Chapter 809 Video

All three of them looked at the bedroom from time to time.

None of them dared to eavesdrop on the door.

Because Asan explained to them on the phone, they knew that this young man named “Lin Feihang” was the current boss of the older brother Asan, that is, the older brother’s older brother!

Ah San also repeatedly told them!

They know their eldest brother, so Ah San’s words can be said to scare them. They are now in awe of Lin Feihang!

So, although they are curious! I want to know what Lin Feihang would chat with Jiang Wenshi after he came, but he didn’t dare or would eavesdrop.

It is also unnecessary!

The less you know, the better.

More than twenty minutes later.

The bedroom door opened.

Lin Feihang walked out, followed by Jiang Wenshi, with a complex expression on his face.

Lin Feihang’s hands were very heavy, and Jiang Wenshi’s face was still swollen.

“Mr. Lin.” Several people stood up and greeted Lin Feihang.

“You live here for the time being, and Ah San will notify you to change places.” Lin Feihang put his hand in his pocket, said and gestured to Jiang Wenshi with his head, and said, “He doesn’t need to be tied up. Don’t hit him.”

“Okay Mr. Lin.”

“Mr. Lin, don’t worry.”

The skinny insider and the man with glasses hurriedly agreed.

Lin Feihang didn’t say much now.

Go straight away!

No one knows what Lin Feihang and Jiang Wenshi were talking about. After Lin Feihang left, Jiang Wenshi’s attitude became very strange. He went back to the bedroom without saying a word and closed the door.

The thin man sent Lin Feihang out, and asked when he came back. I opened the door and went into the bedroom to see Jiang Wenshi! .

I saw Jiang Wenshi sitting on a chair. He still didn’t say a word and was full of thoughts. See people come in. He just took a look, and then went on thinking about things in a daze.

Shenqing is sometimes excited, sometimes depressed, and sometimes a little anticipating.

Lin Feihang went downstairs and got on the car.

After sitting in the car, he first called Meng Xiaodie, and then drove on the road.

Ten minutes later.

The exact time is 4:31 in the afternoon!

Near Fengcheng Clothing City, Meiman Street, drink slowly.

Qing Bar is a relatively quiet bar that focuses on light music and is suitable for chatting with friends.

Lin Feihang parked the Lamborghini on the side of the road outside the Slow Drink Clear Bar, entered the Clear Bar, found a position near the corner to the south, and sat down. The Clear Bar waiter came over immediately.

Lin Feihang said he waited for his friends first, and didn’t have anything.

After a few minutes.

The exact time is 4:39:21 in the afternoon.

A man and a woman arm in arm to enter the Qing.

The men wear peaked caps and the women wear masks, and they all have a sense of mystery.

As if afraid of being recognized.

The two looked very close, like a couple.

At this time, Lin Feihang took out his mobile phone and turned it on to record the video. Then he leaned the mobile phone against the candle-shaped decorative lights on each table. The mobile phone and the decorative lights were staggered and the mobile phone camera was just diagonally opposite to the corner.

The man and the woman stopped after entering the clearing bar, looked around for a moment, then walked to Lin Feihang’s side, and sat down in the corner of the corner next to Lin Feihang’s position.

The light in the clear bar is very dim, most of the clear bars are decorated in this style, not without windows, but windows will be sealed.

Isolating the noise on the street outside is one aspect, and creating a quiet and dim environment is also one aspect!

There are many luminous decorations on the surrounding walls, and the light is generally dim.

It’s not dark yet, but you can’t see the sunlight outside the window in this clear bar.

This will give people a feeling of having entered the night and can listen to music here to relax and enjoy.

Because of time, there are not many guests in Qing Bar at this moment.

Very large space, through the arrangement of decks, a sense of region is divided!

The man and woman sat down next to Lin Feihang, with the aisle separated between the two decks.

But in fact, the distance is not far, Lin Feihang’s mobile phone is more than two meters away from them.

The sound range of the recorded video is still very large.

Neither of them noticed anything special on Lin Feihang’s table.

Because there are candle-shaped decorative lights, silent sieve cups, ashtrays and other things on the light and on each table.

The ones that haven’t been moved are put together, and at a glance, things are put together next to each other, and the “point” will not be found directly!

And most of Lin Feihang’s mobile phone was blocked by decorative lights.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can definitely see a mobile phone standing against a decorative lamp.

but! No one would observe more for no reason, carefully look at what is on the table next door, it is difficult to notice directly, and no one would think of it.

That man and woman didn’t pay much attention to Lin Feihang, let alone pay more attention!

Lin Feihang’s table is up!

It was just a young man who came to the bar to drink, nothing special.

Lin Feihang knew they would not pay attention.

After a man and a woman sat down, the man took off his cap and threw it on the table. He is a middle-aged man with short hair, in his forties, and looks pretty good.

The woman also took off her mask. She looked like she was in her forties, with a bit of beauty and heavy make-up.

It is much more beautiful than ordinary middle-aged women, and also has a somewhat refined feeling.

Both seem to be very rich.

The men wear famous watches worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the suits on them also seem to be customized, while the women are jewels with shining diamond rings.

“What to drink?” the man asked.

“You order.” The woman said slowly.

There is no need for the two to greet each other, and the waiter will come over.

After the two ordered drinks and fruit plates, they began to chat casually.

“Will you go back tonight?” the man asked.

“I have to go back, Lao Zhang has been home for the past few days. If he doesn’t go back, he will be suspicious. He asked me the last time.” The woman whispered.

“What did you ask?”

“Ask me why I went back so late, I said I went to a party with my friends and them.”

The man hurriedly asked again: “Does he doubt you?”

“That’s not the case, he just asked casually, he is so busy to die every day, where does he have time to stare at me.”

The two chatted shortly after the waiter came to deliver drinks and fruit plates. After the waiter walked away, the two continued to chat.

“Where is your wife? Does she still check you?” the woman asked.

“She checked her fart, last time she quarreled with me, I slapped her, now I am honest.” The man said.

“She didn’t suspect it on my head, did she?” The woman asked hurriedly again.

The man laughed, and then slowly said: “That’s not true, she doesn’t have this brain! How is it possible, don’t worry.”

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