Chapter 801: Are you not happy?

When Tian Sizhu stretched out her hand, she directly grabbed the hand of her mother Zhang Bingbing and begged: “You just let me sign, I promise it will not affect my studies. If I don’t participate in activities, I will make music seriously. It will not affect too much time. Mother, please…”

In the end, Tian Sizhu seemed to be a little cute.

This can be regarded as a very normal state in which a daughter is acting like a baby and begging her mother.

“Does this affect your studies?” Zhang Bingbing asked with extremely serious eyes.

“Yeah, I promise, it will definitely not affect.” Tian Sizhu nodded quickly.

“Then you won’t make your debut?” Zhang Bingbing asked again.

“It’s not a debut.” Tian Sizhu thought for a while and said.

“Can they sign you?” Zhang Bingbing asked again immediately.

“Mom! You don’t understand that Deng Hongxia is purely making music, so I can just send songs. Besides, the conditions in our family are not bad, so I can talk to her. I’m not trying to make money.” Tian Sizhu shook herself lightly. Mother’s hand and arm, said a little.

Good or bad.

Tian Sizhu is confident about signing any music company. Even if she doesn’t make a real debut, it will not bring more benefits to the company. At best, it will bring song revenue sharing. Signing the company is a matter of minutes.

Her self-confidence is built on her own family background.

Tianlan Group, a clothing giant, represents the capital and connections. Which company is unwilling to build a relationship?

So the problem with signing the company is not other, only whether Zhang Bingbing agrees.

“She said she would like to meet and talk with me. Mom, if you don’t worry, you can also talk with her. Okay?”

“All right! But… I want to participate in the whole process, I have to know what to do.” Zhang Bingbing reluctantly agreed and said.

“Okay, okay, you must be involved in watching!” Tian Sizhu said as she stood up, and leaned forward and kissed Zhang Bingbing’s cheek, and then said: “I love you to death, mom, I will go now. Call up!”

Tian Sizhu went out quickly.

Go out and call. She didn’t fight in front of her face because there were some things she couldn’t say clearly to Deng Hongxia in front of her mother.

The door of the private room closed again.

Lin Feihang glanced at his watch, then smiled while holding his coffee, and took another sip.

Zhang Bingbing glanced at Lin Feihang with the wrong eyes.

What she was thinking about now was not about her daughter singing, but still wondering if Lin Feihang was an unknown prophet?

“My face is blooming? Why do you look at me?” Lin Feihang put down the coffee cup and smiled at Zhang Bingbing.

“What color am I wearing today?” Zhang Bingbing asked directly and softly, just wanting to try Lin Feihang.

“You test me!” Lin Feihang said, looking at Zhang Bingbing.

“Yeah.” Zhang Bingbing nodded, it was Kaolin Feihang, whether he could really know everything.

Lin Feihang smiled with a weird corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hand, his fingers hooked the flap of Zhang Bingbing’s skirt and pulled it apart, and glanced inward.

“White.” Lin Feihang said with a smile, then let go of his hand.

Zhang Bingbing asked him to guess, but he was watching directly!

“Let me guess, it’s necrotic.” Zhang Bingbing lightly punched Lin Feihang’s shoulder, and said grotesquely.

“Why guess? It’s not that I can’t watch.” Lin Feihang smiled.

Zhang Bingbing felt that Lin Feihang seemed to be concealing something deliberately and didn’t want to reveal it, so he used this method to resolve his own problems.

“Then you… you haven’t answered me yet, how do you know that Zhuzhu will come in?” She asked Lin Feihang directly again.

“Guess.” Lin Feihang said directly without thinking.

Lin Feihangyue is like this. Zhang Bingbing became more and more suspicious. Does Lin Feihang have any special abilities that a “strange man and stranger” should have? She had already thought Lin Feihang was a strange person before, and now it is even worse.

Zhang Bingbing thought for a moment and turned her head and glanced at the door. She turned her head again and got close to Lin Feihang, hooked Lin Feihang’s arm, and said softly and sweetly: “Husband, can you tell me now, OK?”

Zhang Bingbing’s voice was very low.

Zhang Bingbing began to act like a baby.

She is actually not against being a baby at her age, because she used to be 10 points, she now looks too, still young!

“What do you want me to tell you?” Lin Feihang asked Zhang Bingbing with a smile. Turning his head and staring at her.

“Just tell me…” Zhang Bingbing wanted to say, but suddenly stopped, and then said: “Forget it.”

Zhang Bingbing suddenly stopped asking.

If this matter were to be replaced by a little girl, it would definitely have to create a basic question. I couldn’t help but be curious, always wanting to explore the meaning.

Zhang Bingbing’s mental thinking is naturally not comparable to that of a little girl.

She understood that Lin Feihang didn’t want to say that if she asked too much, it would only cause boredom.

Why must we know?

As long as I understand in my heart that Lin Feihang is different, that’s it!

“Lv Xuanying went home with you yesterday?” Zhang Bingbing asked Lin Fei Channel again. She took the initiative to change the subject.

“Hmm.” Lin Feihang nodded and replied.

“How many times have you guys?” Zhang Bingbing asked again, still gentle and sweet.

After a few minutes……

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and then the door opened, and it was Tian Sizhu who came back after the phone call.

Lin Feihang and Zhang Bingbing sat side by side, both holding coffee cups, naturally chatting.

“Senior, Deng Hongxia said that she wants to meet and talk to me. She also wants to see you, she might call you!” Tian Sizhu was still very happy, very excited, and walked to the opposite side to sit down and spoke very quickly. The situation is probably clarified.

Simply put, it hasn’t been negotiated yet. You need to talk in person.

Tian Sizhu talked about his family situation and his mother’s opinion.

Deng Hongxia said that she was willing to come to Jiangbei City to meet Tian Sizhu, mainly because she would meet Zhang Bingbing.

Deng Hongxia will also see Lin Feihang, and may also call Lin Feihang in advance.

But she didn’t say when she would come to Jiangbei City or when she would call Lin Feihang.

These are still uncertain.

“Senior, why are you not excited at all? What’s the matter?” Tian Sizhu asked after watching Lin Feihang’s reaction.

Tian Sizhu felt that Lin Feihang’s mood was a bit too flat.

Tian Sizhu asked: “Deng Hongxia wants to come to see you, she wants to talk to you face to face, aren’t you happy?”

“Well, happy.” Lin Feihang smiled and said in a perfunctory manner.

“I really don’t understand you.” Tian Sizhu pouted slightly, because Deng Hongxia was her idol and she liked it so much.

But Lin Feihang didn’t seem to have any feelings for Deng Hongxia.

she! Naturally, he would not have thought that Lin Feihang would not be surprised by Deng Hongxia at all. All of this was in his grasp.

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