment was made here, because Lin Feihang was present when he answered the phone this time, and Lin Feihang signaled Jiang Handong to agree.

This meal took more than an hour.

During the dinner, through small talk, Zhang Weilin learned that Meng Xiaodie was Lin Feihang’s woman. He didn’t have any special emotions about it.

He doesn’t care and doesn’t think much.

Now he is full of his own wife’s derailment.

The atmosphere of this meal is very good. Jiang Handong also mentioned that Liang Jingru had the opportunity to cooperate with Meng Xiaodie in the future.

I didn’t drink too much, so I was slightly drunk. Except for Zhang Weilin.

There was something in his mind and he was drunk. By eight o’clock in the evening, he was already drunk and he was still lying on the table.

At about 8:30, dinner is over.

Because of Jiang Handong, Lin Feihang went to the study on the second floor to sober up with tea. Secretly talked about Li Yunlong!

As for the drunk Zhang Weilin, Jiang Handong let Zhang Weilin’s driver’s bodyguard enter the villa, took it away and sent it home.

At about nine o’clock in the evening, Lin Feihang and Jiang Handong were almost talking. Everything is agreed.

Jiang Handong wanted Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie to stay overnight, so naturally there is a place to live in such a big villa.

However, Lin Feihang said that there was still something to do, and did not agree with Jiang Handong and did not force it.

Go downstairs.

Greeting Meng Xiaodie who is chatting with Liang Jingru.


Lin Feihang drank and drove, but with his inhuman skills. Even if you drink too much, it doesn’t affect much, not to mention not drinking too much.

More than half an hour later.

Around ten ten in the evening.

Longcheng Fukang Road belongs to the old town! Very close to the bar street in Fenghuocheng District. However, at this point in time, compared to the hustle and bustle of the bar street, the haze.

The Fukang Road outside the block is deserted.

There are not a few cars on the street, and you can’t even see a person.

This is a back street.

Lin Feihang parked the car on the side of the road and looked at the alley slanting ahead.

“Mr. Lin, shall we not go home?” Meng Xiaodie turned to look at Lin Feihang and couldn’t help asking.

Meng Xiaodie is very unfamiliar with the roads in Jiangbei City, and doesn’t know where it is, or why Lin Feihang stopped here.

“Hush!” Lin Feihang pointed his finger up and gestured to Meng Xiaodie to stop speaking.

Meng Xiaodie obediently said nothing.

Lin Feihang glanced at his watch again to confirm the time.


Two minutes later.

“Ah!! Help!! Come on! Help!!” A voice for help suddenly sounded in the alley!

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