Chapter 816

Although Lin Feihang said that, it seemed that it would be fine to show the video directly to Zhang Weilin.

Although Zhang Weilin will be angry. But it will not suffer much. After all, he himself was derailed.

But still can’t figure it out!

How does Zhang Weilin do such a good job of confidentiality?

In fact, not only Zhang Weilin, but also Liu Xiaoe, both of these couple cheated. But the confidentiality work is all done very well! There is no wind at all, it’s weird.

Seeing Jiang Handong’s look, Lin Feihang knew what Jiang Handong was thinking.

Don’t go around with him.

“Zhang Weilin and Liu Xiao’e signed a prenuptial agreement.” Lin Feihang looked at Jiang Handong and said directly: “The party who cheated after marriage, divorce and leave the house directly!”

Jiang Handong’s eyes widened and he was startled again.

He had never heard of the prenuptial agreement.

Listening to what Lin Feihang said, Zhang Weilin and Liu Xiaoe were both cheating, but the reason for their ultra-strict secrecy has been found!

They are all afraid of being directly cheated by the other party, especially afraid!

As far as Jiang Handong knows.

Zhang Weilin’s current shares of Weixiao Electronics worth more than 3 billion are actually the joint property of husband and wife.

The husband and wife worked together for 20 years, but the shares are only under the name of Zhang Weilin.

So from another perspective.

The video taken by Lin Feihang is evidence of Liu Xiaoe’s derailment.

It is very likely that Liu Xiaoe will be allowed to go out of the house during the divorce.

The value of this video is 3 billion!

Both Zhang Weilin and Liu Xiaoe are rich second generations.

More than twenty years ago!

Zhang Weilin’s father, Zhang Daguo, is a township entrepreneur in Tuanjie Township, Yushu County, Jiangbei City. He has four factories under his name.

Liu Xiaoe’s father, Liu Zhijun, is a township entrepreneur in Yong’an Town, Yushu County, and has three factories under his name.

Each has a net worth of tens of millions.

Zhang Daguo and Liu Zhijun met in business, and they met in the early 1990s. Move around often. The relationship is getting better and better.

At the end of the last century.

Zhang Weilin is twenty-four years old.

Liu Xiaoe is 21 years old.

With the help of their parents, they got married on a blind date. Although it was an arranged marriage, the two saw each other right, and the marriage went smoothly.

When the two got married, the two families made an agreement to produce a factory and five million in cash.

Zhang Daguo took out the “Zhendong Hardware Factory” under his name. Liu Zhijun took out the “Xile Manufacturing Factory” under his name.

After the two got married, the two factories fell under the names of the husband and wife, and then integrated and registered “Weixiao Manufacturing Co., Ltd.”!

The two characters Weixiao are the middle characters of the names of Zhang Weilin and Liu Xiaoe combined.

This is the origin of Weixiao Electronics.

After the new century, neither Zhang Daguo nor Liu Zhijun can keep up with the times, with old business thinking and lack of adventurous spirit!

As a result, the businesses of the two companies did not further expand and become stronger.

It’s their children! Zhang Weilin and Liu Xiaoe are doing it!

Weixiao Electronics has gone through financing mergers and acquisitions, and has developed radically to this day. Although Weixiao Electronics has always insisted on not being listed, it also has a valuation of more than 5 billion.

Zhang Weilin’s net worth of more than 3 billion is basically the shares of Weixiao Electronics.

Although all the shareholding properties are under Zhang Weilin’s name, mainly for the convenience of business operations, they are actually joint property of husband and wife. Including real estate and so on.

Therefore, in the event of a divorce, it is normal to deprive the wives of the common property for five to five cents.

But because of the signing of the prenuptial agreement, Liu Xiao’e was arrested. In fact, she would not completely cleanse herself out of the house. If this matter arises, the two sides must have a lawsuit!

And because of the existence of the prenuptial agreement, the court will definitely let Zhang Weilin take away most of the property when it decides this case.

Liu Xiao’e has contributed a lot to the company even these years. Only a small part can be taken away!

Jiang Handong thought a lot, and the more he thought about it, the more he understood why Lin Feihang didn’t care so much and wanted to show the video directly to Zhang Weilin.

Aren’t you afraid to make Zhang Weilin doubt it? Even if he was angry about his wife’s derailment, he definitely wanted to suspect Lin Feihang.

Why did you make a video? Why are you investigating my wife?

Lin Feihang is really not afraid.

Because of the benefits that this video can bring to Zhang Weilin, all of this will be overwritten!

There is already a feeling of “gifting”!

Even if you have ulterior motives, just want you to do something for me, or don’t let you do anything, whether you shut up or pretend to be stupid, I will give you this kind of gift and let you do a little favor? Is it too much?

This is not too much.

It’s not too much, that’s a fart!

The more Jiang Handong thinks about it, the more he feels that Lin Feihang is awesome!

This matter has given people a very fascinating feeling. Although Lin Feihang only made a video, the impact, or the consequences, and the changes it can cause. It’s awesome!

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