Chapter 818 Can I watch you get into trouble?

On the second floor, Zhang Weilin is familiar with it! Go straight to the study and go.

The door opened in the past.

“Lao Jiang…” Zhang Weilin opened the door and spoke. He stopped before he finished speaking, because he saw Jiang Handong had a visitor.

Zhang Weilin did not know Lin Feihang either.

He had heard Lin Feihang’s name, but he had never seen it before, so naturally he didn’t know him.

“There are guests.” Zhang Weilin stopped at the door, gestured outside, and said, “Should I go and sit downstairs first?”

He spoke with Jiang Handong very familiarly and casually.

Zhang Weilin entered the study.

Jiang Handong and Lin Feihang both stood up.

“Come on, Brother Lin, let me introduce to you, this is Boss Zhang!” Jiang Handong put one hand on Lin Feihang’s shoulder, and the other hand made a gesture of introduction.

“This is my brother, Brother Lin.” Jiang Handong introduced Lin Fei Channel to Zhang Weilin again.

He didn’t mention Lin Feihang’s name, so he said he was a brother, only his last name.

Zhang Weilin didn’t know when Jiang Handong had another little brother named Lin.

But the identity of Jiang Handong as a brother is definitely not ordinary.

Zhang Weilin will not take it lightly.

“Boss Zhang, lucky to meet.”

“Nice to meet you.”

The two shook hands, Zhang Weilin still looked very sincere and enthusiastic. He was able to do such a big business, naturally, he was very familiar with the world, and was a friend of Jiang Handong, who was very decent.

“Sit down. Don’t stand up.” Jiang Handong greeted again.

They all sat down again.

Zhang Weilin sat on the other side of the couch. He just sat down and threw the bag in his hand on the coffee table in a relaxed posture.

“Brother Zhang, what are you doing? The two phone calls are not over yet, and I am chasing home.” After Jiang Handong sat down, he glanced at Zhang Weilin.

“Aren’t you trying to get into trouble? Can I see you getting into trouble?” Zhang Weilin said in a rush, as if he was reasonable.

“What do you mean by this? Your brother and me, what kind of things you don’t know all these years?” Jiang Handong said.

“That’s right! I know. Haven’t you been fine these years. What are you messing up with? How many years have you been with your elder brother. I know you have been suspicious of him. But there is no evidence, After so many years, why are you doing it against him again!” Zhang Weilin said.

One thing is worth mentioning.

That was Jiang Handong’s car accident that year, everything was just suspicion, although Jiang Handong personally judged that it was Jiang Tianyou who did it.

But outsiders can’t be so sure

Especially the people who know Jiang Tianyou, some feel that it is impossible to be Jiang Tianyou, and that Jiang Tianyou is not such a person.

Zhang Weilin said a few words with Jiang Handong, which was a bit vague.

Because of Lin Feihang’s presence, there are some things he can’t say clearly. He also didn’t know how this “Brother Lin” was related to Jiang Handong, did he know what happened to Jiang Handong back then.

“Lao Zhang, don’t worry about this, it has nothing to do with you.” Jiang Handong said.

“It doesn’t matter what it is, that matter! Can you mix it up? The Li family, which one is easy to mess with, and the ancestor of the Lin family is there, you said you got involved. Isn’t that causing trouble for your family? I’m a brother, I can See you jumping into the fire pit?” Zhang Weilin’s words can be said to be very righteous.

“What is the fire pit? What did Jiang Tianyou tell you?” Jiang Handong said with a slight frown.

In fact, it’s a cliché.

Jiang Handong hadn’t asked Zhang Weilin in the two previous calls, and there was no need to ask him back, just let him leave it alone.

Now it’s different.

He needs to know what Jiang Tianyou said.

“He just said…” Zhang Weilin was also a sincere person, but he stopped for a while and glanced at Lin Feihang.

“Can you speak in front of this brother Lin?” Zhang Weilin asked suddenly.


Because Jiang Handong asked him face-to-face, he was afraid of being heard by Brother Lin. For Zhang Weilin, there was nothing left to say.

After all, Jiang Handong didn’t care about him, and he didn’t guard against his little brother.

The principal has no objection to Zhang Weilin as an “outsider”. There is nothing to worry about.

“What did you say? There is no outsider who swallows Ye Ye, you are done.” Jiang Tianyou also frowned Zhang Weilin.

“He told me. You asked Ms. Liang to pick up the endorsement of Lu Xuanying’s company. On the Li family’s side, Li Yunlong didn’t want Lu Xuanying’s business to start. Didn’t Li Yunlong call you? I asked you to go back. He looked for it again. Your eldest brother.”

Zhang Weilin spoke carefully, and then speeded up his speech: “Why do you say you? What if the Li family is doing your fortune because of you? Lv Xuanying, Lv Yingyi’s sisters and brothers have forced you to fail? Why do you have to take this trip into the muddy water? Woolen cloth?”

“We’re in business, those things between big families! Let’s just mix it up and it’s over. Isn’t An Ansheng doing well? Isn’t it all right?”

Zhang Weilin’s words were a little alarmist.

The Li family couldn’t be because of such a trivial matter. Just move the Fortune Group.

Zhang Weilin was deliberately exaggerating, and wanted Jiang Handong to change his mind.

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