Chapter 817 The Art of Language

What’s more awesome!

Lin Feihang needs to know many things first, he needs to know the prenuptial agreement first. You have to know that Liu Xiaoe’s derailment, you have to know the place and time of Liu Xiaoe’s date with Yang Jiahao today.

And Li Yunlong is looking for Jiang Handong! He went to Jiang Tianyou, and Jiang Tianyou went to Jiang Handong and Zhang Weilin, and Zhang Weilin called Jiang Handong. All of this happened during the day today!

All related things happened today!

It has only been five hours since Jiang Handong called Lin Feihang at noon, and that’s it?

Just took the video and brought it over?

Jiang Handong even had a feeling of chills on his body, Lin Feihang gave him a feeling that it is difficult to say a word, two sentences clearly, it is very terrifying!

“Brother, you…” Jiang Handong said, he thought for a long time before speaking but stopped again.

Because he thinks more.

The less I know, what should I ask.

From what angle should you start to ask?

The information contained in this matter is too complicated!

“Brother Jiang.” Lin Feihang said with a smile. He didn’t give Jiang Handong a complicated explanation, but said: “About what you are doing to your elder brother now, I think we can let Zhang Weilin know.”

“Huh?” Jiang Handong was stunned again.

He subconsciously felt that he had heard it wrong.

How can you tell Zhang Weilin about this?

If this is leaking news, it will be troublesome.

The most troublesome thing now is not what Jiang Tianyou is, but Jiang Handong’s eccentric father, Jiang Xiongxin!

Therefore, for Jiang Handong, he must push Jiang Tianyou into a desperate situation as soon as he makes a move.

In this way, his father Jiang Xiongxin must make another choice!

With only these two sons, Jiang Tianyou would not work. Then Jiang Xiongxin can only turn to Jiang Handong! No choice!

Never leak the news in advance, otherwise, Jiang Xiongxin will first consider how to help Jiang Tianyou smooth the trouble, instead of turning to Jiang Handong!

“You can let him know.” Lin Feihang said with a smile to Jiang Handong: “Zhang Weilin can be your help. He has worked with Hongyun for more than ten years. He can be the first external force to turn to you as a supplier. . If he only recognizes you, what would you think? What would your father think?”

Jiang Handong looked at Lin Feihang blankly.

He no longer knows what Lin Feihang is thinking, so why is Zhang Weilin worthy of such trust? , Why would Zhang Weilin turn it upside down?

This is no help, this is for Zhang Weilin to stand in line!

“Yang Jiahao is Jiang Tianyou’s cronies. He is now sleeping with Zhang Weilin’s wife…” Lin Feihang slowly said again.

“I know. But if the trouble arises. Jiang Tianyou will definitely deal with Yang Jiahao, he can’t help Zhang Weilin face, and offend Zhang Weilin for Yang Jiahao, it’s not worth it!” Jiang Handong interrupted Lin Feihang.

“This is just one.” Lin Feihang said, “Second, Zhang Weilin himself derailed!”

When Jiang Handong heard this, he was silent for a while.

Looking at Lin Feihang, Jiang Handong reacted, only to understand what it meant!

“Threatening Zhang Weilin?” Jiang Handong’s eyes widened instantly and his voice was low and asked.

If the evidence of Zhang Weilin’s derailment is given to Liu Xiao’e, then it is hard to say whoever goes out of the house, it depends on who can produce the evidence.

Lin Feihang knew that both sides had derailed.

“No, no, it’s not a threat.” Lin Feihang shook his head and said quickly.

“This is the art of language!”

“The same thing, you say it in different ways, how it feels, and the effect it can bring. It is different. For example, knowing someone. If you want to make friends with someone, you want to motivate him to take the initiative to do something. How to say things and how to express them is very important!”

Jiang Handong looked at Lin Feihang, and heard Lin Feihang say that, his body was a little cold again.

Because he thought of himself and Lin Feihang.

The process of acquaintance between the two and the relationship after the conversation, that kind of change has been felt by Jiang Handong to this day. It’s incredible!

But Jiang Handong knew it. Lin Feihang’s purpose, but still willing, even wanted to worship Lin Feihang.

It’s really scary!

“Brother Jiang!” Lin Feihang began to explain to Jiang Handong again.

Lin Feihang had to let Jiang Handong know that after Zhang Weilin came, what he could say and what he could not say, and what to say.

Lin Feihang seems to be helping Jiang Handong and continuing to win over Jiang Handong’s network.

This is indeed the case.

But not only that!

Lin Feihang will also make Zhang Weilin his personal network and help!

Not long after.

The hall door downstairs opened.

A tall and thin middle-aged man in a gray suit who is a little grateful. The door hurriedly walked in.

Liang Jingru who was talking to Meng Xiaodie stood up and greeted the visitor, who was Zhang Weilin.

“Miss Liang is here. Where is Lao Jiang?” Zhang Weilin said with Liang Jingru in a familiar tone.

“Upstairs, the study room, waiting for you.” Liang Jingru smiled.

“Well, Miss Liang, you are busy.” Zhang Weilin greeted him in a hurry, then walked through the living room and hurried upstairs.

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