Chapter 800 Senior, I beg you

Deng Hongxia said in a very formal way: “If not, I would like to invite you to my company. You can think about it. If possible, we can talk in detail in person.”

“I…Ok…I can…” Tian Sizhu was so excited, she even agreed to be a bit eager.

“Unexpectedly, I will be so smooth now.” Deng Hongxia said a little surprised.

Then Deng Hongxia said again: “Then… can I ask Miss Tian, ​​you and Mr. Feihang, are you friends? I don’t know if you can recommend me or give me his phone number. He is very good, I think… …”

“Okay! No problem, I… I have to ask him first, right away! Call you back right away, wait a moment, soon.” Tian Sizhu did not wait for Deng Hongxia to finish, but immediately agreed.

Tian Sizhu hung up the phone first, and Tian Sizhu immediately turned around and ran to the door of the private room.

When he reached the door, he pushed the door directly and broke in.

At this moment, Zhang Bingbing was standing aside.

But it still looks a little weird, but as long as Zhang Bingbing is not sitting in Lin Feihang’s arms, then she is just a little weird anywhere in this private room! But this is not a problem.

Tian Sizhu in a normal state, seeing this situation, might ask.

But now she didn’t ask, and nothing shocked her! She was still in a state of extreme excitement and excitement.

“Senior! Do you know? It was Deng Hongxia… Deng Hongxia called me. She said she was going to sign me and ask me to go to her company. Ahhhhhhh!” Tian Sizhu said excitedly, screaming with excitement. .

It can be said that Tian Sizhu is a “little girl”.

Tian Sizhu is not young anymore, but she is only a sophomore. Her sentiment towards idols is different from those pure star-chaser girls. But it’s not much different.

“Zhuzhu, don’t make any noise!” Zhang Bingbing reacted quickly. After a moment of slowing down, Tian Sizhu’s voice reminded Tian Sizhu with a high voice, and his eyes were annoying but also petting and gentle: “This is a public place, pay attention to politeness. ”

“Mom!” Tian Sizhu yelled like a spoiled child, and then hurried a few steps to Zhang Bingbing’s side, took Zhang Bingbing’s arm and jumped twice, still super excited: “Deng Hongxia, it’s Deng Hongxia!”

“Hmm, I see, you idol.” Zhang Bingbing smiled helplessly and dealt with his daughter.

Xiao Zengling, the female bodyguard outside the door, closed the door of the private room again.

Tian Sizhu excited her mother and went to the other side of the table two more steps, turned and sat down directly, facing Lin Feihang. Pressing her elbows on the table, she leaned forward and excitedly said to Lin Feihang: “Senior, senior, Deng Hongxia wants to sign me!”

Tian Sizhu was really too excited.

Share your joy with others.

“Wow! Well, congratulations.” Lin Feihang cooperated with Tian Sizhu, and said with a deliberately exaggerated smile.

This made Tian Sizhu calm down a lot.

“Cut! Senior, you are very good in the street. Not sincere at all.” Tian Sizhu curled his mouth and said. But he got close again immediately, and excitedly said to Lin Feihang: “Senior, this is Deng Hongxia, how can you be so calm? She wants to sign me! She wants to sign you too. She also asked me your phone number. You Your song is more popular than me, and you are so talented, she will definitely praise you, you can be a big star!”

Tian Sizhu spoke very fast at this moment.

Tian Sizhu is not like this normally! But now she is in the same state as an ordinary migrant worker who suddenly won a big prize of 100 million yuan. The pie in the sky was stunned for herself, and she was excited and a little nervous and uncontrollable.

Deng Hongxia is not only her idol, but also closely linked with her musical dreams.

Just as Tian Sizhu was talking with Lin Feihang, Zhang Bingbing leaned against Lin Feihang, signaled for a moment, and Lin Feihang moved inside.

Zhang Bingbing sat down next to Lin Feihang and said to himself, “The air conditioner over there is so cold.”

Zhang Bingbing is looking for a supplement for himself.

Tian Sizhu didn’t even ask why she was standing next to Lin Feihang, but she found a reason for herself, making Tian Sizhu think that she was actually about to change her position just now, because the air conditioner on the other side was blowing. cold.

Tian Sizhu still didn’t pay attention to what Zhang Bingbing said casually.

In fact, that scene has passed, and Tian Sizhu couldn’t think much about it.

Zhang Bingbing was too scared in his heart and a little guilty, so he took the initiative to find a supplement.

“Senior, can I give your phone number to Deng Hongxia?” Tian Sizhu had already mentioned this to Lin Feihang. Before Lin Feihang could answer, a pitiful expression appeared on her extremely beautiful face, and she said: “Senior, please, don’t refuse me, okay? We are together, right?”

Tian Sizhu really cares too much.

Tian Sizhu was afraid that Lin Feihang would disagree.

In that case, Deng Hongxia would not be able to win Lin Feihang, a popular amateur singer, and signing her Tian Sizhu’s mind, I am afraid that this will also change.

After all, these songs were written by Lin Feihang.

Tian Sizhu didn’t think that Lin Feihang didn’t want to be a big star to make a lot of money, just! Not necessarily want to sign Deng Hongxia’s company.

Deng Hongxia is a female singer, and most of the newcomers she cultivated are female singers.

“You can give her my mobile phone number.” Lin Feihang thought for a while and smiled at Tian Sizhu: “But I have no plans to debut.”

“Don’t make a debut?” Tian Sizhu was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, with some doubts.

I don’t understand Lin Feihang’s thoughts at all.

“Senior, don’t you want to make money?” Tian Sizhu asked Lin Fei Channel.

“Yes, but can’t I make money when I write songs?” Lin Feihang said with a smile.

“Then you make more money when you debut! Could it be…”

Tian Sizhu slowed down for a while, then said, “Don’t you let your girlfriend make your debut?”

At this moment, Tian Sizhu’s tone was wrong. Because Zhang Bingbing was present, she didn’t say the word “rich wife”. It would hurt Lin Feihang’s face very much.

“Zhuzhu, do you have to discuss with me about your signing of the company?” Zhang Bingbing said suddenly. The tone is still gentle and sweet! But his eyes were looking at his daughter very seriously.

“Mom…” Tian Sizhu looked at Zhang Bingbing, suddenly a little wilted.

Zhang Bingbing is a person with a great contrast between the inside and the outside. Her tenderness is usually only superficial. She is a woman called “Black Widow”.

Tian Sizhu really knows his mother too well.

He didn’t dare to confront his mother.

“Mom…Mom…” Tian Sizhu yelled twice. The tone became more and more coquettish.

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