Chapter 807 Don’t you want to talk to me?

Anyway, he is about to die. If he died early, the Li family would not think he was a traitor!

Will not harm his family!

At noon today, Jiang Wenshi even thought of death.

He had decided, but he was suddenly tied up.

I don’t know why, I was just locked up in the room before, not tied up.

And now he was plunged into deep despair.

Until the appearance of Lin Feihang.

A silver lining is here!

“Let me go! Otherwise I will kill him!” Jiang Wenshi shouted to Lin Feihang, who had a calm face, the dagger in his hand hooked back, and he also subconsciously took a step back.

The thin man was kidnapped by him and had bleeding marks on his neck.

He is actually very good. But now that the knife is in Jiang Wenshi’s hands, he doesn’t dare to move at all.

Jiang Wenshi’s skill is stronger than him!

Although Jiang Wenshi is over forty years old, his skills are not as good as when he was young, but he is still extremely strong!

Even Asan called him “Jiang Ye” not only because he was from the Li family, but also because Asanjing was a man! It is especially good at fighting!

Compared to the skill, in the empty-handed state, Asan can beat him five to five!

In terms of marksmanship, Jiang Wenshi is even stronger!

But if he took a knife or cold weapon, Jiang Wenshi would not be able to beat Ah San.

“What did you do”

“Cao, you!”

The other two people in the living room with the door open noticed the situation in the bedroom. After hearing Jiang Wenshi’s yelling, they came over and cursed, and at the same time, one drew out a short knife, and the other white-and-white spectacle man directly took out the May Fourth Movement from his arms and aimed directly at Jiang Wenshi’s head!

“Let me go!!” Jiang Wenshi ignored them at all, still shouting to Lin Feihang.

At this moment, Jiang Wenshi was very excited, with blue veins violent on his forehead.

Jiang Wenshi knows very well! These three confidants of Ah San have guns.

I also know that each of these three are desperadoes, with murder cases on their backs! If you say go alone, no one is his opponent.

But the three of them were together, whether it was to beat him or kill him. It’s all very relaxing!

This is the reason why Jiang Wenshi didn’t dare to mess around in the past few days. He knew that he had no chance, and it would be useless to hold one of them. The other two dared to take the risk and shoot him directly!

People who dare to kill their lives.

But when Lin Feihang came, the situation was different.

Lin Feihang is the one who can call the shots.

The hostage of this trick is useless to the desperadoes, but it is useful to the principal.

The difference is that if the former allows people to run away and cannot explain to the person in charge, they cannot be the master and let others go, while in the latter, he is the boss and he can be the master!

Therefore, Jiang Wenshi kidnapped the thin man and only yelled at Lin Feihang, threatening Lin Feihang to let him go! But ignore the other two.

This is the only chance.

There is no way!

Jiang Wenshi wanted to see if Lin Feihang watched the man who killed him, that would chill the rest of his staff.

“Why bother?” Lin Feihang calmly smiled at Jiang Wenshi and said slowly.

While speaking, Lin Feihang also raised his hand and motioned to the person next to him to put down the gun.

“Let me go. I won’t hurt him! From now on, the matter between you and the Li family has nothing to do with me! Let me go!!!” Jiang Wenshi was really getting more excited, he couldn’t hold back his emotions, he had been holding back for several days. .

If Jiang Wenshi had seen Lin Feihang when he was first arrested, he would definitely not be in this emotional state.

Jiang Wenshi has been thinking too much these days, and the more he thinks about it, the more he gets scared. The more I think about it, the more desperate I get.

My thoughts have passed those twists and turns, and I have reached the mental state that I feel I have already figured out. I can run and die, and I can’t look back!

“A lot of things, it’s okay if you say it’s okay.” Lin Feihang smiled and looked at Jiang Wenshi with a light tone, and then said slowly: “For example, the dirty things you did for the Li family over the years. Women and children in the U.S. state of California might die in fires or robberies, don’t you think I’m right?”

When Jiang Wenshi heard these words, his face changed instantly.

“I heard that the scenery in Santa Clara is very good. You haven’t been back in two years?” Lin Feihang said again, and he laughed again.

Jiang Wenshi’s face changed drastically.

Lin Feihang’s two simple sentences revealed a lot of information.

Santa Clara is a place name, a county under the jurisdiction of the U.S. State of California. This is a well-known city, part of Silicon Valley, where the headquarters of many international giants are located.

In terms of population structure, more than 35% of the population is Asian.

Jiang Wenshi’s woman and children live in Santa Clara.

This is something that even no one inside the Li family knows. They should be able to find out, but they definitely didn’t know before the investigation!

Lin Feihang knew.

Lin Feihang still knows! Jiang Wenshi went abroad last time to see his own women and children. It was two years ago.

Lin Feihang said slowly, “Don’t you want to talk to me?”

Lin Feihang should ask Jiang Wenshi with a little playful tone.

Lin Feihang mentioned the place where his women and children lived, and also talked about fires and car accidents.

That’s right! Jiang Wenshi understood it right, Lin Feihang was threatening him!

When talking with Asan, Lin Feihang didn’t want to give Asan the feeling of threatening him, but Asan made his own decision, and even gave Asan the gun!

But for Jiang Wenshi, Lin Feihang felt it unnecessary.

People are different from people, Jiang Wenshi’s character is the same as Ah San’s character. There is a big difference. San is the kind of person who can’t say how to torture him, but Jiang Wenshi is not like that.

Jiang Wenshi’s thinking is often more flexible than Ah San.

Moreover, Jiang Wenshi’s situation is much more complicated than that of Ah San. After all, Jiang Wenshi has worked for the Li family for 20 years, and Lin Feihang and Li Yunlong are endlessly dying!

Lin Feihang knows. Jiang Wenshi has thought about everything and knows it. If it hadn’t been for me to call at noon today, and told Ah San to tie up Jiang Wenshi, Jiang Wenshi might have been unable to withstand the pressure and jumped off the building today.

The only thing that can contain him is his daughter and children.

Jiang Wenshi stared at Lin Feihang, with blue veins still arching on his forehead, Jiang Wenshi’s breathing began to increase gradually!


Jiang Wenshi fiercely raised the hand holding the knife to the side, and pushed the thin man with the other hand.

Pushing it towards the door, it took two steps to stand firm.

Jiang Wenshi still held the knife and backed up to the window.

Let go.

Jiang Wenshi’s attitude came out.

But Jiang Wenshi still refused to put down the knife. He wanted to talk to Lin Feihang. But he didn’t want to be “slaughtered by others”, the knife was his only reliance.

In fact, this is just a self-comforting behavior, because Lin Feihang has a gun here, and it doesn’t make sense for him to take a knife.

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