Chapter 810 Little Lover?

The man said that he picked up the strawberry in the fruit bowl, reached out and handed it forward, and delivered it directly to the woman’s mouth.

The woman took it with her mouth and ate it.

All this is very natural.

Couples at this age rarely do such things. Feeding each other is something young couples love to do.

The two are naturally not husbands and wives, but underground lovers.

“Oh, that’s right. The list from Guangchang last time…” the man said again.

The two began to talk about business matters.

What to talk about is not important.

At least for Lin Feihang.

The important thing is the relationship between the two underground lovers. In this relationship, the two come out and secretly date and chat. No matter what the topic of the chat is, the two will make actions that only lovers can do during the exchange, and say something. What is said between lovers will naturally mention the families of both parties, as well as some trivial things.

Both are cheating.

Lin Fei took them by air to record the evidence of their derailment.

Lin Feihang is setting up a big bureau, and this bureau needs some evidence from these two people.

Lin Feihang, who has a God’s perspective, naturally understands the relationship between the two.

Just send someone to investigate it, and it’s not difficult to find their dating address.

And if the address is confirmed, it is better to confirm in terms of time.

More than ten minutes later.

“When will you mention divorce with your husband?” the man asked.

“How to mention it? Isn’t it suspicious to mention him suddenly, I have to find the fault and fight with him first!” the woman said embarrassedly.

at this time. Lin Feihang glanced at his watch, then stretched out his hand and tapped the phone screen a few times.

Stop recording. save!

This is enough. This twenty-minute recording. It can be fully proven. The two are old lovers.

Now Lin Feihang got up!


After leaving the Qing, Lin Feihang returned to the car but did not leave directly, but waited for a while.

A few more minutes passed.

A black Mercedes-Benz car parked behind the Lamborghini car, wearing a short skirt with hips, her figure, a girl with exquisite, fragrant and vulgar makeup, got out of the Mercedes-Benz, and then walked a few steps quickly with high heels.

She went directly to the blue Lamborghini! Open the door of the co-pilot. Sit in.

It’s Meng Xiaodie.

The black Mercedes is the car of Lu Xuanying’s bodyguard, who drove her over.

After leaving Dayang’s apartment, Lin Feihang wanted to drive here, so he called Unexpectedly and told her that he would leave here in ten minutes.

Meng Xiaodie sat in the car and pulled the door, turned to look at Lin Feihang, and greeted him with a sweet smile: “Mr. Lin.” Then he pulled up the seat belt.

Lin Feihang turned his head and smiled and looked at Meng Xiaodie.

Meng Xiaodie was really obedient. After Lin Feihang called Meng Xiaodie, although Meng Xiaodie didn’t know what Lin Feihang would take her with, she still prepared meticulously, whether it was makeup or the matching of clothes and jewelry. They all exude a delicate and charming feeling.

Set off.

Lin Feihang started Lamborghini and hit the road again.

After almost half an hour.

The chic manor villa complex in Midtown.

A bodyguard in a black suit and headphones stood outside the gate of the community, looking at the traffic on the street. He had been out for a while, waiting for someone to come.

The blue Lamborghini appeared on the street and soon reached the gate of the community.

The black suit bodyguard looked into the car and saw Lin Feihang. Then he took the remote control from his pocket and quickly opened the railing of the door.

Lin Feihang drove a Lamborghini directly in, a villa complex with extremely strict security.

The black suit bodyguard watched the car drive in, and said, “Boss, Mr. Lin is here.”

The chic manor villa complex is very large.

The first time I came, it was difficult to find the villa I wanted to go to in the community at once.

It’s really possible to get lost.

Lin Feihang does not.

Although this was Lin Feihang’s first visit after his rebirth and the start of his new life, he knew the route of a chic community from the perspective of God.

Soon, Lamborghini stopped on the side of the road in front of Villa 7 in the community.

This is a very large single-family villa surrounded by grass.

I could see a few black-clothed bodyguards patrolling around, and bodyguards leading the big dog, walking the dog while looking around.

In today’s society, this kind of scene will give people a sense of security.

And here is indeed heavily guarded.

Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie got off the bus.

Meng Xiaodie walked to Lin Feihang’s side, holding Lin Feihang’s hand, the two walked towards the gate of Villa No. 7 together.

A black-clothed bodyguard greeted him immediately, approached and said very politely: “Mr. Lin, please here.” Then he walked ahead again, waving his hand to show Lin Feihang the way.

There is a paved road on both sides of the grass, which leads directly to the entrance of the villa.

Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie were walking inwards.

The door of the villa opened first when he got under the steps and before he went up. It was opened by a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament, Liang Jingru.

“It’s Liang…” Meng Xiaodie almost yelled!

This was a normal reaction when she saw a big star, but she controlled her emotions and didn’t really shout out, but she was still a little excited.

“Mr. Lin.” Liang Jingru, wearing a formal black dress, long dress and jewelry accessories, opened the door to greet Lin Feihang.

She saw Lin Feihang greet first, and then walked a few steps quickly, walking down the steps with high heels, and stepped forward to shake hands with Lin Feihang.

“Miss Liang.” Lin Feihang smiled and shook hands with Liang Jingru.

The two met for the first time.

A well-known star like Liang Jingru is naturally known to everyone.

But Liang Jingru also “knows” Lin Feihang.

Because I saw the photos in advance.

“Mr. Lin, please.” Liang Jingru shook hands with Lin Feihang with dignity and enthusiasm. So Lin Feihang was invited in.

While speaking, she also glanced at Meng Xiaodie who was holding Lin Feihang’s hand.

There was something wrong with his face flashing.

She knew that Lin Feihang was the boyfriend of Lu’s granddaughter Lu Xuanying, so she didn’t know who was the girl holding Lin Feihang’s arms.

Little lover?

Lu Xuanying’s boyfriend, dare to have a lover? Dare to bring it out to meet friends? This is too courageous!

Entered the villa.

The decoration of this villa can be said to be magnificent. The empty living room is huge and looks extremely luxurious.

As far as Lin Feihang knows, this is the villa that Jiang Handong bought eight years ago. The villa was second-hand, and the original decoration was completely stripped after the purchase. Another 30 million was smashed, and it was redecorated as it is now.

Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie went into the living room and stopped for a while, looked at the living room, and then continued walking inside.

You can see the babysitter putting the washed and cut fruit plates on the coffee table, and several bodyguards scattered by different windows, looking out.

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