Chapter 811 Brother Lin, this is

Because this living room is so huge, even if there are these individuals, it is very spacious and empty.

“Mr. Lin, please here.” Liang Jingru walked to the sofa and asked Lin Feihang to go over.

Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie reached the sofa. Lin Feihang smiled and asked, “Where’s Brother Jiang? Why don’t you see people?”

“Godfather is upstairs. He just answered the phone and will come down in a while.” Liang Jingru explained with a smile.

Lin Feihang and Meng Xiaodie sat down.

“Mr. Lin, sit down first. I’ll make a cup of tea for you!” Liang Jingru said, she was about to walk away.

“No trouble.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“It’s not troublesome, you are a distinguished guest.” Liang Jingru replied, and went to make tea.

There is a nanny, but Liang Jingru went to make tea herself. This was what Jiang Handong had confessed to her, not specifically confessing that she made tea by hand, but specifically confessing it. Lin Feihang will be at home today, a distinguished guest!

Just two minutes.

Liang Jingru made the tea and brought a small tray with four cups of tea inside.

She put the tray on the coffee table, took a cup to Lin Feihang, and smiled at Lin Feihang at the same time: “Mr. Lin, you have tea.”

“Thank you.” Lin Feihang helped the teacup and said politely.

“Miss, drink tea.” Liang Jingru took another cup to Meng Xiaodie.

“Thank you, Ms. Liang.” Meng Xiaodie hurriedly thanked him, and was about to take the cup that Liang Jingru handed over with both hands, but Liang Jingru immediately reminded: “Be careful.”

Meng Xiaodie really feels flattered. She is a student, a girl who was given to Lin Feihang as a lover. Liang Jingru is the most popular superstar in recent years. This kind of superstar personally pours tea for her. It feels really like Unspeakable!

There will be a trance of falling into a dream, and there will be a feeling that life can be so wonderful.

Meng Xiaodie can naturally judge that Liang Jingru’s attitude is because Lin Feihang is very important and special!

Lin Feihang and Liang Jingru’s godfather are friends, and her godfather Meng Xiaodie naturally made up for the drama of the godfather gold master holding female stars. This time, she made up the right mind!

After Liang Jingru placed the other two cups of tea, she sat down facing Meng Xiaodie.

There is an empty seat next to a cup of tea. Naturally it belongs to Jiang Handong.

“Mr. Lin, you are so young, you always hear your godfather talk about you.” Liang Jingru took the initiative to speak with Lin Feihang again.

Before Jiang Handong came down, she had to greet good guests. Can’t be cold.

It is naturally very talkative to be able to mix with Liang Jingru’s status in the entertainment industry.

Lin Feihang had a brief chat with Liang Jingru. After a few polite words, and then talked about endorsements, Liang Jingru came back to Jiangbei City three days ago. These days, during the day, I have basically been with Lu Xuanying, shooting advertisements and shooting promotional materials.

Only today did not, because today Lu Xuanying did not go to the company.

“Is the commercial shooting going well?” Lin Feihang asked with a smile.

“It went well, Miss Lu took care of me very much.” Liang Jingru said, saying that it can be said that she put her posture very low.

Lin Feihang has always been talking to Liang Jingru.

Meng Xiaodie didn’t dare to talk at will, and he didn’t know what to say.

Unexpectedly, she was starting to be a little confused now. Lin Feihang hadn’t accused her of anything before. She didn’t know that Lin Feihang came to meet her friends. He seemed to be a very powerful man, but why did he bring her here?

I also saw Liang Jingru.

On this occasion, it seemed that there was something important to discuss, and she had to be nervous.

Meng Xiaodie hadn’t figured out why Lin Feihang brought her here.

After a few minutes of small talk.

“It’s okay. I don’t want to talk more about this matter. It doesn’t matter to you, so be it!” A man’s voice sounded from the stairs on the second floor, naturally it was Jiang Handong.

Stop talking, everyone turned to look.

Seeing Jiang Handong, who was wearing home clothes and slippers, was on the phone while walking down the stairs.

He was done talking, and when he reached the stairs, he finished talking on the phone and hung up.

“Brother is here. Hahahahaha!” Jiang Handong went downstairs into the living room, laughed heartily, and walked a few steps to the side of the coffee table.

Several people stood up.

Lin Feihang shook hands with Jiang Handong, and Jiang Handong gave Lin Feihang a hand. The two touched their shoulders, and Jiang Handong patted Lin Feihang on the back.

Very enthusiastic!

With a few words of greeting, Jiang Handong glanced at Meng Xiaodie again, then grinned at Lin Feihang and asked, “Brother Lin, this is…”

“Meng Xiaodie.” Lin Feihang introduced, then smiled: “I am a woman.”

“Ah!” Jiang Handong was surprised. In fact, he was emotionally shocked.

With Lu Xuanying, Lin Feihang dare to play around?

“This is Boss Jiang.” Lin Feihang introduced Meng Xiaodie again.

“Boss Jiang, hello.” Meng Xiaodie took the initiative to stretch out her hand, behaving very naturally.

She knew that even if she had thousands of thoughts in her heart, she couldn’t express it easily, she couldn’t show her timidity, and she couldn’t shame Lin Feihang.

“Miss Meng. Hello, hello. Hahaha, Miss Meng is so beautiful, Brother Lin is so blessed!”

Jiang Handong shook hands with Meng Xiaodie, laughed and praised Meng Xiaodie.

He greeted a few people and sat down again.

“Where did Ms. Meng get rich?” Jiang Handong asked after sitting down. This is a bit weird. Meng Xiaodie doesn’t seem to be a business man at this age.

Jiang Handong is not only polite, but also tentative.

Jiang Handong wanted to know what was going on. Lin Feihang came over today to talk to him about important things, but what did he bring a girl to?

“She’s still in school.” It was Lin Feihang who was talking. After finishing speaking, Lin Feihang looked at Jiang Handong with a smile, and said, “Film and Television Academy. She is in the junior year.” Lin Feihang said and glanced at Meng Xiaodie.

“Learning to perform?” Liang Jingru smiled and said. Asked.

Because everyone watched Meng Xiaodie, Meng Xiaodie nodded and said, “For the performance department.”

Jiang Handong understood a little bit.

“Oh, let’s put it this way. My Jingru is the predecessor of Ms. Meng. Has Ms. Meng signed the company? It’s so beautiful. Surely many companies are rushing to sign, right?” Jiang Handong grinned.

“Company…” Mentioning the company, Meng Xiaodie couldn’t help but glance at Lin Feihang.

“I set up a company with a friend in Black Sea City, and the shares fell under her name.” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

Jiang Handong understood it again.

“Hahaha, Brother Lin really hurts people.” Jiang Handong laughed, and then changed his voice, half-jokingly blinking at Lin Feihang: “If you let Miss Lu know, I’m afraid you will be jealous? Hahaha!”

It seems that an acquaintance is joking. In fact, it’s still a temptation.

It’s so fascinating, with Lu Xuanying, still dare to raise a little lover?

Lu Xuanying has a strong personality that doesn’t rub the sand in her eyes. She doesn’t know this little girl, right?

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