Chapter 826: Heroes who see righteousness bravely

The short-haired young man hid behind the black dress girl, and the stick hit one wall. The short-haired young man shook off the black skirt girl again.

Step forward and put it down.

It’s fighting!

“Do you know who I am? Do you mean me!” the short-haired young man shouted.

He can’t help it. In fact, he is very reluctant to talk about his family background, but now he is going to be cold!

“Pretend you are paralyzed? Come to Jiangbei City and dare to pretend Laozi, trough!”

“F*ck, shit!”

Fight briefly. Three or five people did not gain an advantage in front of the short-haired young man, although the short-haired young man was also kicked and kicked, and his nose was bleeding after a few feet!

But he brought down three more!

Can’t fight anymore! Because the people who chased them, the next dozen people also caught up.

The girl in the black dress stood by the wall as if she was scared and silly, her makeup was crying!

The short-haired young man picked up a baseball bat and flicked it a few times in panic, causing the two men who were about to besiege him to hide behind him subconsciously.

He took this opportunity and ran again!

Did not forget to pull the black dress girl, hold hands and run wildly.

He doesn’t have enough physical strength, and fighting with all his strength is particularly exhausting. He breathes vigorously, and he doesn’t run as fast as before.

The girl in the black dress was even more frightened with soft legs.

Soon he was caught up again and hit again.

Already can see the alley entrance on the other side.

“Ah!! Help!! Come on! Help!!” The girl in the black dress screamed.

Outside the alley, on the side of Fukang Road.

Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie in the Lamborghini both heard screams.

Meng Xiaodie’s face changed, her eyes widened, she looked towards the alley out of the car window!

The girl’s voice is so miserable, it must be a very bad thing. Meng Xiaodie, who is also a girl, made up many miserable cases in an instant!

When Lin Feihang screamed, he took off his seat belt.

“Stay in the car.” Lin Feihang told Meng Xiaodie, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

The alleyway was 30 meters away, and there was chaos.

Young people with short hair are also very fierce.

But he couldn’t hold the other side with a lot of people. Fortunately, the alley was relatively narrow, and there were not many people who could besiege him at the same time, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to run here.

Lin Feihang appeared in the alley with his hands in his suit pockets. Take a look at the situation. Yelled “Hey! What are you doing?”

Someone saw Lin Feihang.

But no one called Li Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang walked inward.

A few people noticed.

“Nothing special, nosy! Get away!”

“If you don’t want to die, get out!”

The girl in the black dress who had been kicked down by the wall dared to yell when she saw someone coming. Just like seeing a savior, he stood up with the pain and asked Lin Feihang for help: “Brother! Help! Help my boyfriend!”

She staggered and ran to Lin Feihang’s side, Lin Feihang raised his hand and gestured for her to hide away.

Lin Feihang continued to move forward.

The short-haired young man had been knocked down, and got up stumblingly, but obviously he couldn’t hold it anymore.

“How dare you come here!” A young young man with a tattoo on his arm dared to come over when he saw the “nosy”, so he rushed to Lin Feihang and came, throwing a stick and hitting him!

The wind is coming!

As soon as Lin Feihang raised his hand, he squeezed the tattooed arm. Before the stick could be smashed down in the future, Lin Feihang pulled it sideways, raised his knee and hit it, and heard a “click”.

“Ah!!!” The tattooed young man screamed and was thrown out by Lin Feihang, and rolled directly against the wall, clutching his right arm with his left hand, and howling sadly!

The arm was broken, and it turned in the opposite direction!

Another young man who was close noticed the situation.

Without even thinking about it, two steps rushed to Lin Feihang’s body, just raising the stick in his hand. The whole person slammed into the wall, was hit by Lin Feihang’s heavy punches in the face, and fell over with a few teeth directly in his mouth.



A few exclamations came out, and everyone who was close to Lin Feihang stopped subconsciously.

They have all seen that the men in suits who come to “nosy” can not only fight, they are also extremely vicious!

Because they subconsciously stopped, the short-haired young man who was knocked down again took the opportunity to roll up and staggered two steps in the direction of Lin Feihang.

Lin Feihang didn’t communicate with him either, and took two steps inward.

This is formed. The short-haired young man was closer to the entrance of the alley, and Lin Feihang was closer to the situation of a group of thugs.

If they want to have short hair, they have to beat Lin Feihang first.

The young man with short hair helped him down the wall, and he couldn’t stand up. He had suffered at least two sticks in his left leg. Although he hadn’t broken any bones, he would suffer severe pain and trembling as long as he exerted his strength.

“Brother Qiang!!!” The girl in the black dress ran to the short-haired young man in two steps and gave her a hand.

This support, the short-haired young man was completely untenable.

He was able to hold it just now, thanks to a breath of energy, which was also the effect of adrenaline.

Now here comes the “hero” who is brave enough to fight for justice and is a master.

Temporarily escape the feeling of danger. Plus the girlfriend’s care. It made him unable to hold on.

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