Chapter VIII You have to be fortunate

The thin man touched his neck, turned around and glared at Jiang Wenshi.

“All out!” Lin Feihang said at this moment.

The thin man turned around and took a look at Lin Feihang, then glared at Jiang Wenshi again, and then went out.

The other two people at the door also retreated, and all three returned to the living room. Lin Feihang closed the bedroom door.

Lin Feihang was at the door.

Jiang Wenshi is by the window.

There are only two people left in the room.

Lin Feihang wandered around in the bedroom, took a look at the messy environment, slowly walked more than one meter away from Jiang Wenshi, his eyes fell on Jiang Wenshi again, and said, “Give me the knife.”

Jiang Wenshi stared at Lin Feihang. His breathing was still heavy. He raised his hand and handed the knife to Lin Feihang very slowly.


He let go, and the knife fell directly to the ground. Normally, this would distract people.

People will subconsciously look at the knife falling to the ground.

Jiang Wenshi kicked Lin Feihang the moment he let go of the sword!

Extremely fast!

Jiang Wenshi knew very well that he might not be able to beat Lin Feihang.

The photo taken by Lin Feihang and sent to him in the elevator. It can be said that he was scared, and he couldn’t believe it. That is something that one person can do, eleven killers were destroyed by one person’s anti-killing group!

Although after that, when talking with Asan, Asan said that he almost hurt Lu Xuanying. This made Jiang Wenshi “understand” that Asan and the others were not made by Lin Feihang alone. It was Lv Xuanying who rushed to the shot in time. The process was a bit more tortuous. The photos of the situation in the elevator should be forged!

But even so!

Lin Feihang was the main target of the attack, but he was unscathed. No matter what he thinks, Lin Feihang should have extremely high personal combat effectiveness!

so! Jiang Wenshi can judge Lin Feihang is very good!

He dared to call other people out now, and facing him alone with the knife, it also showed this point, otherwise Lin Feihang was doing his own death!

Jiang Wenshi didn’t know if he could beat Lin Feihang, but he still had to try it. He had no choice, no way out, he had to try it!

When a person is in a desperate situation, even if he knows he can’t do it, he still has to go!

What’s more, all this is speculation, and it may not be true!

The knife is still falling to the ground!

Jiang Wenshi has already kicked over, Jiang Wenshi is professional. Very fierce!

Lin Feihang’s gaze was not attracted by the falling knife. The moment Jiang Wenshi raised his foot, he also moved, also raising his foot.

Although the two raised their feet one after another.

However, Lin Feihang was faster, and in an instant a situation of kicking was formed, but when he heard a “bang”, Jiang Wenshi’s legs were retracted all of a sudden, and his body crooked.

He was kicked by Lin Feihang until his legs were bent!

Lin Feihang’s reaction awareness and control power directly formed a very terrifying feeling towards Jiang Wenshi!

But Jiang Wenshi did not give up easily.

At the moment when his body crooked, he swung a heavy fist towards Lin Feihang’s lower body.

Lin Feihang raised his hand and slapped his backhand.


A loud slap!

Jiang Wenshi’s body shook again, and he lifted his knees in the swing, wanting to hit Lin Feihang’s heart!

Lin Feihang cut diagonally downward with his hand, and hit Jiang Wenshi’s inner thigh with a step forward, then went back to the elbow and struck Jiang Wenshi’s abdomen.

Jiang Wenshi bowed after being beaten, and smashed Lin Feihang’s neck with a knife.

Lin Feihang grabbed his wrist with a backhand and snapped!

“Ah!!!” Jiang Wenshi screamed in an instant, thumped, and knelt directly in front of Lin Feihang. You can’t kneel. Lin Feihang breaks the angle of his arm. He doesn’t kneel. The hand will be broken by Lin Feihang, only the body is facing. To relieve the pain.

Jiang Wenshi’s leg was hit hard, but he couldn’t hold his back.

Everything is complicated, but it actually happened in a very short period of time, from when Jiang Wenshi suddenly kicked towards Lin Feihang to when he knelt down under Lin Feihang’s hands, it only took a few seconds.

Every time he attacked, Lin Feihang was beaten back and beaten!

Jiang Wenshi was still very “hard”. He was particularly resistant. Lin Feihang fought back several times. He neither backed up nor was knocked down, but after all, Lin Feihang broke his arm and knelt down.

After all, he was a little older, more than forty years old, and passed the peak period.

Only in terms of fighting ability. There is a level gap between him and Lin Feihang, not to mention that Lin Feihang still has that abnormal reaction consciousness!

All three of Ah San’s cronies in the living room outside heard the screams, but they did not break into the bedroom because the screaming was Jiang Wenshi!

Lin Feihang slowly relaxed some of his hand strength.

Jiang Wenshi stopped screaming! But it didn’t struggle, or the intention to attack Lin Feihang again.

At this moment, Jiang Wenshi already understood that he really had no chance for Shanglin Feihang.

Lin Feihang saw that Jiang Wenshi had stopped, so he let go.

“Give me the knife.” Lin Feihang said coldly again!

When Jiang Wenshi squeezed his right shoulder with his left hand, he heard Lin Feihang’s words, he glanced at the dagger that fell on the ground, and he picked it up next to him.

He handed it to Lin Feihang again.

Jiang Wenshi didn’t play any tricks this time. Handed over the weapons that could bring him a sense of security and finally rely on.

Lin Feihang took the dagger, looked at it while playing, and smiled at Jiang Wenshi: “You have to be thankful, you have left room for yourself.”

Jiang Wenshi really left room for himself!

That is, instead of attacking Lin Feihang with a knife, he used his fists and feet.

The concept of using a knife is completely different.

Jiang Wenshi was not sure whether he could beat Lin Feihang or not, whether Lin Feihang also had a gun on his body, so he was always cautious, and he didn’t use a knife!

If he lost with a knife, Lin Feihang might have killed him directly!

“I know! What you fear. It is the Li family and the Lin family, and there is even the Lu family among them.”

“Whether it is Li Yunlong or Lu Yingyi, I want you to die now!” Lin Feihang said again, turning around and pacing.

“Actually, many things are not what you think!”

Lin Feihang said as he passed the cabinet by the wall. He stuck the dagger on it, and then stretched out his hand, pulled a chair on the other side and turned it around.

Turning to sit down, Lin Feihang raised Erlang’s legs and looked at Jiang Wenshi with a smile.

“Let’s change our mindset. Although you don’t want to die. But you think you are bound to die, so even if you die, you want to make your own death worthwhile, such as protecting your family!”

Lin Feihang smiled and paused for a while, then said: “But in fact, nothing is inevitable!”

at the same time.

In the living room.

The stout man and the white man with glasses were sitting on the sofa. They were talking in low voices, while the thin man paced back and forth in front of the sofa.

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