Chapter 815 Wouldn’t it be too good to give it directly?

Lin Feihang knows Zhang Weilin and knows him.

Not only that, Lin Feihang also knew that Zhang Weilin would come to Jiang Handong at this time.

For Zhang Weilin to come. 2 Lin Feihang did not make a special statement.

He didn’t mention whether it was convenient for him to meet Zhang Weilin.

It’s okay if you don’t mention it.

Jiang Handong stood up and walked to the desk on the other side of the study, and picked up the opposite machine on the desk. He put his lips together and said: “Leizi, Boss Zhang is outside the gate. Go and pick it up.”

After Jiang Handong gave orders to the bodyguards outside, Jiang Handong left the study, went to the stairs and shouted a few words downstairs, instructing Liang Jingru.

“Smelly Bao, Lao Zhang is here. He comes in, you let him go straight upstairs to the study!”

Lin Feihang sat on the sofa in the study and did not move. He could hear what Jiang Handong shouted.

Soon Jiang Handong returned to the study and sat down on the sofa again.

Jiang Handong glanced at the mobile phone on the table. It was Lin Feihang’s. He looked at Lin Feihang, raised his hand and gestured towards the mobile phone, and said, “Brother, what do you intend to do with the video…”

Liu Xiaoe derailed Yang Jiahao’s video.

“Show it to Zhang Weilin.” Lin Feihang smiled.

“Give it directly?” Jiang Handong asked hurriedly. There is a kind of “very cruel” feeling. Zhang Weilin and Liu Xiaoe have been married for 20 years, and they have two children and one daughter. The relationship between husband and wife has always been very harmonious.

Zhang Weilin came here to persuade Jiang Handong.

This abruptness made Zhang Weilin know that he was being cuckold, it was too sudden.

I don’t know what it will hit him.

Moreover, doing so is likely to offend Zhang Weilin, not only is the relationship between the scandal at home first discovered and exposed by outsiders, it really makes Zhang Weilin very embarrassed.

The man’s face was gone.

Will you sneak a photo of Liu Xiao’e?

Even Zhang Weilin himself did not suspect that he had investigated his wife, so why did outsiders start first!

Very strange, very obtrusive!

It will make people directly feel that there is no purpose!

“Yes, give it directly.” Lin Feihang nodded to Jiang Handong and said. ;

“Will it be too good to give it directly?” Jiang Handong said. A very unspeakable tone.

Jiang Handong considered this matter from the perspective of a friend. Now that he knows that Zhang Weilin has been wearing a green hat, he must be reminded as a friend and let him know.

but! How to remind, how can we make Zhang Weilin better accept, this is knowledge.

Jiang Handong feels that “giving directly” is not a good choice.

Jiang Handong knew very well that as long as Zhang Weilin watched the video, he would not have time to bother himself, and he would go back and get a divorce.

Even so, being a friend is so abrupt, and it is very unjustified to “give directly” regardless of the friend’s feelings!

“There is nothing wrong.” Lin Feihang smiled and glanced at Jiang Handong. After a pause, he smiled and said, “Do you think Zhang Weilin is clean by himself?”

Jiang Handong was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what Lin Feihang had said.

“He has other women?” Jiang Handong asked.

“Hmm.” Lin Feihang nodded in response.

Jiang Handong still looked stunned, because he and Zhang Weilin had been friends for ten years, and they had been walking around frequently in the past ten years. In addition to business dealings, they would meet every month in private, but he didn’t know that Zhang Weilin had other women.

Not just don’t know! I haven’t even heard of it.

Rich bosses, some like to play, some don’t like to play.

Zhang Weilin is the kind of person who doesn’t like to play. He and Liu Xiaoe have always had a good relationship with each other. The couple can even be regarded as model couples in the Jiangbei commercial district.

“He raises the mistress? Brother, are you sure?”

Lin Feihang nodded, but Jiang Handong asked again, unbelievably.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Lin Feihang.

But this matter is a bit illogical.

For Liu Xiaoe derailed. Jiang Handong watched the video and didn’t do what he thought. He does not doubt the authenticity of the video, nor does he wonder why Liu Xiaoe derailed.

Because Jiang Handong and Liu Xiaoe are familiar with each other, but their understanding is limited. After all, it was a “sister-in-law”, and Jiang Handong would not go too close, so when the factual evidence of Liu Xiaoe’s derailment was before his eyes, he would not speculate and question for no reason.

Zhang Weilin is different.

So familiar!

Friends of ten years. Jiang Handong didn’t know that he hadn’t heard of other women in Zhang Weilin. There was no sign of the wind, if he really did. How is it so airtight? Why is it so confidential?

Can’t figure it out!

Between man and man. There is no need to keep secrets in this kind of matter, they are all covering each other and helping each other to conceal.

“I can be sure.” Lin Feihang nodded again, and then smiled: “Although Zhang Weilin has no plans to divorce. He also has feelings for Liu Xiaoe, and even the family has always been very harmonious! But he does have other women, and more than just one.”

Jiang Handong’s expression was still weird.

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